wild flowers in mountain village

Chapter 57 0064: The Big Dog is Dead

Chapter 57 0064: The Big Dog is Dead

When Xueer woke up from the sweet dreamland, it was already daylight.

She sat up and saw that Zheng Shuang had woken up.

She stretched her waist and said with a smile, "I was so tired by you last night that I couldn't wake up."

Zheng Shuang smiled and touched her full breasts: "Who made you so cute forever! Always make me passionate?"

"You must be more tired than me. You lie down, I'll get up and cook." Xue'er said as she got dressed.

After Zheng Shuang washed up, Xueer's meal was ready.

Xueer specially cooked egg soup for Zheng Shuang, and put some sauerkraut in the soup for appetizer.

Zheng Shuang drank the soup and praised Xueer.Xueer looked at Zheng Shuang and smiled.

After breakfast, Xueer said: "I was tired last night, don't go out today, and don't drink too much. How about having steamed spicy pork at noon?"


The steamed spicy meat in the cottage is very special.The people in the village slaughtered pigs, and the pork will not be sold in the town, and all the pork is bought by the people in the village. How many catties you have, how many catties he has, will be sold out in a blink of an eye.People who buy a lot, or the owner who kills the pig, will cut some of the pork quickly.One piece is about one or two weights, and it is pickled in a jar containing spicy peppers. The spicy peppers in the jar are all Chaotian seeds, which are very spicy.After half a year of marinating, it will be taken out and steamed to eat.The meat has a salty and spicy taste, and there is no need to add any condiments when steaming. The steamed meat is fragrant and spicy, and it tastes very satisfying.

When Zheng Shuang heard about the steamed spicy meat, he kept saying yes.

"I'll drink two glasses of wine with you at noon." Seeing that Zheng Shuang agreed, Xueer said happily.

"Watch TV!" Zheng Shuang turned on the TV, and Xueer sat beside Zheng Shuang.

Xue'er felt that time passed so fast, and it was noon again in a blink of an eye.Cher got up to cook.

Zheng Shuang ate the steamed spicy meat, his mouth screaming.After drinking a few glasses of wine with Xueer, Xueer scooped rice for him.

"Spicy pork with rice, you can eat half a bowl more." Zheng Shuang said with a smile.

In a blink of an eye, the rice in Zhaiwang's bowl was gone.

Xue'er reached out to pick up Zhai Wang's bowl and prepared to add more food for him.

"The king of the village! The king of the village! It's not good! It's not good!" The cow cub ran in.

Xue'er's hand holding the empty bowl stopped in the air.

"What's the matter, you're in a panic? Say it!" Zhai Wang just turned his head and didn't leave his seat.

"Big dog, big dog! He fired a cannon to fetch stones, and was blown up!"

"How's the situation?" Zhai Wang stood up suddenly.

"Very dangerous! Blood..."

"Go!" King Zhai ran outside.

People besieged the city, and a woman's cry came from inside.Zhai Wang opened the crowd and saw a big dog covered in blood.

"Car! Car!" shouted the Zhai Wang.

"Dongmao went to the intersection to call a car."

The king of the village squatted down: "Big dog! Big dog! Hold on to me!"

"Village...king...my home...home..." The big dog closed his eyes before finishing his sentence.

Zhai Wang put his finger on the big dog's nostril.

King Zhai stood up, shook his head, and a few tears rolled down his eyes.

"My enemy! You just left me and left!" Cuihua threw herself on the big dog, beating the dog and her own chest.

Zhai Wang wiped his tearful eyes, and told the women next to him: "Pull her up! Persuade her!"

Zhai Wang turned his head and shouted: "Wang Wen! Wang Wen!"

"Here." Wang Wen squeezed over.

"Cow boy!" The village king shouted again.

"Here it is!" The bull cub was right next to the king of the village.

