wild flowers in mountain village

Chapter 84 0094: Be yourself

Chapter 84 0094: Be yourself

Li Chun's mouth was kicked by the little loach, she shook her head vigorously, her mouth left the little loach's lips: "Don't do this, you will really get pregnant!"

"Li Chun, are you really stupid, or are you pretending to be stupid! You will get pregnant this way, and if a woman is pregnant, can she know whose seed it is?" Little Niqiu laughed.

"You've already kissed me, it's time to let me go!"

"No! You didn't agree just now, I forced it. If you agree to let me kiss, I won't tell the secret."

"Just one kiss. Don't tell anyone after the kiss!"

"Okay! This time I will kiss you, you are not allowed to shake your head."

"En." Li Chun said and closed her eyes.

Li Chun really didn't shake her head.

The two kissed for a while, and Xiao Niqian touched Li Chun with his hand.

Li Chun pushed Little Niqiu away: "You have kissed, but you still want to touch, you have to make an inch of it!"

Little Loach smiled and said, "It feels so good to kiss you, I can't help myself, thinking about that. Let me do that!"

"I was afraid of getting pregnant after kissing, I kissed and touched again, I really got pregnant, what should I do?" Li Chun looked at Little Niach and said.

"I won't get pregnant. As I said, to get pregnant, the man needs to press the woman, and the pressure will make a creaking sound!"

"You lied. I'm afraid of getting pregnant, so I can't let you touch me."

"I promise I won't get pregnant, you let me do that, once, gently, okay?"

"If I am really pregnant, what should I do?" Li Chun looked at Little Niach.

"I'm really pregnant, I'll marry you as my wife!" Little Niqiu said very manly.

"Just touch it."


Little Niach hugged Lichun and rubbed her hands.

Li Chun pushed him away: "Okay, you've touched it."

"I touched your clothes. I didn't touch yours! Don't push me, I'll touch your clothes first, then reach into your clothes, just touch it, okay?"

"I believe you, don't lie to me, you should put on the clothes first!" Li Chun said and closed her eyes again.

Little Loach hugs Li Chun...

Seeing Yang Qun looking at him, the king of Zhai said, "I don't want you, why did you come here? See how seductive you are, who can stand it!"

Yang Qun looked down at himself, "Look at what you said, she was jumping in fright even hiding in her clothes! She is too worthless, as if she is afraid that you will eat her."

Zhai Wang stood up and walked over: "You are better at picking people than it! Let me see how it dances inside." Saying that, Zhai Wang's hand fell.

Yang Qun closed his eyes and raised his head.

Zhai Wang grabbed and shook Yang Qun while kissing Yang Qun.

Yang Qun was out of breath, and moved his lips: "King Zhai, I have missed you for a long time. Help me up."

Zhai Wang helped Yang Qun up and hugged her, moving towards the door.

When he got to the door, the king of Zhai closed the door, put the bolt on it, and pushed Yang Qun against the door.

Yang Qun's breathing became more and more rapid, and she closed her eyes: "King Zhai, hug me!"

Zhai Wang began to panic.


Although Lichun was separated by her clothes, she could feel the warmth of Little Niqiu's hand. She closed her eyes and stammered, "Little Niqiu, your hand, go in quickly, touch it, quickly..."

Little Niach stretched his hand under Lichun's clothes, and touched up, Lichun pressed against Little Niach.

Li Chun felt that she was being touched by that, she shivered, and quickly pushed Little Niach away.

Little Niqiu was intoxicated in the beauty, when he was pushed away suddenly, it was as if cold water was poured on his boiling heart.He looked at Li Chun: "What's wrong with you?"

"You've got that to me!"

"I still want to touch!"

"No! If you touch it again, you will become pregnant!"

"Why did you suddenly change?"

"What have I changed? Remember, if I become pregnant, you will marry me!" Li Chun said and walked forward.

The little loach stood there blankly.

"I'm pregnant, I'll marry you? How did I get pregnant?" Little Niqiu said to himself.

Li Chun walked for a while, and laughed in her heart: "You little loach wants to lie to me, let's see who is lying to whom! Huh, binoculars, lie to ghosts! If I didn't want to experience the feeling of being in love, and you wanted to touch my lips, There is no door! Do you think I have heard little about this from my father and my mother?"

After Li Chun snorted at Little Niqiu in her heart, she felt itchy when she thought of Little Niqiu's kiss and touch.She said to herself: "No wonder Grandma would hum a little song in the morning after being fucked by Grandpa at night. It turns out that it is really beautiful for a woman to get close to a man!"


Zhai Wang was busy for a while, and Yang Qun already had beads of sweat on his body.

Yang Qun said: "Zhai Wang, I'm a little tired, let me lie flat..."

Zhai Wang finally picked up Yang Qun and walked inside, holding Yang Qun as he walked.

"Valley King, no wonder all the women in the village like you, you are really, really capable!"

The king of the village put Yang Qunping on the top, and after a while, the board made a sound of protest.


Not long after Zhai Wang walked out of Yang Qun's house, he saw Little Nixiu walking towards home.

Seeing King Zhai, Little Niach smiled and said, "King Zhai, don't catch me, Little Niach!"

"You learn well by yourself! If you don't learn well, it's useless for me to catch you." Zhai Wang deliberately said with a straight face.

"You Zhaiwang is catching the big white fish, right? It must be! So you don't care about me, this little loach!" said the little loach after passing by Zhaiwang.

"What nonsense are you talking about, you little bastard?" Zhai Wang turned around and cursed.

"King Zhai, don't worry! I understand this, and I won't talk nonsense."

Zhai Wang cursed in his heart: "Why did Wang Jian give birth to such a son!"

As soon as Little Niqiu came home, Yang Qun pinched his ears and said, "Why are you bullying Sanyan? Three idiots, idiots are idiots, he is dedicated to doing good things for the elderly!"

"Grandma, let go, it hurts me! Zhai Wang is too disrespectful of brotherhood! I give him convenience, he, he even sued me!"

"What are you talking about? See if I don't pinch your ears off!"

"I won't say it, I won't say it. Grandma, let me go!"

Yang Qun let go of the little loach: "Go cook! Don't be idle all day like your father!"

"Grandma, although Dad is idle, he can still make money. Tell me, who can catch Dongmao mice better than my dad?" Little Niqiu said with a smile.

"Your father lost half of his money on the young lady and on the gambling table! Today, I took two Dongmao mice to the town, and see how much money he will have when he comes back!" Yang Qun said angrily.

"Grandmother, don't be too angry. Although Dad likes to gamble a little bit, he also likes to play a little bit, woman. However, he will always leave money for food and production expenses. I admire him for this! I admire him for being able to control himself, I can take care of this home!"

"I admire you ass! You can learn from him! You can learn from him, and if you marry a wife, your wife will also be sent to other men's arms!" Yang Qun was so angry that he slipped his mouth, and quickly changed the subject: "Go and cook Fan! I won’t tell you about your bullying Sanyan this time, Dad, you should try to cheer yourself up!”

"Thank you Mama for your tolerance!" Little Loach said and went to cook.

(End of this chapter)

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