wild flowers in mountain village

Chapter 150 0167: He only watched Qin Wei move

Chapter 150 0167: He only watched Qin Wei move
Zhai Wang saw Qin Wei's big eyes blinking, and heard her say that she was teasing her, he really wanted to tease her.

"Qin Wei, did you learn to wink at your eyes just now? Or did something get into your eyes?" King Zhai said with a smile.

Qin Wei gathered up the black hair on her chest and tossed it back, pulled the skirt of her clothes, looked at Zhai Wang with a smile, and said, "Zhai Wang, do you seem to be winking?"

When Zhai Wang saw her asking back, he thought to himself, I underestimated her.She looks quiet and innocent, but she is actually very smart and well-behaved.

"I think it's a bit like learning to wink. After learning it, it will come in handy when you are divorced and looking for a partner!" Zhai Wang looked at Qin Wei and threw the problem from himself to an outsider.

"King Zhai, don't you think about yourself? Maybe I'm just flirting instead of imitating. Who do you think I'm throwing this wink at?" Qin Wei finished speaking, but her lips and gaze remained the same. He boldly met the eyes of the king of the village.

"Qin Wei, my impression of you has completely changed in a few days." Zhai Wang changed the subject.

"Oh. I used to be very different from now? For the better? Or worse?" Qin Wei smiled.

"This can't be judged by good or bad. When you just came back, I think you were a little shy. Now you are more courageous and can speak well." Zhai Wang and her looked at each other and smiled at each other.

"Of course I'm a little rusty when I just came back, so I'm restrained. The word eloquent should be applied to you, King Zhai. I feel happy chatting with you, so naturally I talk a lot." Qin Wei blinked again as she spoke. Eye.

King Zhai clearly felt that Qin Wei blinked on purpose to give himself a hint, but her winking eyes were indeed not as good as Xueer's.

"It's good if you can feel happy. People are alive, and happiness is more important than anything else."

"Yes. King Zhai, do you like reading Qiong Yao's books?" Qin Wei suddenly changed the subject.

"I don't like it very much, but I have read a few of them," Zhai Wang said.

"Qiong Yao's books, when writing about love, often use misunderstandings to create love conflicts between men and women. You said that two people who really love each other should have a tacit understanding. Why are there so many misunderstandings?" Qin Wei asked for advice. look.

"I don't quite understand this. Maybe people who love each other too deeply care about each other too much. If they care too much, they pay special attention to details, which leads to more misunderstandings and misunderstandings. What I said casually has no basis." King Zhai laughed speak.

"You said it casually, but you dissected it from the heart. Zhai Wang, if you also write novels, it must be very good to write?"

"Hahaha! I write novels? Who will read them? No one will read them." Zhai Wang said with a smile, but he remembered Yunque. He once told Yunque that if Yunque wrote novels, he would do well.

"There must be someone who likes to watch it. At least I like it." Qin Wei's fingers stroked the hair that fell to her chest again.

"If you can't write it well, you won't like it." Zhai Wang was still thinking about it with Yunque, so he had to follow Qin Wei's words.

"I like it even if I can't write it well. I like you, so I will naturally like the novel you wrote." Qin Wei looked at Zhai Wang, so bold that even she herself was a little surprised.

This is the second time she said that she likes herself.The difference is that last time she was a little shy, but this time she was bold and more straightforward.

"Just like me, and we will be happy when we chat. Don't you think so?" Zhai Wang deliberately understated, he said so indifferently, he separated liking from love.

"Yeah. People say that it's not speculative. Only when you like it, you have something to say, right?" Qin Wei tugged at the front of her clothes again.

"Of course. I like it, and I talk a lot." Zhai Wang answered briefly.

"So, you like me too, don't you?" Qin Wei looked at Zhai Wang, her eyes became hot.

When Zhai Wang heard "you like me too", he couldn't help being startled, and his thoughts were quickly taken back from Yunque.

"Yeah. I like you. You are very likable. Your father and mother also like you very much. Don't you?" Zhai Wang thought of her mother, so he had to change the topic again.

"King Zhai, why are you avoiding my topic?"

"No! You said you like it, and I also said 'like' with you, why did you avoid it?" Zhai Wang looked at Qin Wei's lips and thought, I want to bite your lips too!It's just that your grandmother and I also bit our lips. You are her daughter, so it's not easy for me to say anything.

"You just avoided it! You clearly know that I like it, not what you said." Qin Wei threw back the hair on her chest, pulled the front of her clothes, straightened her chest, and sat up straight.

King Zhai's Adam's apple moved subconsciously, "Why do you say you like it differently from what I said." Seeing Qin Wei's cute appearance, King Zhai felt a little turbulent.

"You just know, you know that the liking I said is the liking between a man and a woman, it's love. You deliberately diverted, do you not like me?" Qin Wei has already begun to attack boldly.

Qin Wei's offense was different from other women in the village.The other women in the village used their bodies as weapons of attack.She, on the other hand, uses words as a powerful weapon.

Body weapons are powerful and quick to work, but they don't last long.Moreover, once you attack, you can't break through, and it is difficult to let nature take its course if you attack again.

Discourse weapons seem to have little power and slow effect, but they are long-lasting and memorable.If there are too many attacks, they will gather together and then explode.

The king of Zhai was attacked by her words last time, and the power of the last time has not subsided. This time, she organized an attack again, and the attack was more violent than the last time.

King Zhai was obviously overwhelmed. He couldn't think of a better move to resolve it, so he said blankly: "How could I not like you? I like you."

"The king of Zhai likes me, I'm so happy." Qin Wei stood up, crossed her fingers and stretched forward, "I'm a little tired from sitting!"

Zhai Wang looked at Qin Wei's stretching and contracting hands, causing her chest to tremble slightly, as if throwing a small stone in a calm pond.

Qin Wei didn't need Zhai Wang's answer, "If I move around, I will feel much more comfortable, Zhai Wang, or you can try it too." As she spoke, Qin Wei shook her head from side to side a few more times, and then, she Hands on hips also swayed from side to side a few times.

Zhai Wang didn't know what to say for a while, he just watched Qin Wei move.

Qin Wei changed from a static beauty to a dynamic beauty. Although she didn't attack directly with her body, but because of her words as an advance attack, the Zhaiwang's defense line almost collapsed.

King Zhai looked at Qin Wei with a smile on her face and continued to do simple but energetic movements. He took an extremely passive defensive measure: he closed his eyes and regained his composure.

Qin Wei saw Zhai Wang closed her eyes, she stopped moving, looked at Zhai Wang with a smug smile on her face.

Qin Wei quietly walked to Zhai Wang's side.

(End of this chapter)

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