Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 112 - The Elegant Name: Training Students' Abilities

Chapter 112 - The Elegant Name: Training Students' Abilities


Under the almost rogue style of play, the opposing team chose to surrender without a fight.This is the victory of elementary school students, this is the victory of Novice Village, and this is the victory of Wunaogang.

"Let's play, pay attention to the time!"

After Ai Wen returned the mobile phone to Chen Yanzi, he continued to stroll. Originally, Yang Peng planned to arrange dinner for Ai Wen and Chen Yanzi alone, but Ai Wen refused. It would be nice to have a self-service meal. I heard from the children that the food here is not bad. , not lower than the five or 61 cafeterias outside.

These little prodigals spend a lot of money on their own—the little devil hairpins on their heads and the fan used to hold 13 in their hands are all bought in craft stores.Even if children are willing to spend like this, Aiwen will definitely not spend money on these trivial things.

The parents did not spend less money - the children went to play by themselves, and the parents chatted in groups in the Kung Fu Tea Area.The tea in the villa is not cheap, starting at 500 yuan for a pot of tea-but fortunately, there are unlimited refills, although the end of the drink is plain water, but there is really no limit.

In fact, the tea is not very expensive, what is more expensive is the service - a beautiful woman in a long gown kneels in front of you and makes tea for you. The price of three to five hundred and one pot is quite conscientious. Just look at how many people play games with you in Internet cafes money?
In addition to making Kung Fu tea, parents who play billiards and table tennis have not relaxed for a long time. This resort is for all ages.

The most criticized one was Liu Jianwen’s father, Comrade Liu Dapang. When he heard that there was a shooting club in the villa, he recharged 1 yuan to become a member without saying a word, and then took his son to “pang pang pang” .

Yang Peng was stunned when he found out about this——Ai Wen and his class Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!Fatty Liu is just the beginning. After sending their children out to play, several parents went to the club together to become members.Before dark, the club received a top-up of 15.
The eldest and the youngest hugged Ai Wen's leg and called him dad. Ai Wen didn't expect these parents to be so generous!Through home visits, Ai Wen did understand that some students are from good families, but a good family background doesn’t mean that you can recharge 1 yuan to experience shooting, right?

But the parents really educated Aiwen with reality - they really have this capital!But if you think about it carefully, you can understand that the new batch of modern parents are all born in the 1s.The generation born in the [-]s is not as reluctant to spend money as the generation born in the [-]s.They are willing to spend money for their children, and even more willing to spend money for themselves.Why can children go to cram schools worth thousands of dollars a month, but they can’t recharge [-] yuan to have fun?

If the parents of Aiwen's students were from his parents' generation, no one would recharge 1 yuan to shoot a gun.But the times are developing, society is progressing, and a new generation replaces the old.Parents born in the [-]s are even better!

Although the money has nothing to do with Ivan, it can be regarded as being earned by his own people.Parents of the students may come back in the future. If they can't go back that day, will they have to live in the villa?Isn't this consumption?

Ai Wen ate dinner with the students. As the saying goes, half a child eats me up, but the little guys in Class [-] and [-] of the junior high school can really eat it.Not long after returning to the table with full plates, they continued to forage with empty plates.Aiwen thinks that providing drinks is really the right choice, eat less when you are full!

And anyone who has worked in the buffet industry knows that there is something called beverage concentrate.After this stuff is mixed with water in proportion, it will be a finished drink. The price can be so low that you doubt your life, and the taste is exactly the same as the bottled one, or even better than the bottled one!
After eating almost, the students and parents of Class [-] followed Aiwen to the auditorium of the villa.In addition to leisure and entertainment, it can also provide business talks and undertake various meeting needs-you can even hold a wedding here!

The stage in the auditorium is quite large, and the lighting and stage equipment are very good--it meets the standard for holding a small concert here.And there are video projection equipment, carbon dioxide injection device. You can perform almost any show you want.

Before coming, Aiwen had informed the students to prepare for the program.Moreover, Aiwen encourages students and parents to perform together to enhance their emotions.This is the highlight of today's tour - the parent-child friendship party.

As the head teacher, Ai Wen had to say a few words at the beginning.He walked onto the stage with a microphone and talked eloquently: "Today, we gathered here and had a wonderful time together. There are no children and parents, no students and teachers, but only your close friends. First of all, I would like to congratulate you on your In this monthly exam, I got an excellent result of No.1!"

The students and parents of Class [-] were all applauded. This is their staged victory, this is a small milestone for them to "overcome" Aiwen (making Aiwen go bankrupt), and this is a highlight moment that they should be proud of.

"As the class teacher, I am proud of you. I hope you will continue to work hard and achieve better results in the midterm exams--your opponents are not only the peers of No. 26 Middle School, but also No. [-] Middle School, No. [-] Middle School, No. The peers of No. [-] Middle School, No. [-] Middle School, and even No. [-] Middle School are worthy of your challenge! Before leaving, I asked my friends about the average grades of each class in other schools. Our No. The total average scores of fifteen classes, seven classes in No. [-] Middle School, two classes in No. [-] Middle School, and one class in No. [-] Middle School are all above your heads."

Hearing this, the complacency and complacency in the hearts of the children in class seven disappeared a lot.They are No.1 in the No. [-] Middle School, the most arrogant class, and they can stand out from the crowd.But on the stage of the whole city, they are not enough to watch. Even the top students in Class [-] are just ordinary people in No. [-] Middle School.

The faces of the parents also turned serious. Their children will have to pass the high school entrance examination, which is a city-wide ranking for admission to No. [-] High School and Experimental High School.The starting point of the high school entrance examination determines the end point of the college entrance examination. No one wants their children to fall behind!

"However, we still have three years to enrich ourselves. I believe that as long as we work hard, there will be good results. As long as we work hard, miracles will appear. As long as we work hard, we can kill No. [-], No. [-], No. [-] and even No. [-]! You guys Are you confident?" Ivan asked.

"Yes!" The class seven children shouted at the top of their voices.

"Kill Yizhong! Ollie!" Ivan raised his arms and shouted!
The boys in class seven also stood up and raised their arms: "Ollie!"

The atmosphere was warm, and Ai Wen said with a smile: "Next, it's your turn to perform, enjoy your happy time!"

Xie Mingjie and Li Jinqiong were appointed by Ai Wen as the team leaders of the party planning team, and the team members went to find it by themselves!They are responsible for the accompaniment and hosting of all shows.

What?You said Ivan was lazy?

How can teaching be called lazy?This is called exercising students' ability!

(End of this chapter)

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