wild flowers in mountain village

Chapter 58 0065: I want to accompany him

Chapter 58 0065: I want to accompany him
When Zhai Wang returned home, it began to rain heavily.

"This damn weather, it doesn't rain early, it doesn't rain late, it rains for the dead, it's not easy to go out tomorrow!" the village king complained.

"It's a pitiful death! The family left behind is even more pitiful! God is crying for them!" Xue'er sighed.

"God is so pitiful to them, it shouldn't be raining!"

"God may have cried all his tears tonight." Xue'er said quietly.

Strange to say.After Zheng Shuang fell asleep and woke up, it was really raining.

"Xue'er, you said God really cried for the big dogs last night!" Said the Zhai Wang as he went out.

"Yeah. Sure enough, I cried all my tears dry."

"You will pass by in a while, and you will also send the big dog to persuade his wife. The big dog died by himself, and he doesn't want to see the woman suffer while alive."

"I know. You go first."

After breakfast, it was time to prepare for the coffin and burial.Everyone was busy, looking for pole lifters, ropes, hoes, yelling, and the whole pingzi was in a mess.

The coffin was lifted onto two large stools, and the poles began to be tied.

Cuihua threw herself on the coffin, and the two women who supported her were almost pulled down by her.

Cuihua threw herself on the coffin, patted the coffin and began to cry: "My big dog, my man, you are gone, leave us behind and leave us alone--sigh; my big dog, my man Ah, your cub and I will be orphans and widows, how can we live—you have to—say; my big dog, my man, you take me away, I don’t want to live anymore— - got - say..."

Cuihua patted around the coffin, crying with snot and tears.

The coffin is tied up, and the pole is about to be raised.

The chief yelled: "The Eight Great Vajras! Take your place!"

Hearing the shout, Cuihua firmly grasped the rope on the coffin: "My big dog, my man, I can't live without you, I don't want you to go alone, if you want to go, take me with you - got - say..."

The two women couldn't pull her away at all, and two tearful women went to the side and clapped her hands vigorously before dragging her away from the coffin.

"Panglongshan! Wei oh!" The chief yelled and threw the bowl on the ground, and the eight kings followed with a "Wei oh!" The coffin left the stool.

"Stand firm! Swing forward to the left, swing back to the right, Wei!" The leader of the Eight Great Vajras shouted again.

"It's started! Wei!" The other King Kong immediately followed suit.

The gongs and drums sounded, the suona sounded, and the crying became louder.

The funeral procession set off.

Cuihua followed behind the coffin, weeping and staring at her feet, and the two women who supported her were so tired that their sweat and tears mixed together.The women around kept wiping away their tears.

"It's a fork in the road! Wei!"

"Swing forward to right and back to left, Wei oh!"

The person who helped the big dog quickly took him to the front of the coffin and knelt down to the Eight Great King Kongs.

The Eight Great King Kong changed shoulders.

Cuihua cried so hard that she lost her strength when she rested, her feet dragged on the ground, and her body was held up in the air by two women.

The Eight Great Vajras changed their shoulders, and walked forward quickly with a cry of "passing the fork in the road! Wei oh!"

The person who helped the big dog child hurriedly pulled the child up and dragged him to the side, letting the eight kings pass by and then follow behind.

When Cuihua heard the shout, she jumped forward again with her two soles staring, she was going to send the big dog up the mountain!

"Hold Cuihua! Hold Cuihua! Don't let her go up the mountain!" Zhai Wang shouted three times in succession.

The two women supporting Cuihua looked at Zhai Wang, Cuihua rushed forward desperately!

"Hold her! Pull her back! Go to two more women! Do you hear me!" King Zhai's voice was so loud that it overwhelmed all the noise!
Two more women passed by, and four women pulled Cuihua to turn around.

"Let me accompany the dead ghost! I want to accompany him..." Cuihua couldn't break free from the pull of the four women, crying in despair.

"What's the matter, King Zhai?"

"Who knows what the king of the village thinks!"

"If Cuihua takes her son and remarries..."

Someone started talking.

After the village king came to the village, he changed many customs.

However, the funeral customs of young and middle-aged women have not changed: if you send your husband up the mountain, it means that you will not remarry after death; if you send your husband to a fork in the road, you can remarry.

Ergou is single and has an old father at home. All future hopes rest on Cuihua's son.

In everyone's hearts, they only hope that Cuihua will be worthy of the big dog if she takes care of her eldest son. After keeping it for their family, let them pass it on from generation to generation!

The king of the village only sent Cuihua to the fork in the road. Cuihua took her son and married outside the village. Isn't Dagou's family broken?
Everyone couldn't figure it out, and there was a lot of discussion.

Cuihua is desperate to send the man up the mountain.

Zhai Wang didn't care, gave an order loudly, and pulled Cuihua back.

At the fork in the road, the mourners began to divide into two groups, continuing to go to the funeral all the way, and returning to the village all the way.

Those who are buried on the mountain are close relatives and best friends. Women will not be sent to the mountain except for the wife of the deceased.

Cuihua was dragged back, crying and making noises all the way, and her throat became hoarse.

The king of the village stood at the fork in the road and watched the funeral procession go away, then turned and walked into the village.

Some people were talking about it, but they didn't dare to question the king of the village after all, so they could only sigh and guess secretly in their hearts.Some people even speculated that the king of Zhai deliberately punished Ergou, so that he would have no one to rely on when he grew old.

Zhai Wang heard some comments but ignored them.

After lunch, it suddenly rained again.

Someone lamented: "Digou likes to drink a few glasses of wine when he was alive, God gave him wine!"

Some people lamented: "Dagou's life is difficult in this world, and the road is difficult to walk. God is washing his way so that he will have a good road in the future!"

Everyone finally reached a consensus: God has eyes, it rained last night, and it rained this afternoon, and it will not rain when Dudu is buried, so the big dog can be buried in peace.

The king of Zhai thought of what Xueer said about God's sorrow, and he sighed in his heart: Xueer, Xueer, your heart is extremely soft.

After lunch, the oddballs began to clean up the mess.

Zhai Wang felt physically and mentally exhausted, comforted Ergou's family a few words, and went home and lay down on a chair.

Xue'er arrived home a little earlier than Zhai Wang.Seeing Zhai Wang's tired look, she poured him a cup of tea without saying anything.

King Zhai lay down on the chair for a while, picked up the tea and drank it slowly.

Xue'er watched Zheng Shuang drinking tea, but still didn't speak.

Zhai Wang closed his eyes after drinking tea.

Xue'er stood up, put her hands on Zheng Shuang's shoulders, and gently pressed him up.

After pressing it for a while, Zhai Wang opened his eyes, looked at Xue'er, and said "Thank you!"

Xue'er smiled: "Are you being polite to me?"

Zhai Wang turned around and took Xue'er's hand: "Don't press it, sit down!"

Xue Er sat opposite the Zhai Wang: "Zheng Shuang, do you feel that your heart is more tired than your body?"

Zheng Shuang nodded.

"Many things are not transferred by human will. Don't pay too much attention to the death of the big dog."

"Well. Big Gou wants to make preparations for building a house early. Who knows, he will encounter a squib. Xue'er, you heard other people's discussions, why didn't you ask me?"

"Ask you what?" Xue'er's voice was flat.

"Ask me why someone took Cuihua home and didn't let her send Big Gou up the mountain?"

(End of this chapter)

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