Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 105 – Too Difficult

Chapter 105 - Too Difficult

"The monthly examination papers have all been reviewed, and the score statistics have also been completed-our junior high school class 1 is ranked No.[-] in the year group! Applause for myself! Applause for you!"

Aiwen posted the news in the student group early in the morning.

"Seventh class is invincible, longevity and heaven!"

"Seven classes of cattle batch! Broken sound"


"ヾ(≧▽≦*)o hot spring hot spring!"

"Super Plus enjoy!"

"︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿No way, we are so good!"

"( ) my swimsuit finally doesn't need to be dusted in the closet!"

Ai Wen continued: "Please send a private message to the students who participated in this outing as teachers, and also note whether there are parents accompanying them and how many parents will accompany them. The deadline for registration is [-]:[-] noon today--students please inform each other!"

Not long after, Aiwen's phone went off the boil, and the jingling news almost caused his phone to explode.

Fortunately, Aiwen has always kept two mobile phones - one for work and one for life.Aiwen has several mobile phone cards and several social numbers, and different identities have different numbers.

He got up very early, knocked on Chen Yanzi's bedroom door after breakfast and said, "Get up, hey! Open the door, hey! You'll be paralyzed after sleeping, hey!"

"Student Xiao Ai!" Ai Wen ordered.

"Hey!" Classmate Xiaoai responded cutely.

"The volume is the loudest! First come a big sedan chair to refresh your mind!" Ivan directed.

"It's playing for you - "The God of Wealth Arrives". "Xiao Ai replied.

Alvin: .
Is my Mandarin backward?Why did the big sedan chair become the God of Wealth?Does the man's temperament seem to be so short of money?
However, it is quite refreshing to play the God of Wealth at full power on the surround speakers in the house.Especially the Cantonese tune, it really sounds like a magic sound filling my ears.

"Aiwen! You're so weak! Believe it or not, I'll hack you to death in minutes!" Chen Yanzi glanced at her phone and found that it was only six o'clock. She felt that she wanted to die.

Ai Wen shouted at the door with a smile: "If you want to kill me, you have to get up first, don't you?"

"What on earth do you want?" Chen Yanzi crawled from the bed to the floor like a ghost, and then rolled up the quilt like a snake to the door and opened the bedroom door.

The door opened, and Ai Wen picked up Chen Yanzi and threw her into the bathtub—all together!

The bathtub was filled with warm water prepared by Ai Wen. After entering the bathtub, Chen Yanzi didn't feel sleepy at all.She bared her teeth and claws at Ai Wen and said: "Believe it or not, I will kill you every minute!"

"I don't believe it, and your martial arts are not enough to give you half an hour to clean yourself up, and then follow me out for a run!" Ai Wen said with a smile.

"I beg you to be a person! Won't you wake up naturally after sleeping so early in the morning? Are you having a headache? Why are you running!" Chen Yanzi thrashed in the water in pain.

Aiwen said seriously: "If I cook for you in the future, your weight will rise sharply. If you don't exercise well, you will become a fat woman."

"Fat old lady! I'm a dance teacher, okay? I'm proficient in classical, jazz, Latin, and belly dancing!" Chen Yanzi burst into tears: "I'm just exercising in class!"

Ai Wen scratched his head: "It seems so. How about I fish you out and go to sleep?"

"I finally know why Xiaolin wants to call you Ai Wen's old thief! You old thief who kills thousands of knives! It's hard to say whether you are human, but you are a real dog!" Chen Yanzi lay weakly in the bathtub, eyes blind Godly against the ceiling - a beautiful morning is gone.
"You're awake anyway. Do you want to run together?" Ivan asked.

Chen Yanzi:
Seeing Chen Yanzi's devouring eyes, Ai Wen closed the bathroom door embarrassingly, then he put on his tracksuit and ran away.

Chen Yanzi crawled out of the water after doubting her life in the bathtub for a long time.She threw the wet clothes in the washing machine for a good wash and changed into dry pajamas.

Ai Wen dared to treat himself like this!
Tender him to death!

When she walked out of the bathroom, she didn't find Aiwen. It seemed that this guy had fled in fear of crime.She made up her mind - as long as Ai Wen dared to come back, she would dare to kill him!
Chen Yanzi's family is located in a downtown area, and it is difficult to find a place to run - but Ai Wen is a school teacher, and he is very familiar with the gatekeepers of all middle schools in the city.Because of the young teacher study plan, Aiwen often went to other schools to attend lectures and take exchange courses.When you go to a school, it is very important to have a good relationship with the gatekeeper of their school.

Aiwen has often passed cigarettes to the elders, and he has become familiar with them after coming and going.The middle school near Chen Yanzi's home is No. [-] Middle School, and Ai Wen, the uncle of No. [-] Middle School, is also very close.He walked around in his sportswear and came to the gate of No. [-] Middle School to say hello to the uncle.

"Uncle Liu! Open the door!" Ai Wen smiled and handed over a cigarette.

Uncle Liu took a straight look: "Mr. Xiaoai? What brought you here? The school is on holiday, who are you looking for?"

"I live near the No. [-] Middle School now, and I want to exercise in the morning - why don't you come to our No. [-] Middle School for a stroll! Why don't you always open the door!" Ai Wen said with a smile.

"Go in! There are not many young people who are willing to exercise now - like my grandson, he can't wait to sleep until the sun goes down!" Uncle Liu said while smoking a cigarette.

Ai Wen gave the whole pack of cigarettes to Uncle Liu: "I am also forced by work. I have to get up early every day, and I have developed a habit of not getting up and falling asleep!"

"Okay, you go in quickly!" After Uncle Liu pressed the button, the door opened, and Ai Wen slipped in.

At this time, every school attaches great importance to campus safety management. In the early years, schools could be open to the public for people to come in for running and strolling.But since several campus security incidents across the country, most schools have banned outsiders from entering.

Firstly, Ai Wen is a teacher in the education system, secondly, he used to come to No. [-] Middle School to attend classes and attend classes.The doorman, Uncle Liu, knows Ai Wen, so it's okay to open the door for convenience.More importantly, there are no students in the school now, and if Aiwen wants to steal something, he can't get around the surveillance camera at all.

The playground of the No. 400 Middle School is also a standard [-]-meter plastic track. Ai Wen, who is used to running in school, is unwilling to run on the cement roads in squares and parks. How can cement roads and asphalt roads feel better than plastic tracks?
After running thirteen laps on the track to make up five kilometers, Ivan felt refreshed—but at this time he faced a dilemma.

Where should I go back?
Go to the teacher's apartment or go back to Chen Yanzi's!This is a very worthwhile question.Going back to the teacher's apartment - he should be raped to death; going back to Chen Yanzi's place - he will definitely be raped to death.

too difficult!Really too difficult!
(End of this chapter)

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