wild flowers in mountain village

Chapter 82 0092: Show you the mud roll

Chapter 82 0092: Show you the mud roll

Zheng Shuang felt unexplainably irritable.He didn't want to bicker with Cher.Seeing Xueer, he really stopped talking.He stood up and went out the door with his hands folded behind his back.

The king of the village turned to the gate of the most lively sacrificial hall in the village.He saw a few people making fun of Sansha.

Zhai Wang hadn't seen Sansha for a long time.

These three idiots belong to superborn children.His father's name is Qin Jun, and his mother's name is Qing Su.

When Qing Su gave birth to her two daughters, she began to advocate family planning.Qin Jun blamed his mother-in-law Qing Su for not having a son, and always serving her with fists and kicks.

In order to fight for a better life, Qing Su secretly went to the town to find someone to get the ring in private. After she became pregnant, in order to avoid the family planning, she and Qin Jun staged a bitter farce.

Qin Jun punched him a few times first, and she burst into tears.Qin Jun left her and ignored her, went out and walked around, yelling, "Come quickly! My mother-in-law has hanged herself."

He rescued the mother-in-law, who had white blisters in her mouth.Everyone scolded him.He was silent.

In the evening of the next day, he looked everywhere for Qingsu, but couldn't find her.Everyone said that he usually beat his wife.The mother-in-law must have run away.He said, just run away.Anyway, she couldn't bear me a son.

At that time, no one thought that this was a bitter trick of the two of them.It's just that Qin Jun didn't grasp the time well, and almost killed the mother-in-law who was pregnant with the child.

Later, when Qing Su came back with her son in her arms, everyone thought she had brought back the wild species, and Qin Jun told the truth.

It turned out that after they deliberately staged a play, Qing Su hid at a distant relative's house to give birth.

When Qing Su first came back, the Zhai Wang wanted to report to the town to punish her, but seeing her as pitiful and having nothing valuable at home, he asked her to have a vasectomy.

Qin Jun was naturally happy when he had a son.

Who knows, when the son was raised to one year old, he found that the child was a little stupid.

At the age of three, I can speak, but the corners of my mouth are always drooling.

The people in the village also saw the boy's stupidity and called him "Three Stupid".

People in the village are used to being called, but few people know his real name.

The three idiots have grown to be 16 years old. Although Ten no longer drools, his intelligence is the same as that of a child of a few years old!
Of course, the intelligence of a child of a few years old is stupid and not very powerful.

Zhai Wang and these older people called him Sanshi, and he would always happily agree.

However, if a child of a few years old calls him three stupid, he will stare: "Shout again!" If the child continues to shout, he will kick his feet and pretend to chase: "Who is stupid? I will hit you !"

Sansha's home is on the far left side of the village, a lot of land away from the sacrificial hall, and far from the Zhaiwang's home.However, Sansha would often come to the sacrificial hall to play.It's lively here.

The Three Idiots are very famous in the village, except for the king of the village, probably no one is more famous than him, because all the old and young people in the village know that there is a Three Idiots in the village.

Residents in the cottage are scattered, and the entire village is at least five or six miles away, let alone ten miles or eight miles!
Sansha is the news releaser in the village.

From the beginning to the end of the year, the three idiots woke up at dawn.No matter the weather is sunny or rainy, he wears a bamboo hat and goes around the village to release news.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, Sansha released the news: "My boy, a lot of firecrackers were set off! Crackling, crackling, the ground is covered with red paper!"

For such simple news, he would walk around the village while talking.

Usually, when someone fights with someone, he will shout: My son, it's so dangerous!It's a fight!It will kill people!Hurry up and persuade me to fight!

It's always so simple to release news, there are no people, no places, just repeating a few words and walking around the village.

When the three idiots released the news, it was useless for anyone to find out the characters and places.Because, if you talk to him, he won't listen to him. He is afraid that if he answers, he will forget what news he wants to release.

Sansha just concentrates on posting his news.

Zhai Wang saw everyone teasing Sansha, and saw Sansha laughing foolishly.He thought, there is actually nothing wrong with San Shi.At least, he was the happiest man in Murakami.

It should be true!Sansha's happiness is mainly manifested in his inner satisfaction.

Sansha likes to play with the old people in the village.

The old man has become the source of Sansha's happiness.Sansha will chat with the elderly and do things for the elderly.

The old man asked him to carry water and wash the sheets, and he could do it.He doesn't care if it's dirty or tiring.

Some old people let him eat, he always said: "If I don't eat, my grandma will scold others!"

Sansha helped the elderly, but refused to eat. Some elderly felt sorry and gave him one yuan.

Sansha would happily take the money, walk around the village again, and release his own news: "My son, a lot of money! I'm rich!"

If you ask him who gave the money, he doesn't know.

Sansha also likes mineral water bottles very much. Every time he picks up a mineral water bottle, he will happily shout: "Get rich, get rich!"

Zhai Wang thought about this, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Zhai Wang thinks that Sansha is a person who conveys happiness.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Where there are three fools, there is laughter.

Although the laughter was made out of making fun of Sansha.However, Sansha is not annoyed, he always laughs with everyone.

Sansha also loves to tease children.

The child cried, and the adults couldn't persuade him.Sansha will tease the child and say: "Don't cry, don't cry, I'll show you the mud!"

As Sansha said, he would roll on the ground, put on a face, and make both adults and children laugh before being happy.

Zhai Wang thought about the happiness that Sansha brought to people, and he walked towards Sansha.

Before King Zhai came to Sansha's side, Sansha burst into tears.

The king of Zhai saw that the little gangster in the village, Little Niqian, kicked Sansha's one fiercely: "Every fucking Sansha, you brought it back from outside, you wild species! I asked you to shine my shoes, you Didn't wipe it!"

Zhai Wang walked over and grabbed Little Niach by the back collar.Little Niqiu was about to start swearing, but when he turned around and saw that it was the king of the village, he hurriedly changed his words and said, "You are the king of the village! Be gentle!"

The king of Zhai turned his hand, turned to the front of the little loach, grabbed his collar, and supported the chin of the little loach with his fist.

"Oh! It hurts! Take it easy..."

"Are you calling someone a bastard? I think your grandma is so beautiful, but she gave birth to a bastard like you!" Zhai Wang stared at him and said.

"King of the village! Good man! Good man..." Sansha got up and laughed.

"King of Zhai, be gentle..." Little Niqiu just begged for mercy.

"Three idiots are kind! You little loach is wicked! You are not as good as three idiots, do you know?" The king of Zhai still hadn't let go.

"Understood. You... Take it easy..." Little Loach continued to beg for mercy.

Zhai Wang let go: "Go! Go to your house! Let your father educate you!"

Little Niqiu looked at the king of Zhai, so he had to walk slowly towards his home, and the king of Zhai followed behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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