Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 119 - Ai Wen's Real Weight

Chapter 119 - Ai Wen's True Weight

Chen Yanzi asked the teaching assistant for two sets of brand new dance outfits for the two young interns—it must be a joke to learn to dance in jeans.Among other things, dancing in jeans and grinding your hips!

Finding an empty dance studio, Chen Yanzi carefully checked the flexibility of the two girls' bodies.It has been confirmed that the two interns really have never learned dance
However, the degree of difficulty of the dance of Bliss Pure Land is not high. The most difficult part is the butterfly step. As long as other dance moves are proficient and do not make mistakes, there is no problem.In the dance video of the original singing trio, there is a young lady who can't keep up
"It's okay, let's start with the most basic ones. One month is enough time. I will teach you the dance steps in the first half of the month, and I will replace Ivan's part. After October 20th, he will be with you. You guys rehearsed together." Chen Yanzi said with a smile.

"Sister Yanzi, how does the boss dance?" Ouyang Bai asked curiously.

Chen Yanzi thought about it, and recalled Ai Wen's aggressive dance steps, charming eyes, and seductive figure in her mind. The performance like the root of all evil was simply poisonous.The most frightening thing is that Aiwen has no mistakes or omissions in the whole process, and his performance is stronger, which can make people involuntarily insert coins, and the passers-by with the idea of ​​​​white female votes have overturned.

"His level is very high." Although she didn't want to admit it, Chen Yanzi still wanted to affirm Ai Wen's level.Judging from the video alone, Ivan's level is indeed high, and it is quite powerful.

Chen Yanzi turned on the projector to play the original dance teaching video. If you want to learn a dance, you must first be familiar with it, understand it, and then split it into each movement for intensive learning and training.

After the magical music sounded, three Dongyang women dressed in fancy clothes started to dance. When the butterfly steps came out, Ouyang Bai and Yu Shuangshuang felt that they were going to be cold.But they also think that other movements are not difficult, and they can learn them with a little practice.

After watching it three times, Chen Yanzi began to break down the movements: "For the first movement, see that I stand firmly on one foot, and stand on tiptoe with the other foot, put both hands in front of my chest, fists facing each other. OK~ very good! 1, 2, 3 release your right fist ~ look at me"

Chen Yanzi's explanations are quite professional, and her movements are also very good. When she does dance movements, she is as radiant as a queen possessed.

It really is the boss's woman!The attitudes of the two little interns immediately corrected, and they followed Chen Yanzi to practice movements.Students who can be admitted to Northern Normal University have good learning ability, and they can master simple movements several times.The real difficulty lies in the coordination of the three dancers and beats.

Aiwen on the other side came to the gym, greeted his familiar old friends and started exercising.After throwing a bottle of drink to Ivan, the female boss asked, "Why haven't you come here for so long?"

"Busy." Ivan said after unscrewing the bottle cap and taking a big gulp.

"What can you do as a little teacher?" the beautiful boss teased.

Ai Wen laughed happily: "Busy getting married!"

"Married? Can someone like you get married? Is there anyone else willing to marry you?" The beautiful boss was surprised: "Is there anyone else who wants to be a scumbag?"

"It's too much! It's like you haven't been scumbed by me," Ivan said angrily.

The beauty boss said calmly: "So I don't want to marry you either! By the way, can you play friendly matches with me after you get married?"

"That definitely won't work. Before you get married, you can love as much as you like, but after you get married, you have to keep your own place." Ai Wen helplessly spread his hands.

The beautiful boss walked out of the bar and picked Ai Wen's chin and asked, "You don't want the delivery?"

"I'm sorry. Scumbags also have a bottom line. Now it's the bottom line," Ivan sighed.

"Isn't that like your character?" The beautiful boss asked while sitting on the sofa and picking up the coffee made by the waiter.

Ai Wen sighed: "My father gave me [-] million yuan to go home and get married-I agreed without resisting the temptation."

The beautiful boss asked suspiciously: "I remember you told me that your father is also a teacher, right? Don't you have a father who is in the wild?"

"How can there be so many fathers? Some people appear to be teaching directors, but secretly they are big bosses with real estate worth billions or tens of billions." Aiwen said helplessly.

"The situation in your family is too fantastical? You don't dare to write like that in a novel!" The beautiful boss laughed: "So you are still a rich second generation?"

"Almost, but I've never had this awareness—have you ever seen a rich second generation come to the gym every week to shoot a small advert with a top body?" Ai Wen sighed.

The beautiful boss changed her posture and leaned on the sofa: "Then. Mr. Fu Erdai, will you still perform the contract?"

"Why not? This is the best fitness club in Q City. Why not do it while spending less money?" Ivan replied with a smile.

The beautiful boss sighed: "It's a pity that you are getting married. I thought you would insist on not getting married."

"People are poor and short-sighted, and horses are thin and long-haired-if I have such a big property like you, I will follow suit." Ai Wen rolled his eyes and said.

"Okay. Get the hell out! I'm annoyed when I see you!" The beautiful boss waved Ivan away like a fly.She looked at Ai Wen's strong back with complicated eyes, and a thousand words turned into a sigh.

Ai Wen first ran on the treadmill for 10 minutes to wake up his body, and then came to the fighting area to see if there were any old opponents.Lao Ni went out to fight again, and there were only a few ordinary coaches in the fighting area to support the scene.When they saw Ai Wen coming in, their eyes lit up: "Brother Wen!"

"What are you doing? It's like meeting your relatives? Do you miss my fist again?" Ai Wen asked with a smile.

The Sanda coaches shrank their heads one after another, fighting against Aiwen?I will be beaten!In the whole club, apart from Lao Ni Neng, who played [-]-[-] with him, everyone else was in vain.

"Who is he?" A new student secretly asked the old student.

The veteran student said with admiration: "He is Teacher Ai, he is not a Sanda student - he is considered as a foreign aid of the club. Coach Ni was coaxed when he joined the job, and then he was educated by Teacher Ai."

"Why do you call him Teacher Ai?" the new student asked curiously.

The veteran student smiled: "Because he is a middle school teacher, Brother Qiwenwen, let me know?"

"Physical education teacher?" the new student guessed.

The veteran student shook his head: "No! He is a Chinese teacher"

The new students of the Chinese teacher are a little confused.When did the Chinese teacher become so aggressive?Can a pair of iron fists suppress all Sanda coaches in a club?New students know how powerful Coach Ni is. This Teacher Ai can educate and sanction Coach Ni. This position is simply frighteningly high!

Ai Wen played two friendly matches with several coaches and then ended up. If he was serious with them, someone would have to be beaten in less than ten rounds.Don't look at Aiwen doesn't look fat, but Aiwen's weight is exposed when he is on the scale - 75 kg!
(End of this chapter)

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