wild flowers in mountain village

Chapter 24 0028: The Angel in My Heart

Chapter 24 0028: The Angel in My Heart
Xue'er thought of Zheng Shuang hugging her and putting her on it, and her heart itch again.This boy Zheng Shuang is too good at arousing the enthusiasm of women.Afterwards, Cher wondered if she was the first woman he had ever met.Zheng Shuang swore to the sky that he didn't even touch the fingers of other girls before he entered the cottage.

"How did you learn it?"

"Romance novels." Zheng Shuang answered concisely.

"Romance novels? I read them too, but I haven't seen such a romantic plot. Are you lying?"

"Liar to you puppy! Of course, reading a book is not just simply accepting what's in the book, but also adding your own imagination and applying it to practice. You are the first object of my practice."

"There will be a second, third, and Nth one, right? You still say you lied to your puppy? Playing word games? You lied to me and scolded my puppy?" Xue'er deliberately made an angry look.

"No, no. I'm in a hurry, it's incomplete. Lie to you, I'm a puppy. You are the first and only one I practice." Zheng Shuang said, pointing to the sky with his finger, "Do you want me to swear to the sky? "

"What's the use of swearing? You really changed your mind. I'm also looking for other men to play with. I won't cry, make trouble, and hang myself. I insist on hanging on your tree. I'm stupid!" The cool hand giggled.

"You won't fall in love with other men, you only love me, don't you?" Zheng Shuang hugged Xue'er's waist, wanting to kiss her. "

Xue'er was randomly selecting happy fragments to recall, when suddenly there was a noise outside, bringing her memory back to reality.

Then, she heard the door opening.

Zheng Shuang came back so early today?
Xue'er listened carefully for a while, it was Zheng Shuang's footsteps, that's right!

Xue'er closed her eyes, pulled the sheet over her head, covered her face, and pretended to be sound asleep.

It has been a long time since Zheng Shuang sat in front of Xueer and looked at her carefully. To be precise, one month after Xueer had a scar on her face, that is, after her scar formed, he disappeared.He didn't get close to her very much.If Xue'er hadn't often recalled those beautiful episodes, Xue'er herself almost forgot that she had such a beautiful time.

The footsteps were getting closer and Xueer's heart was beating faster and faster.

What's going on today?Are you recalling too much?Xueer found that today's mood is different from the past.To be exact, I seem to have found the mood of the newlyweds again, and I desperately hope that Zheng Shuang will replay the romance with me.

Footsteps approached.

"I've told you many times, don't cover your face when you sleep, it will affect your breathing." After Zheng Shuang spoke, he didn't help Xue'er remove the quilt like in the past.He stood in front of him without moving.

"Why did you come back so early today? Not in the mood to drink?" Xue'er didn't take off the quilt either, and her hoarse voice came out of the quilt even more casually.

Zheng Shuang sat on the side.

"While drinking, Wang Wen ran to tell me that Ergou had beaten his father. I went to deal with it and came back on the way." Zheng Shuang said, but stretched his hand through the middle of the quilt.

"Drinking is not a mistake, this is the advantage you have always maintained."

"You mean to say that I have lost all my other advantages?" Zheng Shuang put his hand on Xueer's body under the quilt.

"I didn't say that, you said it yourself." Xue'er pressed Zheng Shuang's hand with her hand.

"I don't think I've changed, at least my love for you hasn't changed." Zheng Shuang's palm moved on Xueer's body, because Xueer's hand was pressed on it, his movements were a little stiff and slow, Xueer felt that Zheng Shuang The strength of the hand is stronger than usual.

"Love will always turn into family affection, not to mention my appearance has changed." Xueer let go of Zheng Shuang's hand.

"I have said many times, don't care about the changes in your appearance, I don't care about your appearance, you will always be the most beautiful in my heart." Zheng Shuang began to unbutton Xueer's clothes.

"Is there any man who doesn't care about a woman's appearance? Which man is not good for that?"

"It's natural for a man to like that one. But being nice to that one doesn't mean lust. Men are human beings, not low-level animals. People pay attention to feelings." Zheng Shuang said with a smile.

"Well, that's a man's nature, and I don't blame you. As long as you still have me in your heart, I'm satisfied." Xue'er said and turned her body inside.

"I only have you in my heart. Xue'er, you have to believe in my love for you."

Cher stopped talking.

Zheng Shuang's palm turned to the front of Xue'er's body.

Xue'er was out of breath.He turned and lay flat.

"Appearance is far less important than heart. Heart is a person's soul. Xue'er, you have to have confidence in yourself. Only in this way can you have confidence in love."

Zheng Shuang pulled Xue'er's blanket off her head: "Xue'er, look at me, I really love you!" Zheng Shuang bowed down.

Xueer wanted to speak, but Zheng Shuang blocked her mouth.

Zheng Shuang's two feet knocked off their shoes.

Xueer felt the long-lost sound of wind and waves again.The sound of the wind was tighter and tighter, and the waves of the leaves covered the waves. Under the impact of the sound of the wind and the waves, Xueer's whole body cramped.

Xue'er asked in a low voice: "Do you really love me? Am I worthy of your love? You really don't care about my appearance?"

"I really love you. You are the most and only woman I love in my life. You will always be the angel in my heart. Why don't you deserve my love?"

"Zheng Shuang, you are so kind. As long as you love me, I don't care about anything..."

When the sound of the wind and the waves stopped, Xue Er had a sweet smile on her flushed face.

Under Zheng Shuang's sweet words and slow touch, Xue'er entered another dreamland.

Zhai Wang Zheng Shuang lay beside Xueer but couldn't fall asleep.He was very puzzled, why did she have the same mood as when Xue'er was newly married today?What happened to me?Do you really love Xueer?
After a few questions, he affirmed his love for Cher.

This affirmation made him think about men. He began to think about what kind of animal a man is?What is the difference between men and women?
These questions swirled in Zhai Wang's mind, but Zhai Wang couldn't figure it out.The more I can't figure it out, the more I want to figure it out.Zhai Wang finally confused himself more and more.In the end, Zhai Wang surrendered in the face of these problems. He decided not to think about these problems anymore, and forced himself to sleep well to recover his tired physical strength and clear his muddy thoughts.

Zhai Wang began to fall asleep in a daze.

Zhai Wang just entered a dazed state when he heard Xueer yell loudly, and then he saw Xueer sitting up straight.

(End of this chapter)

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