wild flowers in mountain village

Chapter 23 0027: Beautiful Zhang Yi

Chapter 23 0027: Good Memories

Cher is intoxicated by fond memories.Cher continued to reminisce about some past events after the wedding night.

The next morning, Xueer woke up and saw Zheng Shuang was still asleep with a smile on his lips.Xue'er sat up, bent down, and kissed the tip of his nose.Zheng Shuang turned around without opening his eyes.

Zheng Shuang opened his eyes under Xue'er's action: "You still want to be happy?" Xue'er giggled and shook her head: "It's time to get up. If you don't get up again, I will be embarrassed if you go out late. Get up, let's go Say hello to Papa and Mama."

"Greetings to them in the morning? What if we want to sleep in later?"

"Today is the first day after the wedding. This is a courtesy. It will not be used in the future."

"Oh, I'll get up quickly." Zheng Shuang said as he sat up and touched Xue'er's face, "You should put on your clothes too, and don't bother me again, or else, I don't want to leave again."

Zheng Shuang and Xueer dressed neatly to pay their respects to King Zhai and Grandma.

Zheng Shuang offered tea to Dad and Mom and said hello.

Abba asked him to sit down with Xueer, and gave a red envelope: "First of all, I wish you two to live happily ever after. Let me tell you another decision. Zheng Shuang, you don't need to be a private teacher. Your quota will be filled by Xueer." Yes, the school district and the township committee will change the information. In the future, you will be the militia battalion commander in the village. The private teacher is not a good job. You only get second-class work points in the village, and you only have a monthly subsidy of 5 yuan. It’s not as good as a village cadre’s. Besides, it’s a really good job, and the money won’t flow to outsiders. Xue’er is your wife. Don’t you think so?”

Zheng Shuang was naturally happy when he heard that Xue'er had been transferred from a temporary teacher to a private teacher, and that he could become a village cadre again.

After the whole family happily ate breakfast, they went about their own business.

Xue'er is the only teacher in the school, since she can't enjoy her wedding leave.Xueer went to school after dinner.Zheng Shuang followed the Zhai Wang and began to visit the villagers in the village to get familiar with the situation in the village.

Xue'er came to the school with a happy face. She saw that the students had arrived, so she rang the bell in advance.

Several students heard the bell, joking and walking into the classroom.

"Class!" Xue'er uttered two powerful words sweetly.

"Stand up!" The squad leader Xiaohua said loudly.

Xue'er nodded and saluted, and said, "Students, it's only 10 minutes before class time. The teacher is happy today, so I'll give you candies first."

Several students cheered.

Wang Xiaohua ate the wedding candy and asked Xueer: "Mr. Wang, were you happier last night than today?"

"Xiaohua, how do you know that I was very happy last night?" Xueer asked with a smile.

"My father told my mother. My father said that Xiaohua's teacher must be beautiful at night! I thought my father meant the new teacher. My father said that both the new teacher and Teacher Wang will be beautiful!" Xiaohua Said with great interest.

"The new teacher has settled down in Zhaili. However, he is not a teacher, and I will teach you all by myself in the future. By the way, the new teacher and I were really happy last night. Getting married is a great joy, and of course it is also very happy. Beautiful." Cher said.

"Xiao Li, did you hear what the teacher said? Marriage is beautiful, it's a joy, I told you just now, you don't believe it. Xiao Li, let's get married too!" Xiao Hua said loudly to Xiao Li who was at the same table.

"I don't want it. After marriage, I will fight and do bad things!" Xiaoli said that.

"Who did you hear that, how can you fight after marriage?" Xiaohua was full of doubts.

"One night I woke up and saw my father bullying my mother on it. My mother was furious. I asked my father why he bullied my mother. My father said that my mother was disobedient and he would bully her. Later I asked Uncle Li, Uncle Li Say, your parents are doing bad things!" Xiaoli said confidently.

"Stop arguing, both of you. Let me tell you, only adults can get married, and adults are happy to get married. Children can't get married, and children who get married are bad children and do bad things, you know?" Xueer didn't know how to explain for a while, and then Afraid that the child would do something stupid, he had no choice but to think of what to say.

"Mr. Wang, I still don't understand, can you explain more clearly?" Xiaohua continued to ask.

"Xiaohua, there are some things that you have to wait until you are older to understand. Okay, let's go to class! Please take out the books and review the knowledge I taught yesterday. I will ask questions later! Who will answer? Well done, I will reward the wedding candy, I still have the wedding candy left!" Xueer said and took out the wedding candy for everyone to see.

Several students quickly took out their books and started reading.

After Xueer returned home and had dinner, she told Zheng Shuang about the interesting things in school today. Zheng Shuang said with a smile: "Children's sex education is a blind spot in elementary school. In fact, Western developed countries have enlightened children very early on these educations. .Hehe, let me tell you about the interesting story that Dad took me to the villagers' house today!"

"Tell me and listen." Xue'er looked at Zheng Shuang.

"Today we had lunch at Wang Dagou's house. Wang Dagou has only been married for a few years?" Zheng Shuang asked.

"Well, he got married the year before last. Do you think his wife is beautiful?"

"It's definitely not as beautiful as you. However, that one is quite plump/full."

"You men will stare at the woman's one!"

"Hehe, your dad watched it too."

"Go! What are you talking about! Tell me what's interesting?"

"Big Gou's wife is called Cuihua! Cuihua is so funny! We men were joking about men's fickle things. Dad made fun of Big Gou and said to Cuihua, Cuihua, you should also watch out for Big Gou. He loves to travel through mountains and forests, would he date a woman in the mountains and steal them? Guess what Cuihua answered?"

"How did you answer it? Don't keep it up, tell me quickly."

"Cuihua said, a man is bothered, and he can't keep up with him. Why don't you let him spend it and save yourself? Let me tell you a story. I heard this story when I went to my cousin's house in Maoling Village. I There is a man in my cousin’s village who is particularly attractive to women. His wife is worried about him and stares at him all day. As a result, one night, the man gets up to pee, and the woman is worried and holds his hand. Their village is much different from ours. It’s the same as others, the urine bucket is placed next to the back door. The man opened the back door, and while urinating, he talked to the woman. The woman was distracted by his words, and she didn’t pay attention for a while. Later, she found something was wrong and asked Man, why are you still standing outside talking to me after peeing? Why are you still shaking? The man hurriedly said, okay, that’s all right. The woman was suspicious, and she went into the house and took a light to see that the man was After urinating, she did bad things with other women. In a fit of anger, the woman slapped the man and swore that she would never care about men again. Women really don’t care about men in the future. This man is really strange, and he rarely steals later. Broken Flower We all laughed after we finished speaking." Zheng Shuang burst out laughing after finishing speaking.

"Are you going to steal in the future?" Xue'er asked.

"If you control it tightly, you will definitely steal it. In this respect, a man is like a child. The more you don't want him to do something, the more he wants to do it. You don't care about me, I don't dare to steal, and I don't want to steal. Hehe, just kidding , Xue'er, I am content with you, why would I still steal?"

"I don't have confidence. As a man, he always eats in the bowl and looks at the pot."

"Eating in the bowl, look at what's in the pot, are you okay? For example, today I saw the one of the big dog's wife. You said, the beauty of a woman is for men to see?"

"I won't tell you anymore, let's go to bed! Are you tired from walking today?" Xueer said this deliberately, seeing Zheng Shuang full of energy.

"Not tired, good, go to sleep! According to your students, we are doing something bad!" Zheng Shuang finished speaking, and put Xue'er on it.

(End of this chapter)

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