"Go to my house quickly and ask Xue'er to give you 2000 yuan, go and return quickly, and give it to Accountant Wang." After Zhai Wang finished speaking, he looked at the road and saw that Dongmao hadn't come back yet, so he said to Wang Wen again : "Hurry up and arrange the manpower, and make a list to announce who should do what. Niu Zai and Dong Mao will go to the town to buy some items later, and you will make a list."

"Okay, okay. I'll take the pen and ink." Wang Wen turned and left.

When Zhai Wang looked at the road again, a small four-wheeled vehicle slowly drove over.

"Damn it! The road is still too narrow!" Zhai Wang cursed and walked towards the car.

The car stopped, and Dongmao jumped out of the car.

"Dongmao, the big dog is dead. Rent this car to go shopping in the town!"

"Okay." Dongmao wiped his eyes: "It's so pitiful for the big dog to die!"

"You wait for the bully, he went to my house to get the money. After he handed over the money to Accountant Wang, you two will go to him to get the money."


"Be smart about shopping! Big Gou's family is originally poor, so save them some money!" Zhai Wang urged.


Zhai Wang looked up and looked around: "Where is Ergou? Why didn't I see Ergou?" The voice of the first sentence was very low, and the voice of the latter sentence was loud.

"Ergou was here just now, and heard that his father was crying at home, so he went to see his father!" someone said.

"Wang Wen! Regardless of whether it's sunny or raining, arrange for someone to build a shed on the flat ground!" Zhai Wang said to Wang Wen who was walking across, and went to see Ergou's father.

Zhai Wang entered the room and saw the old man sobbing, and Ergou sat beside him and helped the old man sweep his chest.

"You can't come back to life after death. You old man is mourning. I have already arranged for someone to take care of the big dog's funeral. It doesn't matter if the family has no money, the village will take care of it. Ergou, this family will depend on you in the future!" Zhai Wang clapped Pat the second dog, and then the old man.

The old man thumped and knelt down: "King of the village! Everything is up to you! Ergou and Cuihua must be upset and have no idea."

Zhai Wang helped the old man up: "Uncle Wang, don't worry, I have arranged everything. Well, you always have to take care of your health, otherwise, this house will be even more chaotic."

"Thank you, King Zhai."

"Ergou, you stay with your father for the time being, and I will arrange things over there."

"Thank you, King Zhai, for your hard work."

"They are all from the village, don't be polite." The king of the village said and went out.

In the evening, the Lingtai has been tied up and the drummer has arrived.According to the custom, it's time to burn paper.When burning fire paper, the drummer will accompany it at intervals, and the relatives of the deceased will cry, which is called crying to death in local dialect.

Those who die of old age are natural deaths, and those who are sad are naturally less.Accidental death, the family is even more grief.

It's not time to formalize fire paper yet.Cuihua was already crying.Cuihua's cry is an outbreak of inner grief.Because she didn't cry to death officially, her crying was disorderly, but it was sincere, which made people sigh.

The gongs and drums were beating, and the drummer was blowing. After the gongs and drums had been beating for a while, Accountant Wang announced the order of the fire paper personnel.

The burning paper has officially started.

Cuihua's words "My man!" kicked off the official prelude to crying to death.Then, she cried: "My man, my husband—you leave me and go—you have to—say, my man, my husband—you leave the father and the child to me— -h-hh, my man, my husband-hh-hh, how will I work in the future..."

The crying in the back not only expressed the difficulties of my future life, but also expressed the hardships and love of Dagou when he was alive.

Several scenes intersected together, crying so much that everyone present was in tears.

It was already midnight after melting the fire paper.

Some people left one after another.

After a while, the sky began to drizzle.Zhai Wang left a few people who love playing cards to accompany them at night, and asked Wang Wen to arrange for someone to cook noodles for them.

After everything was properly arranged, the king of the village said to the card players, you can play as long as one yuan and two yuan, and big bets are not allowed, you know?
Everyone said: "I know, I know. King Zhai, you are exhausted today, go back and rest!"

Zhai Wang braved the drizzle on his way home.

(End of this chapter)

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