Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 121 – Complementing Form with Form

Chapter 121 – Complementing Form with Form
"Xiaojie? Why do you turn on the computer as soon as you get home? Have you finished your homework?" Xie Mingjie's mother saw Xie Mingjie staring at the computer in the study as soon as she got home from work.

She couldn't help feeling annoyed, the good boy didn't do his homework seriously!Is this still your well-behaved and obedient son?
Xie Mingjie rubbed his sore eyes, looked at his mother who was off work, and said, "My dad has already cooked the meal, and I've finished eating, so go and eat!"

Xie Mingjie's mother was so angry: "Is it my problem of eating now? Now you should study your problem of playing computer at night. Didn't you agree? You are not allowed to play computer from Monday to Friday!"

"That... our teacher asked me to participate in a competition. I need to look up a lot of information." Xie Mingjie lowered his head and said weakly. The top of their food chain is a mother of a strong woman. Xie Mingjie is protected by the law on the protection of minors but bound by living expenses. And ranked second.As for Dad, his status is lower than that of Little White Cat.

Mother Xie was puzzled: "Participating in a competition? What competition?"

Xie Mingjie handed a stack of printed materials to his mother, and Xie's mother took a closer look: "National Youth Invention Competition? Your teacher Ai Wen asked you to participate?"

"That's right! I'm the only one in the class to participate in this competition!" Xie Mingjie said proudly.

Xie's mother felt a little confused, why did the child take part in the competition?And it is a national scale invention competition!Mother Xie, who couldn't figure it out, called Ai Wen.

"Hello? Hello? Is it Mingjie's mother? What's the matter?"

Hearing Ai Wen's voice came from the phone, Xie Mingjie's mother vomited out her doubts: "Mr. Ai, it's Mingjie's mother who bothered me. Is it the invention contest that you asked Mingjie to sign up for?"

"Yes, Mingjie's mother! Mingjie has excellent grades, and his learning ability and thinking ability are top-notch among his peers. So I think he should stand on a broader stage and compete with better peers. The Youth Invention Contest is a good stage." Ai Wen's magnetic voice floated from the phone, sounding reliable.Moreover, every word of Aiwen is full of the breath of rainbow fart, which can touch the heart of a woman who is proud of her son.

However, Xie Mingjie's mother still hesitated and asked: "Teacher, if Mingjie devotes all his attention to the competition, will his grades regress?"

Ai Wen pondered for a while: "Theoretically speaking, distraction will indeed cause some fluctuations in Mingjie's grades. But these are all within the controllable range. The knowledge content of junior high school is not difficult, and Mingjie's learning ability is not a problem. Suspending school for two months will also lead the way. I don’t want my students to stay in a corner and circle around books every day. What is the difference between the children cultivated in this way and nerds? There won't be much development."

"Moreover, Mingjie was not the only student sent by me to participate in the competition in the seventh class of junior high school. I helped each student select a lot of extracurricular competitions according to their hobbies, learning ability, and good direction. Mingjie has a quick mind and strong hands-on ability. , I signed him up for this competition."

Xie Mingjie's mother was relieved when she heard that Aiwen not only let his own children participate in the competition, but also sent many students at the same time.And what Ai Wen said is quite right. Participating in competitions during the student period is indeed of great help to their own development and improvement of abilities. It is really the happiness of the children that Teacher Ai Wen has such a broad vision.

Other teachers are eager to tie their children to the textbooks to study and review over and over again every day. Teachers who can encourage students to actively participate in activities like Ai Wen are rare.After all, the school's performance bonus is linked to the student's performance. After all, no matter how good the student activities are, it will not help the teacher's resume much.

Having said that, if Aiwen's students really win the award, Aiwen will also get a certificate from the organizer.The gold content of this kind of instructor certificate is not low, and it can also add two points to increase competitiveness when Aiwen ratings determine professional titles in the future.

However, if Aiwen consistently maintains the leading position in the results, the first-level assessment in two years' time will definitely be a certainty.The competition in the No. [-] Middle School is not so much water, and everything is based on grades—there will never be a guy with poor grades who gets ahead by publishing books and papers.

Moreover, Aiwen still has a postgraduate entrance examination plan at the end of the year. Once he graduates as a graduate student, his professional title will definitely go up. At that time, he may not have to compete with teachers from the same school for a place.The policy of directly identifying first-level teachers with a postgraduate degree has existed for a long time in Q City, and the in-service postgraduate graduates are treated equally!

At that time, Aiwen will print the copies of the graduation certificate and degree certificate, and go to the Personnel Section of the Education Bureau to confirm it, and the first-level professional title will be at hand!
However, the more certificates, the better. Even if Aiwen wants to take another step up (high school) in the future, these honorary things can add a lot of points to himself.

There are certain personnel changes in Q City every year. Under the general environment of the whole city's education, Ai Wen may teach in No. [-] Middle School this year, and be adjusted to No. [-] Middle School next year.If Ai Wen gets good grades, he may even be transferred to teach in high school--in the chain of teacher despise, college teachers despise high school teachers, high school teachers despise junior high school teachers, junior high school teachers despise elementary school teachers, elementary school teachers despise kindergarten teachers
Moreover, the salary of high school teachers is indeed one level higher than that of junior high school teachers.With the same professional title, the same educational background, and the same working years, the monthly salary of a high school teacher is about 1000 yuan higher than that of a junior high school teacher.

The basic salary of junior high school teachers and high school teachers at the national level is the same, and the salary difference of 1000 yuan is reflected in the performance salary.So Aiwen plans to take a step up after graduating from graduate school and sending away the class in his hand.

This is not nonsense - Ivan has this basis.First of all, he has excellent work ability, and secondly, his father Addison is the dean of the experimental high school—this is very important, the value of a word from Lao Ai may be greater than his hard work for three years!At the same time, Aiwen still maintains close contact with the teachers who once taught him, and he always visits with gifts during New Years and holidays.With the help of these teachers, he has a great possibility to improve himself.

Xie Mingjie's mother was still limped by Aiwen in the end, and now she is very happy-my son is going to participate in a national competition!If he can win an award, my son will be amazing!
"Old Xie! Hurry up and wash the fruits for your son! Let's see how hard your son has become!" Mother Xie yelled at her husband who was lying on the sofa reading a book.

Lao Xie bitterly took out the grapes from the refrigerator and cleaned them one by one—God knows how his wife's brain circuit was formed!Eat grapes to improve eyesight!Complement form with form?

(End of this chapter)

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