wild flowers in mountain village

Chapter 149 0166: Big eyes blinked

Chapter 149 0166: Big eyes blinked

Seeing that the cow cub was not at home, the king of Zhai was afraid that he would not be able to stand up to Xiaoqin's one, so he said he wanted to go home.After he left Xiaoqin's house, he didn't walk towards the house, but turned to the direction of the village committee.

Zhai Wang wanted to see if Wang Wen was in the village committee.

Although Wang Wen is a bit bookish, he can still learn some knowledge by chatting with him sometimes.After all, Wang Wen was also a book lover in the village.

Zhai Wang found that Wang Wen has become more energetic recently than before, and also thinks he is cuter than before.Zhai Wang thinks of Wang Wen, and of course he also thinks of his wife Haiyan.

Haiyan teased herself in the car, trying to warm up with herself, but she was not in the mood at the time.Later, because of Narcissus, I wanted to go to her to get rid of my troubles, but she seemed to be a different person, and she no longer wanted to warm up the smell.

Zhai Wang thought about this and went to the village committee.

The door of the village committee was closed. It seemed that Wang Wen would not come here in the afternoon.

"It's rare to be free! Go in and read some free books." Thinking so, King Zhai opened the door and entered his office.

Zhai Wang likes the novels of the young writer Cai Cehai very much.Cai Cehai's short story "The Sound of Logging Far Away" left a deep impression on him.Later he learned that Cai Cehai was from Hunan or a Tujia nationality, so he fell in love with his novels.

When Zhai Wang went to the county to search for books a few days ago, he saw a novella by Cai Cehai in a "Selected Novella" and bought it.

Zhai Wang hasn't read this novella yet, so he just read it in his spare time in the afternoon.

Zhai Wang came to his desk, sat down, opened the drawer, took out a book and started to read.

Zhai Wang reads books and enters the play very quickly.After reading it for a while, he entered into the plot of the book.

Qin Wei visited the village committee several times.She herself doesn't understand why she likes to wander around.Could it be that he desperately wanted to see the king of the village?

When Qin Wei thinks this way, red clouds will always appear on her face.

Qin Wei turned out from the woods to the path and saw that the door of the village committee was open, her heart beat faster.

The door was closed when she came.Seeing that the door was closed, she walked into the woods and wandered around for a while.Turning out, the door opened.

While Qin Wei's heart was beating faster, she remembered how many times she came here. Although she saw the door open once, she went in and met Wang Wen practicing calligraphy in his own office, while General Tie was guarding the office of Zhai Wang.

Qin Wei hoped that the Zhai Wang's door would be open this time, while Wang Wen's door would be closed.

Qin Wei thought about entering the gate, she first looked at the door of Wang Wen's office, and her heart beat faster when she saw it.Wang Wen is not here, it must be the king of the village.

Qin Wei turned to look at Zhai Wang's office, and the door was indeed open.She couldn't see King Zhai, so she walked towards the door.

Qin Wei saw the king of the village.

The king of the village is holding a book.The book covered half of his face.Qin Wei's heart seemed to jump when she saw Zhai Wang's thick sword eyebrows and his big piercing eyes.

"King Zhai, you are reading again!" After Qin Wei said those words, her heart seemed to return to a little calm.

Zhai Wang raised his head, saw that it was Qin Wei, and put down the book in his hand, "Qin Wei is you, come in and sit down." Zhai Wang saw Qin Wei's lips twitched, and pulled the hem of his clothes again.

Qin Wei sat down opposite Zhai Wang's desk, picked up the book, and looked at the cover: ""Selected Novellas"! This book is very good-looking, and I also like to read it in the factory!"

Zhai Wang watched Qin Wei's thin lips open and close, and asked with a smile, "How do you say I'm reading again? When did you see me reading? Do you want to add the word 'again'?"

"The king of the village knows everything. He must have read a lot of books. It's not wrong to add the word 'you'!" Qin Wei raised her head, and her eyes shifted from the book to the king of the village.

Her gaze met Zhai Wang's gaze, and she quickly moved away, her face flushed a little more.

Zhai Wang looked at her subtle movements and thought to himself, after all, she is a young woman, and she is still a little shy and restrained.

"Are you here to ask about the divorce? Have you received the notice of the court hearing?" Zhai Wang asked.

"The notice of the court hearing has come. There is nothing to ask about the divorce. You Zhai Wang is already confident, so why ask? I went out to wander around, went to the woods to get some fresh air, and when I came out, the door was open, so I went in. "Qin Wei looked at Zhai Wang as she spoke, and tugged at the hem of her clothes again.

Only then did King Zhai notice her clothes.She was wearing a floral light blue blouse, which was thin and had a round neckline, revealing the whiteness of her neck and the unevenness hidden by the clothes.

Seeing Zhai Wang looking at her, Qin Wei smiled and said, "Zhai Wang, do I look good in this dress?"

"You look good. You look better than Grandma when she was young." Zhai Wang said with a smile.

"Really?" Qin Wei cupped her black hair with her hands and tossed it back, the tender white area under her neck increased even more.

"Of course it's true. Your facial features are as regular as your grandmother's, and your figure is as beautiful as your grandmother's when she was young, but the charm on your body is more vivid than when your grandmother was young!" Zhai Wang said with a smile.

"The king of Zhai reads a lot, and he is a high-level person." After Qin Wei finished speaking, she smiled slightly, and touched her upper lip to her lower lip again.

Zhai Wang swallowed subconsciously: "It's your people who made me think of these words. If it weren't for your beauty, no matter how many books I read, I wouldn't be able to think of these words!"

Qin Wei couldn't help trembling in her heart, she boldly said, "Zhai Wang, no wonder you are so attractive to women, your words are very magnetic!"

"Hahaha, I didn't expect you, Qin Wei, to be so good at talking? Is it because you love reading novels?" Zhai Wang stared into Qin Wei's eyes, and he wanted to visit her inner world.

"I don't read novels to learn knowledge, but to pass the time. Can you guess whose book I read the most?" Qin Wei has lost her restraint, and her big eyes boldly meet the gaze of the king of the village.

"Gu Long's martial arts novel? Or Liang Yusheng's martial arts novel?" King Zhai asked pretending to be curious.

"Not at all. Guess again." Qin Wei looked at Zhai Wang and smiled.

"I really can't figure it out. Young people nowadays like to read martial arts novels! There are a lot of people watching the video "Huo Yuanjia." Zhai Wang said with a smile.

"That's a man's hobby. Women and men have different hobbies, King Zhai, don't you think so?" Qin Wei tugged at the hem of her clothes again, her chest suddenly bulged.

"Right, right! Why do I think according to the books that men like to read? Do you like to read Qiong Yao's romance novels?" Zhai Wang still looked into Qin Wei's eyes.

"Zhai Wang, you are really too smart." Qin Wei smiled.

"What are you smart about? You guessed it several times, and you only guessed it after reminding you."

"King Zhai, you are teasing me. In fact, you already knew in your heart that I like to read Qiong Yao's romance novels, didn't you?" Qin Wei blinked her big eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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