Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 117 – A quick knife cut the mess


In order to be on the safe side, Ai Wen arranged a total of fifteen students.These children are all contributors to the average score of the class, maintainers of the class's excellent style of study, and are good students in the eyes of the teachers.In the end, they are all the ultimate goals of Ivan's plan to hold back.

After school, Aiwen detained all of them in the office (the one where he worked independently) and held a small meeting, aiming to fool a dozen little guys.

"Today's meeting is mainly for pre-war mobilization. You are all the elite of the seventh class, and you are all the aces under the command of the teacher." Ai Wen put a big hat on his mouth—first define them: elites!

What kid doesn't like to be praised?Although these fifteen children still tried their best to maintain a serious expression, their hearts were already smiling.A few little guys with average expression management skills have already grinned and smiled.

Ai Wen said earnestly: "Although the midterm exam is very important, quality education requires us not to focus on the results blindly. The comprehensive development and quality improvement of students are the more important challenges. The teacher asked you to sign up for the competition not to want you to be a Tournament contestants—as a teacher, I hope that you will overcome obstacles all the way and kill your opponents bravely!"

"For your grades, don't be burdened by your thoughts—I will organize a home visit after the midterm exam, and just leave the ideological work on your parents' side to me. Your task now is to seriously prepare for the competition, work hard to improve, and make yourself better. Excellent. I believe that your potential is infinite, and I believe that you have countless possibilities." Ai Wen said with burning eyes: "Your excellent learning ability has been proved by the monthly test results, and you should focus on higher levels competition."

Anyway, what Ai Wen said inside and outside the meaning is--the midterm exam results don't matter!Playing hard is the right way!Don't worry about not doing well!I'm going to talk to your parents!

Aiwen's earnest words and emotional speech moved the students greatly.Women look for those who please themselves, and scholars die for those who know their friends. Ai Wen can put aside his grades and let them show their shining points more.
Fifteen children warned themselves one after another in their hearts - they must work hard, and they must not disappoint Teacher Aiwen's ardent hope!Especially Xie Mingjie, he is the only contestant sent by Aiwen to participate in the Huaxia National Youth Invention Competition, which shows that Aiwen attaches great importance to him.

Can Aiwen not pay attention to this product?This old girl's test scores are the first in the school, the top 2 in the city, and she can be ranked in the upper middle of the rocket class in No. [-] Middle School!With him alone, the average score of the class can be raised by [-] points!
Aiwen learned from the Youth Science and Technology Contest that it takes a lot of time to study basic knowledge and more time to make by hand if you want to achieve excellent results.Xie Mingjie, who spends all his time on the competition, must not be that hard on learning culture. It's strange that he didn't regress in the midterm exam!

Even if Xie Mingjie is a god-like figure, as long as he can save a few points in the test, it will have a major impact on the average score of the class.Moreover, Aiwen not only arranged for him alone, the top fifteen children in the class were all on the list he arranged.

What kind of city-wide teenage singer contest, what kind of city-wide middle school student dance competition, what kind of city-wide middle school student recitation competition?
After arranging the 15 people, Ai Wen drove back to the apartment with the interns.He seriously informed the two interns: "Follow me to dance lessons after dinner -- the training for "Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss" has officially begun!"

Ouyang Bai and Yu Shuangshuang looked at each other, whether it was a blessing or a curse, it was a disaster that could not be avoided.The two poor little interns did not escape the arrangement of the boss after all. It was too difficult!As an intern, you have to learn to dance!It's so hard!
"By the way, I won't live in the teacher's apartment at night. Which of you two can drive?" Ai Wen asked.

Ouyang Bai weakly raised his hand: "Senior, I have a driver's license!"

"That's fine, you two can drive my f0 to work during the internship. If you run out of gas, go directly to the gas station near the school. I have a gas card in the drawer of my car." Ai Wen said.

Yu Shuangshuang asked: "Senior, why don't you live in the teacher's apartment?"

"I'm getting married," Alvin touched his nose and said.

"Σ(っ°Д°;) っwhat? Senior, are you getting married?" Ouyang Bai was shocked.

Yu Shuangshuang continued: "Didn't you say that you will not get married before the age of 35?"

Aiwen said melancholy: "It's really fragrant."

The two interns looked at each other--as expected, the man's mouth is a liar!
"Can I ask who the bride is?" Ouyang Bai asked curiously.

Ai Wen said calmly: "It's Chen Yanzi who taught the girls in our class to dance."

"Chen Xiaolin's aunt?" Yu Shuangshuang asked in surprise.

Alvin nodded: "That's right."

Yu Shuangshuang and Ouyang Bai took a breath: "It's so shocking."

"So I have to live with her, but you can still have dinner at my place-I eat at the teacher's apartment in the evening, and then I pack it for her to send to the dance school. You two have to go with me, just right after dinner Dancing to exercise your body." Ivan said seriously.

The two girls were dejected: "Oh!"

After returning to the apartment, Aiwen cooked as usual and fed the group of people in the apartment.He's used to having so many people eating together, and it's good to eat every day as lively as a restaurant.If Aiwen ate alone, he would definitely not be able to eat so many dishes.

While Ai Wen was cooking, Teacher Xiao Ye rushed into the kitchen in a hurry: "The surname is Ai! Are you getting married?"

"Hmm..." Aiwen calmly put down the kitchen knife and put the chopped ingredients on a plate for later use.

Teacher Xiaoye looked at Ai Wen tearfully: "Why?"

"What why? Sister, why are you excited when I get married?" Ai Wen lit the fire and poured oil and turned on the range hood.

"You clearly know that I like you!" Teacher Xiaoye said excitedly.

Ai Wen scratched his head: "But I have no idea about you, how many times have I told you that we are not suitable?"

"Which is inappropriate?" Teacher Xiaoye asked reluctantly.

Ai Wen said seriously: "It's just you who have a bad temper."

"I, I can change it." Teacher Xiaoye's tone suddenly weakened.

Ai Wen smiled: "But I'm already engaged, I hope you find a better one"

"Aiwen! You're so weak!" Teacher Xiaoye couldn't control her tears, and ran out of the kitchen covering her mouth and back to her room.

At this time, Da Zhou came in and asked, "What's the matter with you and Xiao Ye?"

"She knew I was getting married, so she couldn't accept it for a while." Ai Wen said calmly.

Da Zhou understood: "Xiaoye really likes you."

"So? Because she likes me, so I have to marry her? If you don't call, you don't call. Someone likes her violent temper, but that person is definitely not me." Ai Wen shrugged. He also had a bad temper before. Girlfriend, but Ai Wen admitted that it was his greedy body-he is a scumbag!
But let him marry a bad-tempered girl as his wife--Ivan really can't accept it.Chen Yanzi is a little willful at best, girl, it's understandable.But Chen Yanzi dared to slap Ai Wen on the table and stare?Being playful is not the same as being cranky.

(End of this chapter)

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