wild flowers in mountain village

Chapter 83 0093: Who said it didn't harm?

Chapter 83 0093: Who said it didn't harm?
Little Niqiu heard the footsteps of King Zhai behind him, and said, "King Zhai, I only kicked Sansi, so don't watch how my dad treats me!"

"Little Loach, I don't want to punish you. You are almost an adult. I want you to become a useful person. The three idiots are stupid, but he will not bring harm to the village, and he also helps the elderly What!" The king of Zhai said flatly.

"I didn't harm anyone! I was just lazy and didn't help the family."

"You still say you didn't harm anyone? You also do sneaky things, how do you want to harm the people in the village?"

"King Zhai, that's when I occasionally grab a few chickens and go have a few drinks with my buddies in the town. The brothers in the town talk about feelings, so I can't always go there empty-handed!"

"If you don't learn well, is there any reason? I'm too lazy to beat you, lest the people in the village say that I was rough on you. I will let your father punish you today!"

"Zhai Wang, I went home, and my father is not at home. Zhai Wang, you said that my grandmother is good-looking in front of the sacrificial hall, is it true? False? Do you like my grandmother?"

"You bastard! Does any son say that about Grandma?" Zhai Wang yelled.

"King Zhai, what's the matter! Men, seeing a beautiful woman will definitely make you fall in love! Don't be shy!" Little Niqiu said and laughed.

"Little Niqiu, little Niqiu, how did your mother give birth to such a son?" The Zhai Wang shook his head.

"What's wrong with me? Aren't I cute too?"

"Your head is cute! Wait until your dad beats you, see if you still talk glibly?"

"Valley King! I'm running away!"

At a fork in the road, Little Loach suddenly ran and said something.

The king of Zhai didn't chase him, he had thought that the little loach would want to run away, otherwise, why is it called the little loach?Zhai Wang didn't intend to give him to his father to fix him from the beginning.He also knew that if Little Niqiu's father could fix him, he would have done it long ago.

After the little loach yelled, he lowered his head and ran desperately, and when he ran out of breath, he slowed down.He didn't hear footsteps, so he looked back.

Little Loach saw King Zhai walking towards his home, he smiled and said to himself: "I tell you King Zhai that my father is not at home, you don't believe me. If you want to go see my mother, go for it!"

The little loach smiled and kicked the stones on the ground while walking.

When Little Loach turned a bend in the mountain, he saw Li Chun standing up from a pile of thatch, still touching the waist of his trousers.

"Hahaha! Lichun, it's convenient for you to hide in the thatch! I've already seen your white one!" Little Loach laughed.

"You nonsense! This thatch is so dense, can you see my fart?" Li Chun cursed and walked out.

"Who lied to you! Not only did I see yours! I can even see that mole on your left!" Little Niqian looked at Li Chun.

Li Chun's face was flushed, she looked back at the thatch where she was squatting just now, and asked puzzled: "What do you think?"

Little Niqiu understood in his heart, it seemed that there was really a small mole on Li Chun's left side.He smiled and said, "You didn't expect it! I was looking at this side with a telescope. Who knew that it would be convenient for you to squat there!"

"You villain! Peeping at women when it's convenient for you! Just watch it, don't talk nonsense!" Li Chun said as she walked on the road.

"Okay, I'll keep it a secret for you. But, let me kiss you. Okay?" Little Loach approached Li Chun with a smile.

"You can't kiss, you will get pregnant if you kiss." Li Chun said.

"Who said you can get pregnant after kissing? Only two people can get pregnant when they have each other!" Little Loach smiled brightly.

"My mother told me. He told me to be careful not to show my breasts to men, and said that an unmarried girl's breasts are more expensive than gold! He said that you can't kiss a man, and you will conceive a child!" Li Chun tilted his head.

"Your grandma is pregnant, and her belly is so big." Little Niqiu said, drawing a big arc on his chest with both hands, "Then your grandma just kissed your grandpa? You never heard you Dad and grandma pressed the board and made noises?"

When Li Chun heard what he said, she remembered hearing that mixed voice several times at night.Her face became even redder: "Little Niqiu, you are a villain! Your grandma and your grandpa are the only ones fighting against each other!"

"They must have slammed the board too loudly, otherwise, how could there be me? If you don't give me a kiss, forget it, I'm leaving. I'll tell my friends, there is a mole on yours!" Little Loach said towards go forward.

"You can't say it! If you say it, you will embarrass me to death!" Li Chun was so anxious that she was about to cry.

Little Loach turned his head and patted Afraid Lichun: "Don't worry, I won't tell, how can I be willing to tell others the secret I saw. Lichun, yours is really white!"

"You're not shy!" Li Chun pouted.

"I'm really not shy in front of you! I like you, I'll kiss you!" Xiao Niqian said while holding Li Chun's head, and covered her mouth with his mouth.


The king of Zhai came to the door of Xiao Niqiu's house.

"Is Wang Jian at home?" Zhai Wang raised his voice and shouted.

"Not at home. It's the king of the village! Come in and sit down." Wang Jian's wife Yang Qun came out and saw that it was the king of the village and hurriedly invited him into the house.

"You're so willing to leave! I'll pour tea for you. Can you find Wang Jian for anything!"

"It's okay. Little, I grabbed him and wanted to bring him back so that his father could teach him a lesson, but he slipped away halfway. Anyway, it's not far from your house, so I'll come and have a look."

"Drink tea. Little Niachan is always causing trouble! King Zhai, you should have taught him a good lesson on behalf of his father."

"Can I replace his father?" Zhai Wang laughed.

"Zhai Wang, you are making fun of me again. Seriously, if you teach him instead of his father, we will have no objection." Yang Qun sat down opposite Zhai Wang.

"Your son, little loach! I really don't know what to say about him! I said, 'Your mother is so beautiful, how did you give birth to such a son' Guess what he told me on the way?"

"How did he say?"

"He said, Zhai Wang, you said my mother is beautiful, do you miss her! I scolded him for being an asshole. He said, who wouldn't want a man to see a beautiful woman! Zhai Wang, don't be shy!"

"You Zhaiwang made it up yourself! What's so beautiful about me?" Yang Qun looked at Zhaiwang and smiled.

Zhai Wang looked at Yang Qun and smiled: "It's really what Xiao Niqiu said. Tell me, why did your son encourage me to be nice to you?"

"He knew you wouldn't be nice to me, so he said it on purpose."

"Who said I won't be nice to you?"

"I said so." Yang Qun lowered his head.

In spring, women don't wear padded jackets, and when they don't go out, they wear sweaters instead of coats.

Zhai Wang saw the stuff in Yang Qun's sweater rising and falling, and he knew that her heartbeat had accelerated.

"What you said was not what I thought. Who wouldn't want such a beautiful woman like you?" Zhai Wang said with a smile.

"There are a lot of people in the village who think about it. But you don't think about it. If people think about it, it's for nothing." Yang Qun finally raised his head and looked at the king of the village.

"If I think about it, won't it be in vain?"

"You don't think about me, you have a lot of women!" Yang Qun began to boldly look into Zhai Wang's eyes.


(End of this chapter)

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