Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 110 - The Origin of Middle 2

Chapter 110 – The Origin of Secondary School
During the meal, Aiwen asked: "Brother, I heard from the Internet that we still have a shooting range here?"

"That's right, we are the only legal gun club in the whole province." Yang Peng said triumphantly, "Brother will open your eyes after dinner!"

Ai Wen was very calm, but Chen Yanzi couldn't sit still.He really couldn't understand why a girl doesn't like red clothes and arms?Even a batch of MP5s with low recoil is not just played by a girl casually, right?
"What model do we have here?" Ivan asked.

"Pistols, revolvers, semi-automatics, and shotguns cannot be licensed," Yang Peng explained.

This Ivan can understand, even the guns allowed by the laws of the United States that shoot every day can only be semi-automatic.

"Are bullets expensive?" Ivan asked.

Yang Peng rubbed his chin: "The purchase price is definitely not as exaggerated as the selling price. After all, we are wholesaled directly from the north, but the selling price is not less than 40 yuan for a round of bullets."

"One shuttle semi-automatically hits more than 1000 shots and it's gone?" Ivan said in horror.

Yang Peng shrugged: "Do you think this is for ordinary people to play? The club is a membership system, and you have to recharge 1 yuan to be eligible to enter"

"Shu Hui She Hui!" Ai Wen praised, his monthly salary is not enough for five shuttle bullets!

Yang Peng said depressedly: "The club was quite popular in the past, but this year's tourism industry is generally sluggish, and there are many fewer people who come to shoot targets. It's so hard to earn money now. If you can save money if you don't just need it."

Ai Wen nodded. This year, their performance seems to be reduced by a percentage, and Q City's finances are also facing economic difficulties.Including Chen Yanzi's dance school, this year's revenue is much lower than in previous years.The economic downturn has the biggest impact on the tertiary industry.

Food is the most important thing for the people, and the primary industry is as stable as an old dog at any time.But the common people don't want to enjoy it anymore, and the unlucky thing is the tertiary industry.But when the economy picks up, Yang Peng can guarantee that his resort will be coaxed again.

Satisfied with food and drink, Ai Wen and Chen Yanzi followed Yang Peng on a scenic electric scooter and left from the gate to continue walking along the mountain road. The shooting range was arranged by Yang Peng in the mountain.There is an air-raid shelter in the mountain—it was a civil air defense project decades ago. The building is very strong, and there is no problem except that it is old.

Yang Peng's club is inside the air-raid shelter, and different items are placed in different compartments.The eldest and younger took the lead and introduced: "This is the pistol area. We provide ppq, Glock, 1911 and other pistols for members to use."

"This is the rifle area. We provide akm semi-automatic, 56 semi-automatic and various types of bolt-action rifles."

"This is the shotgun area. The shotguns are more expensive, not only the bullets, but also the shooting room. The shotgun damage is too great."

Chen Yanzi looked at the models on the wall and drooled as if she had entered the Grand View Garden like Grandma Liu.

"We insist on one-on-one tutoring and training, and the instructors monitor and guide the whole process to prevent any safety problems. And there are all kinds of cameras here, and there is absolutely no blind spot." Yang Peng introduced.

Ai Wen asked: "Is this place separate from the villa?"

Yang Peng nodded: "Fourth, the responsibility of the shooting range is very important-it's not that my brother is stingy, but that if something goes wrong, no one can escape. Your shares are the shares of the villa, and the club is independent of the villa."

Ai Wen nodded: "I understand. But if I come to play, I don't need to apply for a card, right?"

"Bah! You are humiliating me!" Yang Peng jumped up and said, "You and your siblings are beginners, let Instructor Li teach you pistols first!"

He's had enough, and bang bang bang for too long isn't much fun.But for Ai Wen and Chen Yanzi who have never been in contact with this thing, this is a very novel experience.

For beginners, anti-sound earmuffs are very necessary.The sound of the bullet firing is quite loud, and it is easy to ring in the ears after a long time.

Chen Yanzi eagerly followed the instructor to learn, learning bit by bit from the structure of the gun, the posture of holding the gun, and the precautions.Ai Wen felt bored after listening for a while, so he ran to the side to chat with Yang Peng.

"Why do you want to do this?" Ivan asked.

Yang Peng said with a smile: "I'm interested. The main reason is that I happened to find an abandoned civil air defense project here."

"Isn't it delicious to change this place into a haunted house?" Ivan asked.

Yang Peng shook his head: "The risk of a haunted house is actually greater than that of a shooting range. You never know if the person who enters has a heart attack."

Ai Wen nodded: "Indeed, there are some people who are scared to death inside, and just losing money is enough for you to drink a pot."

"It doesn't matter if you lose money, but the resort is doomed." Yang Peng said, "No one will come to the news that your resort scares people to death."

The two chatted and chatted back to their college days, and recalled their melon skin sand sculpture career in college.Especially when recalling the various tricks of the Fourth Chinese Young Master, the two looked at each other and smiled.

Chen Yanzi had a great time playing alone, and finally walked out of the shooting range.

"What are you talking about?" Chen Yanzi asked.

Ai Wen smiled and said: "Recall the sand sculpture life in college"

"For example?" Chen Yanzi was curious.

"For example, the four of us went to the Internet. In order to experience the hardships of the people, we did not go to a high-end Internet cafe but chose an ordinary Internet cafe. Because the mouth was fragrant and the voice was a bit loud when playing games, so we fell in love with the social idlers on the opposite side. .” Ivan recalled.

"and then?"

"Then it's real person PK, the four of us will fight against the other seven," Ai Wen said with a smile.

"Win?" Chen Yanzi asked.

Ai Wen affirmed: "Must be! I can hit ten of that kind of stuff by myself! After they are fucked, they have to shake people, and I also call to shake people on the other side. In the end, more than 30 people came over there. I called over 200 people - and they were all with guys."

Yang Peng added: "At that time, the owner of the Internet cafe was terrified. Two hundred people crowded the entrance of the Internet cafe. They were so scared that they almost knelt down and called Dad."

"What about the end?" Chen Yanzi really wanted to know the final result.

"Finally, we punched a set of long punches neatly in the open space in front of the Internet cafe, scaring the idle people on the opposite side to pee. Then the four of us invited guests to a cafeteria to ask the brothers and sisters who helped punch A barbecue meal. At that time, when more than 200 of us entered the cafeteria, the boss was frightened—they thought we were here to smash the store with the guy!" Yang Peng laughed.

Chen Yanzi asked curiously: "How can you call more than 200 people with one phone call? Are you so popular?"

"Didn't I tell you? When I was in college, I was the founder of the school's martial arts club. I had two vice presidents, the Four Heavenly Kings, the Eight King Kongs, the Eighteen Arhats, 36 Tiangangs, 72 Dishas, ​​and more than 300 unworthy names. The students of No. 200 are known as the most powerful club in Northern Normal University. [-] people are recruited because the [-] people have classes and self-study. As the president, I must be a cloud-piercing arrow, and thousands of troops come to support See you." Ai Wen said triumphantly, and the breath of the second class was undoubtedly revealed.

It's real!The soul of the second grader in the seventh grade of the first grade was abducted by Ai Wen!The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked!

(End of this chapter)

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