Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 113 – The Hot Yodelling

Chapter 113 – Hot Yodelling
It was only when the students were performing that Ai Wen realized that he still didn’t know his own students deeply enough. The students in Class [-] are really crouching tigers, hidden dragons—some can sing, some can dance, some can play musical instruments, and some can play allegro Those who talk about lotus falling, and those who play nunchucks-this is taught by Ai Wen.

The talent of the post-00s generation is stronger than that of Ai Wen's post-00s generation.Aiwen and his group of children played in various ways when they were young, and unless your family conditions are really good, they will let you take some interest classes.But the parents of the children born after [-] would rather starve themselves than let their children lose at the starting line.

There are several girls in Class [-] of the first grade of junior high school who have a very high level of dance, and Ai Wen was surprised by their flexibility.These girls can make their debut in a small girl group, and they don't even need to transition to the trainee stage!

Not only the girls, there are three boys in the seventh class who also have a deep foundation in Latin dance-the little Latin dance is so frightening, and each of them is a small electric motor in the future!

The impromptu party put together by the children in class [-] is very complete, and the professionalism is also on a certain level. Whether it is singing, dancing, or talk show, the programs are quite well-formed, even if they get the performance in the art festival of No. .

The most interesting thing is the performance by the parents. The children are not to mention how happy they are watching their father and mother's clumsy performance.

This is the meaning of parent-child activities, to open up the communication bridge between parents and children, and let the light of education shine on every family.

Suddenly, Xie Mingjie and Li Jinqiong changed the subject: "Thank you to the performances of the students and parents. We are able to gather together today thanks to the support of the class teacher Ai Wen. Please invite our most handsome, most manly, and most powerful Ai Wen Teacher Wen came on stage to perform."




"Teacher Aiwen, come here!"

"Teacher Aiwen, come here!"

Not only the children booed, but even the parents started booing.In the eyes of the parents, Aiwen is still the upright, serious, and reliable young man, and they also want to see what programs Aiwen can perform.

Ai Wen showed a wry smile--acted by the dead children!This is definitely what they planned!It should be that the boys in Class [-] know that they are the only ones who keep it from me!
In this atmosphere, Ivan could only smile and nod in agreement.He raised his butt and left the auditorium to take the microphone in Xie Mingjie's hand, and then patted him on the back of the head.

Everyone laughed, amused by Aiwen's childish revenge.He went to the waiter who was in charge of the background music and said, "Help me find an accompaniment."

"Okay. What's the name of the song?" the little brother asked.

Ai Wen said: ""Expansion"."

"Okay." The waiter searched and found the source of the accompaniment. Within a minute, cheerful background music started.

After the melodious violin and guitar melody sounded, Ivan took a deep breath as if his mouth was burning, and began to sing in falsetto:

"There is a source~ There is a source~ There is oh Lee~ Source force oh~"

"There is a source~ There is a source~ There is oh Lee~"

"There is a history."


Four mouth-watering but meaningless preludes directly shut down everyone's brains. What kind of terrible singing is this?
Then Ivan continued to sing: "I want to fly to the sky"

An unflattering lyrics coupled with Aiwen's mean expression makes people want to beat him up, but when singing the yodeling in the middle, everyone worships Aiwen with a godlike expression .

Is this a song that people can sing?
What kind of fairy singing is this?
Some well-informed parents popularized to the people around them: "This is yodel singing, a niche singing method that uses high-frequency changes between real and false voices to express emotions. There are no more than 5 people in the world who can master this singing method 15000 people, and only [-] members of the Yodel Registration Association.”

"I think of this song! The song of Wang Duoyu!" A student suddenly understood.

"But this song is really anti-human!" The classmate next to him exclaimed.

After Ivan finished singing, he took a deep breath to relieve the symptoms of brain hypoxia.Yodel singing is a magical singing method that he only learned after watching Uncle Teng's movie. After searching for tutorials on the Internet, he began to learn by himself.Thanks to the teacher's abundant spare time and his relatively strong learning ability, he still mastered this singing method.

In fact, not all yodeling songs are so hot. The song "Inflation" is a relatively difficult one. If you sing this song clearly, you can basically graduate from the yodeling examination.

Whether Aiwen wants to sing this song depends on his condition. If he has chest tightness, shortness of breath, cold and fever, he will definitely not be able to sing.Fortunately, he was in good condition today, and he sang the song without any problems.

After being dazed for a long time, everyone gave Ai Wen warm applause--Teacher Xiao Ai is also a person who hides his secrets!

After Ai Wen sang the song, the party was basically over.The children went back to their respective homes and found their own mothers. The children whose parents did not come were collectively sent to a family room by Aiwen. The family room had two big beds, which was just right for four people.

The rest of the children lived with their parents. As for Aiwen, he reserved a big bed hot spring room for himself.The so-called big bed hot spring room means that there is a king-size bed in the room, and there is a pool for hot springs.

How could Ivan live in such a nice room by himself?Chen Yanzi must live with him!The relationship is established, and the parents have met, what else can't be let go?
Under Chen Xiaolin's teasing eyes, Chen Yanzi shyly knocked on Ai Wen's door.Ai Wen looked at her expression like a thief and said helplessly: "As for it? Why did you make upright boyfriends and girlfriends look like that?"

"What do you think? This floor is either your student or your student's parents," Chen Yanzi said angrily.

Aiwen wondered: "What does it matter? The teacher can't fall in love anymore? The teacher can't sleep with his girlfriend anymore? There happens to be a pool in this room, do you want to experience it? As long as you call the front desk, the waiter will bring you water later Yes. Do you want to experience it?"

"Hmph! Then fill in the hole~" Chen Yanzi punched Ai Wen shyly.

Ai Wen heard the string song and knew the elegance, so he called the front desk: "Bring in the hot spring in room 326!"

"Okay! Do you need to add medicinal materials, petals, etc.?" asked the front desk.

Ivan asked, "Is there anything I can add?"

"There are Chinese herbal medicines for beauty and skin care, rose petals, green tea, lavender, and sea salt." The front desk clerk introduced.

Ivan thought about it: "Rose petals!"

"Okay sir, please wait a moment, we will supply water right away - a waiter will knock on the door and deliver rose petals for you later." The front desk clerk said.

After a while, there was water flowing in the hot spring pool, and the waiter also brought a basket of rose petals.A basket of rose petals is full of weight, and the price is quite expensive - 288.
These petals were ordered by Yang Peng from Nanyun Flower Base for a long time, and the price itself is relatively expensive.However, if this black-hearted guy dares to sell 288, it is a big deal, but those who can afford it don't care about the 288 yuan, the atmosphere is the most important thing!
(End of this chapter)

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