Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 116 - Arrangements

Chapter 116 – Arrangements
As a responsible people's teacher, Aiwen definitely can't do the thing of breaking his promise and getting fat.The so-called people can't stand without faith, and business can't prosper without faith-if Ai Wen repents, it will be difficult to educate students in the future.

So in order to avoid embarrassing situations, Aiwen can only make plans from the students.As long as the seventh class of junior high school is not in the top three, it can avoid being discovered by the father. Although this time, the seventh class is the first in the exam, but the other classes are not vegetarian!
Because the grades of class [-] were too outstanding this time, the head teachers of other classes expressed all sorts of annoyance.Out of professional ethics, they couldn't block Aiwen in the small alley and give him a blast, but they could go back and clean up their students.

Feng Shui takes turns, and it is impossible for Number One to be occupied by Class Seven forever.

When the other classes are fighting hard, Ai Wen, the class teacher, is dragging his feet. He didn't get into the top three in the midterm exam. Isn't all the problems solved?
As for how to hold back. This requires Aiwen to carefully design-too obvious will definitely make the students find it wrong, and he must come up with a suitable reason to convince the students.

He has to play routines with the students within the appropriate range, so that they can feel that the teacher wants us to do well in the exam, but they will fall into Ivan's pit and cannot climb out.

too difficult!Ai Wen felt that his dark and thick hairline was going to move up. Dear dad!Why do you insist on coming to guide the sports meeting?You experimental high school dean is a peach!
Although Experimental High School is considered the No. [-] key high school in the city, you are not the dean of No. [-] Middle School, so why should you be invited?Even if you are an alumnus of No. [-] Middle School, even if it is an old employee of No. [-] Middle School, even if your son is here as the head teacher, well, this reason is indeed very good.

So all crooked ideas can only be played on students, and the best way to delay students' grades is extracurricular activities.As long as Aiwen sends out the outstanding students in the class to participate in the competition, it can take up a lot of their study time. Once the study time is not enough, the grades will definitely drop.

Ai Wen was impressed by his ingenuity. In this way, he could not only maintain his image, but also make the students feel that there was no violation.

Back in the office, Aiwen printed out a copy of the report card of the seventh class of junior high school for self-study.The top ten must be dangerous elements, and arrangements must be made carefully.Among the top ten students in the school year, four of them were in the seventh class of the first year of junior high school—this proportion is shameless, and it is not only a shame to other classes, it is a shame!

"Xie Mingjie, Li Jinqiong, Wang Erchuan, Feng Xueping." Ai Wen muttered the names of these children, and the head teacher of Class [-] sitting behind him asked with a smile: "Xiao Ai, are you thinking about how to reward these children? ?”

Aiwen smiled mysteriously: "I think these children need me to focus on training"

"Look at your stinky and shameless virtue! Isn't it the top ten in the school year! Look at your arrogant appearance." The head teacher of the sixth class said contemptuously.

Ai Wen sighed: "I hope they will fail the exam next time."

"Listen! Is this still a human language? You are giving me alms!" The teacher in class three said angrily: "The next mid-term exam will be our battle of shame! After the self-study class in the afternoon, do you still want to go out to play? You can't pass the exam in class seven. There is no free activity class for one day!"

Ai Wen smiled and poured her a cup of tea: "Then I am really looking forward to it. Class [-] needs a failure. The first time is just a monthly exam. It would be bad if they developed a sense of pride."

"go out!"

"Fuck off!"

"Can you be human?"

There was a lot of excitement in the head teacher's office, and Ai Wen ran away with his textbooks in despair.These guys are too low-key, and they don't know how to be funny at all. It's better to be two interns, you can bully them however you want!
The third class in the afternoon, logically speaking, should be self-study.But Ai Wen waved his hand: "I did a self-reflection as a teacher - learning should pay attention to the combination of work and rest. So you can go out for free activities in this class - relax your body and mind."

"( ̄△ ̄?) Is this person Lao Ai?"

"Old Ai's conscience found out?"

"(⊙⊙) I think there is fraud in this!"

"︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿ But I am very happy to have a class of cultural and sports activities!"

"Aren't you afraid that he will give you another diary? The one that starts with five hundred words?"

"Slip away."

Aiwen looked awkwardly at the students who sat quietly and did not move, sweating coldly: "Why don't you go out to play?"

"We love learning!"

"We work hard!"

"We don't want to fall into the pit"

Damn it!When did these guys increase their IQ?Don't even go to the cultural and sports class you get?
It would be too deliberate if he forced them out at this time, so he could only return to his desk with an awkward smile and open the list.

"Xie Mingjie!" Ivan began to roll the roll.

Xie Mingjie trembled when he heard his name. He tremblingly came to Ai Wen and asked, "Teacher, did you call me?"

"There is an event - the National Primary and Secondary School Information Technology Innovation and Practice Competition is being registered. I think your quality is good and your learning ability is also very strong, so I think you are very suitable for registration." Ai Wen handed a few A4 papers Tell Xie Wenjie: "This is the competition system, registration instructions and entry requirements. After you read it carefully, you can start preparing. I am your instructor. If you have anything you don't understand, you can ask me."

Xie Mingjie was stunned: "Teacher, can I do it?"

"Men can't say no! Boys too! This is a national award, which is of great help to the high school entrance examination. No. [-] Middle School also has requirements for quality when enrolling students-a national award can reduce the admission requirements by at least five points. "Aiwen persuaded earnestly.

Xie Mingjie saw that Ai Wen valued himself so much, he nodded resolutely and said: "Good teacher, I will work hard!"

"What I want is not hard work, but a desperate attitude! Junior high school students should not only learn the knowledge of books, but also broaden their horizons and compete with better people! Peers from Q City, H Province, and all over the country Peers!" Ai Wen continued to cook chicken soup for him: "Others are better than you, so you don't have to risk your life to win?"

Xie Mingjie said excitedly: "Teacher! I must risk my life! I want to win a prize! I want to win!"

Aiwen patted him on the shoulder kindly: "You can teach me, you can ask me any technical questions, or you can go to find information"

Xie Mingjie was completely crippled by Ai Wen. His mind is full of this technological innovation competition now, and he can't wait to devote himself to technical research immediately.

"Come on! I hope you go home and study hard!" Ai Wen smiled and let him go back, and then he will continue to arrange the remaining good students.

What 21st Century Cup English Essay!
What language newspaper cup literature essay!
What a little genius cup speech contest!
Everything is arranged!If one doesn't work, come two!As long as you don't study, you can participate in any activity!
(End of this chapter)

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