Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 104 - I'm Disgusted

Chapter 104 – Abandoned
As soon as she entered the house, Chen Yanzi pressed Ai Wen on the sofa in a hungry tiger - of course, this was based on the premise that Ai Wen did not resist.Only Chen Yanzi's small body, Aiwen, can fight ten (in the ring)!
Chen Yanzi pressed Ai Wen and asked with pretending ferocity: "Is there anything else I don't know about you?"

Aiwen asked innocently: "Which aspect are you referring to?"

"Everything! I want to get to know you from the inside out tonight!" Chen Yanzi said solemnly.

Ai Wen smiled: "I suspect you are driving but I have no proof!"

"I think I should have a comprehensive understanding of my fiancé, so that I don't even know what you know." Chen Yanzi said seriously.

Ai Wen scratched his head: "The messy things I know are really old and young, and you will let me say it all in a while."

"For example?" Chen Yanzi asked.

"For example, I am proficient in all kinds of skills for dating girls-writing love poems, singing, DJ tuning, B-box, street dancing," Ai Wenbara counted with his fingers.

Chen Yanzi covered her face: "I finally know why you have so many ex-girlfriends."

"I can understand both poetry and singing, but how did you learn how to DJ?" Chen Yanzi asked puzzled.

Ai Wen smiled and said: "That thing is not difficult, as long as someone teaches it for a period of time, it will be easy to get started. One of my buddies' buddies is doing this stuff, and I can fool laymen children after learning for fifteen days."

"Also. You said you can dance hip-hop?" Chen Yanzi asked.

Ai Wen nodded: "Isn't this thing a test of physical coordination -- just like you who learn folk dance and want to dance jazz dance easily if you have a foundation in dancing, it's also very easy for me to learn mechanical dance as a martial arts practitioner. Bar?"

"Try it for a while?" Chen Yanzi raised her eyebrows.

Ai Wen smiled wryly: "Dance the mechanical dance at home? It's always embarrassing to say that"

"Where is it not awkward to dance? Just think you are dating a girl right now! I am the girl you want to date~" Chen Yanzi grabbed Ai Wen's arm and threw him off the sofa: "I'll find you a background Music ha!"

She turned on the smart speaker at home: "Xiao Ai, come to a popping dance song!"

"Okay!" Xiao Ai replied sweetly, and the sound system in the room officially started working.

It was the first time for Ai Wen to see the smart home in Chen Yanzi's home. I didn't expect this girl to be quite fashionable!

A soothing rhythm came from the speakers, and classmate Xiao Ai randomly found a dance song for Ai Wen--the popping practice version of "Heart Like Still Water".As we all know, popping is not afraid of fast but slow, and it is skill to jump out of the slow song.

The music started, and Aiwen wandered loosely in the living room, but when the P spot appeared, he began his powerful body control.Chen Yanzi looked at Ai Wen with an illusion of spatial confusion and playing a card, and felt that the attraction of the earth had failed on Ai Wen.

A few muscle movements showed Aiwen's strong basic skills. He didn't show any fancy skills. He went to the refrigerator to take out a bottle of coconut milk along with the music--however, his body movements were always in line with the rhythm, very magic.

Ai Wen returned to the sofa and asked while drinking coconut juice: "Is there anything else you want to ask?"

"How many-few-ex-girlfriends do you have?" Chen Yanzi asked word by word.

Ai Wen broke out in a cold sweat: "You must know?"

Chen Yanzi nodded firmly: "You are my fiancé! I am your mother's official fiancée!"

Aiwen stretched out three fingers tremblingly, and Chen Yanzi breathed a sigh of relief: "You are quite good at bragging in front of the students, Xiaolin said that your ex-girlfriends co-authored it to tease them? After a long time, you just three ex-girlfriend."

"That. Three-digit number." Ivan said weakly.

Chen Yanzi was spartan again: "Three-digit ex-girlfriend? How did you survive to this day?"

"Joke. Just laugh." Ai Wen cupped his hands and said, "The child is young and ignorant! How do you sing Lao Li's song? Just let me be young and not feel inferior, and have a lot of wives and concubines."

"Are you sure you're still healthy?" Chen Yanzi moved away from Ai Wen three meters away and asked in disgust.

Ai Wen nodded: "We organize physical examinations every year, and they are quite professional full-body examinations. I also did special examinations. Fortunately, nothing happened. The main reason is that my ex-girlfriends are basically decent people."

"After the holiday is over, we must find a time to do a full set of premarital examination!" Chen Yanzi firmly said: "You are forbidden to touch me before that!"

"All right, all right, you can say whatever you want. At the beginning you called me Xiao Tiantian, but now you dislike me and hide away." Ai Wen pretended to be resentful.

"He~tui~ scumbag!" Chen Yanzi continued to be disgusted, any girl would be stunned for a while knowing that her fiancé has a three-figure ex-girlfriend.But fortunately, Aiwen is quite frank. If she is allowed to understand the situation by herself, she may explode on the spot.

Ai Wen rubbed his nose: "Look. You asked yourself. After telling you, you still scolded me. What's more, I also admit that I am a scumbag, but why do you call me! I am not a scumbag to you, and I'm going to marry you soon."

"Hmph! Your career as a scumbag is over from now on! This girl makes you more than capable!" Chen Yanzi glared.

Ai Wen bowed his hands and begged for mercy: "Okay! Whatever you say is right!"

"Embrace the bedroll and roll to sleep in the guest room! You are forbidden to have any close contact with me until the test results come out!" Chen Yanzi kicked Ai Wen on the back and scolded.

Ai Wen smacked his lips: "I haven't felt like living under the fence these days."

"It's because I'm magnanimous that I didn't kick you out of the house! Do you still think about those things? He~tui~" Chen Yanzi rolled her eyes and went back to her room and locked the bedroom door behind her.

She grabbed the puppet on the bed and gave it a hard hammer: "I'll kill you scumbag! You're a big scumbag! Three-digit ex-girlfriend! You're not afraid of losing your life and blood!"

"Student Xiao Ai~" Ai Wen lay on the sofa with Erlang's legs up and said, "Let's have a cool song."

"Okay!" Xiao Ai replied.

While listening to the song, Ai Wen flipped through the work group—the average scores of each class of the first-year group have been calculated, and the average scores of each subject have also been sorted out.Aiwen opened the statistics table and found the total average score ranking of each class in the first year group, and the seventh class in the first year stood at the top of the list.

Great, my baby!These guys went straight to the No.1 position!It seems that the attraction of picnic vacations to these guys is so great!
It seems that it's time to contact the young and old to book a room, and there's another burst of bleeding!Thanks to the support of 200 million + 50 from my own father, otherwise I would have to live a hard life for a few days.

After getting married, the three buildings in the school district will be available, and my financial situation will be greatly relieved at that time.Is Chen Yanzi's annual salary a lot in the millions?Dude, I can earn millions a month just by collecting rent!

(End of this chapter)

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