wild flowers in mountain village

Chapter 48 0054: Caught by a Wild Boar

Chapter 48 0054: Caught by a Wild Boar
After Narcissus returned home, Sanjun held her in his arms and stayed at home all day to serve her.Not only did the three armies not let her go into the cold water, but they didn't even let her do light work.

Narcissus has been recuperating for a few days and can't stay idle anymore.

After breakfast that day, Li Chun and Da Jun went to work in the nearby soil.Narcissus said to Sanjun: "Sanjun, go and weed the soil in the Bashan valley to make the sweet potatoes grow bigger. Make more sweet potato wine this year. You will need a lot of wine when you give birth to a son."

"I'd better serve you at home for a few days!"

"I'm not that delicate, and I've never been so idle during confinement. I can still cook at home. I don't directly pour cold water, don't worry. Bashan is too far away, and I haven't let Dajun and Li Go weeding in spring. You can go there for two days in a row.”

"Okay. Everything is at the disposal of the lady." The three army smiled and picked up the hoe and went out.

The three armies are in a particularly good mood these days, and they sang love songs as soon as they walked up the mountain road.Everyone in the cottage is good at singing folk songs.The love song floated on the mountain road, flew into the woods, and rushed into the valley. The whole cottage was full of fun, making the footsteps of the three armies lighter.

The three armies turned one corner after another, and they could see their own land.He saw someone in the field next to him, a woman.

The three armies knew without thinking that the woman was Wang Wen's wife, Haiyan.That piece of land belongs to Wang Wen.However, what he didn't expect was why Haiyan came to weed alone.

Although Wang Wen is very bookish, his physical work is not very good, and the family's land is mainly done by Haiyan.However, in the past, Wang Wen always came with him to work in the field so far away.

Before the three armies reached the soil, they first sent their voices: "Haiyan, why did you run so far to weed alone today? Wang Wen is not afraid that you will be picked up by wild boars!"

"You come to weed, too! The guy from the three armies, afraid of the long distance, has been called out several times, but he pushed back. Wouldn't it be a delay if you said later? Well, you are here, and I will accompany you." gone."

"Okay, okay, I'm fine with you here, and I won't be tired from working. Men and women are matched, so I won't be tired from working. Isn't it?" Sanjun laughed.

"Really, let's chat while working!" Haiyan watched the three armies walk into the soil, "Your land is also full of weeds, if you don't come, it will be delayed!"

"Yes. I wanted to come a few days earlier. Narcissus took the ring and served her at home for a few days." The three armies had already started their work.

"Narcissus is so blessed to marry a man like you who loves women!"

"Wang Wen doesn't feel sorry for you? I think he treats you politely, but he never scolded you!"

"Fart! Why do you feel bad! Scolding? Why does he scold? I almost cover all the work in the soil, and he still scolds me?"

"It's true! You are the most capable woman in the village. Why can't I get a capable woman like you?"

"You! What do you say? The narcissus is so beautiful that everyone loves it, but you still don't know how to be satisfied. Is it really the daughter's own good, and the wife's good?" Haiyan stood up and took a breath. He saw the three armies bending over to work , while talking to her.

"Didn't you just say that I was nice to Narcissus? You also see that men are nice to other people!" Sanjun stood up and threw grass outside, seeing Haiyan standing, she didn't bend down after throwing the grass.

"I'm telling the truth, Sanjun, you are more capable of work than Wang Wen, and love women better than him." Haiyan looked at Sanjun and said with a smile.

Seeing Haiyan's plump breasts, the three armies couldn't help but think of what Narcissus said to him, "Xiaoqin's is plump, you see it, don't you love it?"

As he thought about it, he spoke casually: "Haiyan, my wife said that Xiaoqin's is plump, and I think yours is plumper than hers."

"Hahaha, you men, you always stare at the woman's one. Do you still think that Narcissus's is not big! You put another volleyball on Narcissus's chest, isn't it bigger than my old lady's?" Haiyan As he said, he bent down and went to work.

"Hahaha, your mother-in-law is wilder than my narcissus!" The three soldiers also bent down and began to work.

Sanjun and Haiyan just chatted and worked one after another.

In a blink of an eye, it was half morning.

