Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 111 – AD without C

Chapter 111 – AD without C
Aiwen did not arrange any group activities for the students of Class [-] in the afternoon. There are many recreational items in the resort, and it will take a lot of time to experience them all.

But not all children are keen on rides. Ivan saw several speeding trio, skydiving quartet and canyon five black cars.Anyway, it's a holiday now, and Aiwen didn't manage it too strictly. He just reminded him to protect his eyesight and play games in moderation.

When the students in class [-] saw Ai Wen's half-accepted attitude and began to make progress, someone even invited Ai Wen to make trouble.Ai Wen sneered--is the head teacher's advanced account able to be climbed by you scumbags?So he used Chen Yanzi's mobile phone to start ranking with the four children.

Because Chen Yanzi is in the Xingyao tier, the only people who can play with him are Diamond, Xingyao, and King tier.As a result, many small pits in the canyon expressed their mentality burst-why can't they even get diamonds?
Ai Wen hey, if he showed the king's 72-star size, wouldn't it be an instant kill?
However, the seventh class is also full of talents, and they can really gather a team to compete with Xingyao.Moreover, these four guys are all good at studying. It seems that the conclusion that the high level of games is inversely proportional to academic performance is wrong. It is the truth of this world that outstanding children are better than others in all aspects.

"Choose a path first—I'll play support." As the head teacher, Ai Wen shamelessly took over his status as a big bastard.Win a wave, lose your resistance - the head teacher will always be tall and sunny!
"I'm on my way!"

"I'm in the middle!"

"I'm off!"

"Then I can only go wild?"

"What do you want Li Bai to carry the audience?"


Aiwen clicked to start matching and entered the hero selection interface.Aiwen's hero pool is very comprehensive, he can play both upper, middle and lower field support, but he must mix up when playing with students.Otherwise, what if the students find out that they are good at playing games?
He is now playing with the students called having fun with the people. The head teacher can't always be high above the top, and occasionally he has to put on a very close look.What happened to playing games with students?His student year group first!

The hero selection is completed-Arthur resists the pressure on the top road;As for the support, of course it is the first pendant in the canyon, Forest Yao!
Looking at his lineup, Ai Wen felt that this game was going to be cold.As we all know, King Pesticide also has a chain of contempt for heroes.

On the road, Sun Ce and Kaihuang despise each other, and they despise Xiahou Dun at the same time, but the one everyone absolutely despises must be old Arthur.

Diaochan and Wan'er in the middle of the road despise each other, and they despise Zhen Ji at the same time, but the one everyone absolutely despises must be Baby Daji.

Migrant workers Li Bai and Han Xin despised each other, and they despised Zhao Yun at the same time, but everyone despised Hou Zi and Dian Wei.

Sun Shangxiang and Yu Ji, the shooters on the development road, despise each other. They despise Baili's keeping the contract at the same time, but everyone despises Luban No. [-].

As for the auxiliary gas tank and Tai 2 real people who despise each other, they despise Cai Wenji at the same time, but everyone despises Yao together.

The five members of the Kaihei team from the seventh class directly occupied the bottom of the chain of contempt. These five people formed a luxurious group of elementary school students, and the Xinshou Village Kaihei team was officially announced.

But from another point of view, the fact that the hero is despised shows that its operation is really brainless.For example, Daji’s 213 sets of seconds, such as Old Arthur’s Grass Justice, such as Luban No. [-]’s Luban No. [-]. Forget it—he’s just a cash machine!The so-called team battle can be lost, but Lu Ban must die!

The teams facing the elementary school team of Class [-] are much more high-end: Kaihuang in the top lane, Wan'er in the middle lane, Yuji in the bottom lane, Li Bai in the jungler, and Guigu support.When they saw the enemy lineup, they were silent, today is still a holiday, it seems that they met the elementary school team!

What is the happiest thing about pesticide application?Wu Hei foresees the student team!What is the most painful thing about applying pesticides?Solo queue foresight of elementary school teammates!Primary school students are no longer just referring to the school stage, but a kind of player. No matter how old you are, as long as you cheat you are a primary school student!

"Old Ai! How do you fight?" asked the jungler.

Aiwen smiled: "Level 1 regiment! Only the strong are eligible to develop!"


"Roger that!"

Daji ordered the second skill silently, ready to flick her tail to be dizzy at any time.The five of them walked together along the lower road, squatting in the grass and not moving.When Yu Ji's second skill was exploring the grass, they didn't find their existence-mainly because they didn't squat in the grass on the pawn line, but squatted on the edge of the dragon pit.

When Yu Ji and Gui Guzi came out of the tower to eat the soldiers, Daji's second skill flew out with a whoosh, and Ai Wen led the people around Yu Ji with a blasting hammer.

The hammer blasted the bottom lane, and the five of them then ran to the middle lane.This version of Wan'er was overwhelmed by Daji. If you dare to attack Daji, you will faint to death. Wan'er who doesn't go to heaven is a hot chicken with broken wings.

The rogue style of play of the first-level regiment almost didn't make the opponent angry--can you have some quality?This is a developmental tower pushing game, okay?

Ai Wen didn't care about these things, and the five people fled in three ways.And they all jumped out of the grass to bring justice from the sky. If someone hangs the ball, they will demolish the tower, steal the mobs and eat the pawn line by the way.

Don't look at them fighting indiscriminately from the beginning, but the development rhythm of the enemy was completely destroyed by Aiwen.

"Teacher, what's next?" Daji asked.

"Forcibly dismantled in the middle, forcing them to form a team!" Ai Wen controlled Yao to jump on Dian Wei's head - this guy runs fast, and he only needs to take a car.

When the line of soldiers arrived, the five people on the middle road were chattering towards the defensive tower.Wan'er didn't dare to go inside when she saw the five people who were staring at her like a tiger - Daji's second skill can be reserved for her!Moreover, she is only at level three at this time, and she has no skills to use the passive to go to the sky!
The protection period has not yet passed, and the first tower in the middle road has been killed by the group of five from Xinshou Village.Dian Wei went to steal the wild with Yao on the back, first to see if the three little pigs were resurrected, and then to see if the red and blue fathers were still alive—in the end, Dian Wei could only steal a bird to taste the saltiness.

Dian Wei with Yao on his head made Li Bai feel very, very sick. Although he moved very fast, he couldn't stand Yao and he could give Dian Wei a shield!Originally, this guy could suck blood and run really fast, but if Yao was added with a disgusting person, his mentality would collapse a bit.

And Dian Wei is not stupid, when he saw Li Bai rushing over, he went to catch the shadow - just to see if you come back!
As for the duel between the two fighters, the old Arthur resolutely released the tortoise shell suit, with ice on his body, unknown body protection and extreme cold. When he appeared on the stage, he was a copper pea that could not be hammered to death, and he returned blood very quickly. , within seconds, he became a father again in a short while.

As for Luban No. [-], he is a big dog, and the terrifying output of standing up to biubiubiu makes him like to mention four consecutive kills.However, he died quite a few times. Without Yao's protection, Lu Ban trembled wherever he went.

Auxiliary protection shooter?Stop it!No matter what version AD is without C!
(End of this chapter)

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