wild flowers in mountain village

Chapter 49 0055: She will always come

Chapter 49 0055: She will always come
The three armies straightened up and watched Haiyan turn around and walk towards the road, smiled and shook his head and said to himself: "These women in the cottage!"

The three armies did not believe that Haiyan would really throw herself into her arms, and after talking to themselves, they bent down to weed.

"Sanjun, if you really want to be like the old lady, you have to show a manly spirit, don't be like my men, pretend to be gentle, and let the old lady look down on you!" Haiyan threw another sentence.

Sanjun's heart was shaken at first, but he was so excited by Haiyan that he no longer had the mind to work.

The three armies also walked out of the field, carried hoes and water bottles, and walked on the road.

Haiyan walked ahead, neither turning her head nor speaking.

Sanjun followed Haiyan and did not chase her, but kept the original distance and watched her walk ahead.

Of course Haiyan knew that the Three Armies were following her, and she continued to walk, twisting and turning, secretly amused: "People say that Wang Wen is honest, and they also say that the Three Armies are honest. I don't see any of these men who don't want to steal that."

When the three armies followed Haiyan to the halfway point, they quickened their pace.

After a while, the three armies caught up with her: "Haiyan, it's not far ahead and we're approaching the turning point. Are we really going to Monkey Rock?"

"Why go to Monkey Rock? You want to catch white mice? You go, I have to go back to cook. Wang Wen went to town, so I have to call it a day." Haiyan said seriously.

"You, you, you mother-in-law are making fun of me again?" Sanjun stammered.

"You still say? You are stupid, who is to blame? How many times can a smart person fall in the same place? Unless you are daring! By the way, how long have you been cheating on my old lady? I told Narcissus, she will definitely pick your skin !” Haiyan said and laughed.

"You mother-in-law, don't you just want me to accompany you on the mountain road? I won't accompany you, and let the wild boar get you!" Sanjun said, sitting on the stone by the roadside.

Haiyan turned her head and smiled: "I'm so scared! Hahaha!" After speaking, she turned around and walked forward.

Sitting on the ground, the three armies thought: "It's too early to go back now. Narcissus asked me, but I didn't know how to answer. Go back to the field and do some more work. It's not worth it! By the way, I'll go drill Monkey Rock alone, maybe You can catch two white mice. If that's the case, I'll say that I went there specially to make up for Narcissus."

Thinking of this, the three armies stood up, walked forward for a while, turned a corner, and walked for a while to Monkey Rock.

Everyone in the village knows that there are white rats in Monkey Rock, but they don't have time to spare. After all, it's far away from their homes in the village, so it's rare to be concerned.And, it's all luck.

The three armies know that the white mouse usually crawls on the rocks at the top of the cave and does not move. You just need to sweep it towards it with a branch, and knock it unconscious with the branch the moment it hits the ground.

People in the village sometimes took white mice to the town and sold them for 15 yuan each.The people in the town don't know how the white mouse is caught. In their imagination, they always think it is the same as hunting.

The three armies walked into the cave, the entrance of the cave was still bright, but the further they went, the darker it became.The three armies took out their lighters, lit the dry firewood they picked up on the road, and walked forward.

If you're lucky, there really is a white mouse on top of your head!The three armies put the torch on the ground, pointed the branch at the white mouse and "slapped" it, and the white mouse fell down.The three armies beat the white mouse, the white mouse stared at its feet and passed out.Sanjun hurriedly picked up the stone and hit the white mouse on the head a few times.The three armies did not bring a rat cage for the white rat, so they had to kill it and bring it back.Anyway, I eat it myself and don't sell it.

The three armies continued to move forward, went in a dozen steps, and there was another one crawling on the stone wall above their heads!He put down the torch again, and slapped the white mouse again with the branch. The white mouse fell down and wanted to run away, but the Three Army Luan's stick had already been drawn on it.It jumped and ran a few steps, and finally fell to the ground with cramps.

The three armies beat two white mice in a row, looked at the torch, and thought: the two white mice weigh more than a catty, eat less and taste better, don't be greedy.

After the three armies came out of Monkey Rock, they felt at ease again.

Two white mice were tied up by vines.The three armies hold Fujiko.The white mouse was swinging beside Sanjun, but the kettle was swinging under the handle of Sanjun's hoe.

The folk songs of the three armies floated up again.

The three armies stopped singing when they reached the village.When he got to the house, he shouted loudly: "Narcissus! Narcissus! I'm back after being made up!"

Narcissus came out: "What are you shouting for? The voice is so loud, you are not afraid of people hearing the joke? White mouse!"

"White mouse! Let's boil the water! It's cooked for you at noon, it's fresh!" Sanjun put down his hoe, took down the kettle, and smiled.

"It's been a long time since I ate this game." Narcissus smiled and turned around to boil water.

After lunch, everyone rested for a while.

Dajun and Lichun are going to the fields again.Narcissus said: "You two go to Bashanao with the three armies today!"

"No need. You are busy with your work. Bashanao is a bit far away. Let Lichun go, and I will be tired after walking back and forth. I will go alone, and I will finish it in another day tomorrow." The three armies said this, but thought in their hearts: " You guys are going, why am I joking with Haiyan?"

"Okay! Go and do your work." Narcissus let him go when he saw that the three armies had no worries about hard work.

When the three armies arrived at Bashanao, they did not see Haiyan.He looked back, but still no one was there.He went to work by himself.

After working for a while, he looked up to the road.

I watched it a few times, but Haiyan didn't come.

The three armies thought that Haiyan would definitely not come.If I knew this earlier, I might as well let Dajun and the others come too.

The three armies looked at the road for a while, and they still hoped that Haiyan would come.However, in the middle of the afternoon, Haiyan's figure did not appear.The three armies looked at Haiyan's land, and there was still most of the work to be done.He thought, tomorrow, she will always come.

The sun is about to go down, and the three armies call it a day.

Walking on the road, Sanjun felt very tired, and he was no longer in the mood to sing folk songs.

The three armies returned home and pretended not to be tired.He was afraid that Narcissus would find out that he was tired and would send him extra labor.He thought to himself that Haiyan would definitely go tomorrow morning.

After dinner, the three armies watched TV for a while, took a shower, and went to bed first.

He slept on it but couldn't sleep.The two of Haiyan are always lingering in his mind.No wonder, he hasn't touched Haiyan for several days.

Thinking about it, thinking about it, the three armies fell asleep.

When Narcissus came up, Sanjun only vaguely felt Narcissus lying down beside him.Then, he vaguely heard Narcissus say: "Asleep?" He wanted to answer, but he didn't bother to open his mouth, because drowsiness had already fallen on him.

Narcissus only said something softly, but seeing that the three armies didn't answer, he stopped talking.

After a while, both of them fell asleep.

Just before dawn, Narcissus got up and made a meal, and told everyone to eat, saying that it was going to go early and come back early to cool off.

After breakfast, the three armies left with a hoe and a kettle.

The three armies thought: This morning, we should tease Haiyan well.

(End of this chapter)

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