"I'm a little tired, take a break. You should also take a break!" Haiyan said and got out of the soil, and sat down on the grass beside the soil.

"Okay. I'm about to rest too!" Sanjun said and walked out of the soil.

Haiyan picked up the water bottle and took a few sips of water: "Sanjun, did you bring water? If not, I have water here."

"Is there still no water when you go out to work? It's not the first time for young people to go out to work. By the way, I only brought one piece of water, but you brought two." Sanjun smiled and walked towards Haiyan.

"I just brought a pot of boiling water and no tea."

"You're still wearing a **!" Sanjun smiled and sat beside Haiyan.

"Fuck you. You're talking off-road." Haiyan patted Sanjun on the shoulder, "It's not time to feed the children, where did that come from?"

"When you were feeding the children, I saw your one, hehe, it's really bigger than Narcissus's!" Sanjun said, staring at Haiyan's one.

"Feeding the children is the feeding of the children. When your narcissus feeds the children, it looks at more men. I remember that she always puts her palm under hers, as if deliberately trying to look like a man." Haiyan laughed .

"I told her about that slut woman many times, but she refused to listen. She also said, let the man with a heart look at it more. You can see it, but you can't touch it. You want to kill him. It's the stinky man who suffers, not me."

"The one whose own wife is reluctant to show it to other men, but also wants to see other men's wives, you men! It's really eating in the bowl and looking at the pot." Haiyan still smiled.

"Haiyan, I haven't seen yours for a long time, and I can't remember what it looks like. How about letting me see it?" Sanjun said with a playful smile.

"It's okay. People have said that women dress up more beautifully, don't they just want men to look at them more? This is mine. If you want to see it, I will let you see it." Haiyan said very generously.

"Really?" Sanjun's eyes widened in surprise.

"Really. Do you want to see it?"


"Have you thought about it?"

"Don't think about it. Who in the village doesn't want to see this of yours?"

"Okay. A man's strength is for use. I'll show you this. How about you help me weed for an hour?" Haiyan laughed loudly.

"You wild woman is teasing me! I thought you were so generous!" Sanjun patted Haiyan on the shoulder.

"Do you think a woman will give it to you for free? By the way, we watch TV, how do men and women drill sorghum and corn fields!" Haiyan looked at the three armies curiously.

"It's the north. The north is different from ours. Their sorghum and corn fields are like oceans, which can't be seen. If you drill into them, no one can see them." The three armies are proud of their knowledge.

"Oh, that's how it is. I always compare the terrain here. We have mountains and mountains, and there are caves everywhere on the mountains. I still think, what kind of sorghum and corn fields are drilled. If you turn around at random, people can't see them." , be safe, get into the cave and hang clothes at the entrance, how convenient and safe!"

"Hahaha, Haiyan, did you go through a cave and have fun with wild men!"

"Drilled, yes drilled!"


"There will be no fakes. It's sweet to think about it now."

"With whom?"

"do not know."

"Are you so casual? You don't know anyone?"

"Whatever your head is! I'm in a daze in a dream, how do you think I know?"

"You wild woman, are you making me happy again?"

"If I don't make fun of an honest man like you, who should I make fun of? Let's go to work!" Haiyan said and stood up.

"It's really fun to work with you." Sanjun smiled and walked into his own soil.

"Men and women match, aren't you tired from work! Come back this afternoon!"

"Yeah. I'll come back tomorrow. I can't finish this job today." The three soldiers said while weeding.

"I can't finish it until tomorrow. It's okay! With you as a company, it's much easier to work."

"I feel the same way. It's a pleasure working with you. It's a pity that you don't let me see yours. If you let me see it, I will be happier." Sanjun laughed.

"What's the use of watching? What about the old lady's heart? If we have the ability, let's go into the cave! Dare you?" Haiyan straightened her waist and said to the three armies.

"You wild woman wants to make fun of me again, so I can't be fooled by you." The three armies didn't let go of their work.

"I knew you had the heart but not the guts! Love comes or doesn't come! Follow if you have the guts! Let's go to Monkey Rock on the way, it's not far from the road, turn a corner, and we'll be there in a while!" Haiyan said. In the field, pick up the hoe, pick up the kettle and leave.

(End of this chapter)

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