Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 120 - Teacher?gentlemen!

Chapter 120 - Teacher?gentlemen!
At ten o'clock in the evening, Ai Wen picked up Chen Yanzi from get off work, then waved and watched the two interns drive back to the apartment.If it wasn't for the fact that the apartment and Chen Yanzi's home were in two directions, Ai Wen would have been able to send the two interns along for a ride.

Fortunately Ouyang Bai can drive, otherwise he would have arrived home past eleven o'clock!It is quite normal for modern people to go home at eleven o'clock, but Ivan's career is not worthy of having a nightlife.Thanks to the leadership of the Department of Education for their guidance to postpone the arrival of students to school until after [-] o'clock, thank you Master Qingtian!

As soon as Chen Yanzi got into the car, she leaned on Ai Wen and sniffed it hard. Ai Wen smiled and pushed her little head aside: "What do you think about every day?"

"Thinking with your feet, I know that your relationship with the beautiful boss of the gym is not normal," Chen Yanzi said with a look of disgust.

Ai Wen showed a nostalgic look: "It's all in the past, and I will be your husband in the future. I will break everything that needs to be broken."

"Really?" Chen Yanzi asked suspiciously: "How can a cat not steal fish? How can a house flower have the fragrance of wild flowers? Isn't the red flag at home not falling down, and the colorful flags fluttering outside the door? Isn't it the ultimate dream of a man?"

"There's no need for that - it's not that I don't have a wife, not to mention which of my previous ex-girlfriends was not a beauty over ninety? I'm not a novice anymore, so how can I cheat so easily?" Ai Wen smiled and patted Chen Yanzi's head : "Since I have decided to marry you, I must seriously be a good husband. If you doubt this or that every day, I don't think you will be neurotic within a year."

"Who made you so nice? I always feel that there is a wolf ladder who wants to grab my husband." Chen Yanzi pouted and said coquettishly.

Ai Wen laughed loudly: "Just take me as a treasure. It's hard to find three-legged toads in this world, and three-legged men are everywhere."

"I suspect you're driving." Chen Yanzi said contemptuously, "People's teacher is driving openly?"

"Don't make trouble. Just drive!" Ai Wen pulled Chen Yanzi's head aside and asked, "How are those two kids doing?"

"Although they have no foundation, they are quite spiritual. It would be embarrassing for you to make them bend down and do somersaults, but there is absolutely no problem in dancing to a pure land of bliss." Chen Yanzi laughed.

Aiwen said affectionately: "Thank you for your hard work."

"Nicky!" Chen Yanzi made a trembling look, but her eyes were full of love.

After returning home, Ai Wen threw the insulated lunch box to Chen Yanzi, took off and went to the bathroom to take a shower: "I wash my lunch box by myself. If you don't wash it, I will use a dirty lunch box to deliver food to you tomorrow."

"No, no." Chen Yanzi said coquettishly.

"Hehe. Who is not a baby anymore! Hurry up and wash the dishes!" Ai Wen picked up Chen Yanzi by the waist, and then put her in the kitchen to fend for herself.

Chen Yanzi sang while washing the dishes: "Women don't feel tired when they wash the dishes."

Ivan took a shower very quickly, and got out of the bathroom in less than 10 minutes.Chen Yanzi didn't dislike the wet Ai Wen, and helped him dry his body and dry his hair.

"You must have a conspiracy." Ai Wen didn't take this trick, he sat up straight and looked at Chen Yanzi with scrutiny.

Chen Yanzi hugged Ai Wen's arm pitifully: "Brother Ai Wen, can you buy a dishwasher?"

Ai Wen chuckled: "Buy it. It's the 21st century, and life should be automated."

"Hey? You just agree?" Chen Yanzi was surprised. Logically speaking, shouldn't an old-fashioned person like Ai Wen reject such high-priced and low-powered things?
Aiwen wondered: "Otherwise? Is our family short of money or the dishwasher is not working? I don't want to wash the dishes, and you don't want to wash the dishes, so let the machine do the dishes! Isn't a few thousand dollars just your class time for a day? Fee? What's more, this is your home, why do you ask me when you buy something?"

Chen Yanzi thinks about it - that's right!This is my home!Why does it make Ivan look like the head of the family?This unscientific!

"That's right! I'm the head of the household! Please be respectful! You can do the dishes in the future!" Chen Yanzi pinched her waist and said with the air of the head of the household.

Ai Wen scratched his head: "Possessed by a showman? The evil spirits are scattered! Hurry up like a law!"

He pinched several handprints and pasted them on Chen Yanzi's forehead, which made the girl look confused.

"What are you doing?" Chen Yanzi felt confused.

Ai Wen said faintly: "The Vajra Subduing Demon Mahamudra, you deserve it!"

Chen Yanzi stared at Ai Wen with the eyes of a god: "What strange places are your skill points? It's okay to sing at the last party, your big handprints look very professional!"

Ai Wen sat up straight and took a serious attitude: "Chinese culture is timeless and endless. There are many classics that have been lost over time. As a student of Chinese language and literature Pa, is there a problem with me mastering some weird skills?"

"I'm quite curious about what you all learn in class." Chen Yanzi sat cross-legged on the small wool carpet on the ground, listening to Ai Wen's stories like a curious baby.

"Astronomical geography, medical divination, astrology, natural history, physical hygiene. We all learn it." Aiwen cowhide coaxed: "You think we only study Lu (Lu Xun) Ba (Ba Jin) Mao (contradiction) Guo (Guo Moruo) old (Lao She) Cao (Cao Yu)? In fact, this is a misunderstanding, we have many elective courses that are particularly interesting."

"For example?" Chen Yanzi asked curiously.

"Introduction to Fengshui, Qimen Dunjia, Zhouyi study." Aiwen Bara raised a chestnut with his finger.

"So you still judge Fengshui?" Chen Yanzi was startled, what kind of fairy academy is this?Even teach this stuff?
Ai Wen shook his head: "I didn't choose fortune-telling as an elective. I chose Feng Shui. There is a professor in our school who is a member of the Metaphysics Research Association. He is very famous in certain fields. Many big bosses in Hanggang believe in this."

"Do you know what dragon-hunting formula?" Chen Yanzi shook Ai Wen's arm vigorously.

"That... was edited by the author. Many people from other departments took this course because of the legendary sixteen-character feng shui secret technique. However, when they actually took the class, they all looked confused, because the teacher started from the gossip. .The teacher opened his mouth and said, "Dan San Lian, Kun Six Duan, Shaking Up the Bowl, Gen Covering the Bowl, Li Zhongxu, Huan Zhongman, Du Shang Qu, Sun Xia Duan. Directly dismiss the class for these people." Ai Wen He smiled and said, "People in our Chinese department are scratching their heads when they learn this stuff. After two years of electives, I still only learn superficially as a hobby."

"How is our Feng Shui?" Chen Yanzi asked nervously.

Ai Wen smiled and said: "It's okay. The room layout in a community like yours is carefully designed by the developer, and there are very few room types that are too weird. What's more, if you believe in these things, you will have them. If you don't believe them, you won't have time. Fix the house."

"You really know it? Didn't you say that you just learn a little bit?" Chen Yanzi asked while covering her small mouth.

Ai Wen hesitantly: "Do you know what humility is? If you ask me about this kind of thing, it is more reliable than asking more than 90.00% of the Fengshui masters outside! Don't forget, the teacher used to be honored as Mr.!"

(End of this chapter)

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