Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 128 - Aiwen's Threat

Chapter 128 - Aiwen's Threat

Not long after, Liu Ping was called out by Manager Qian—this guy was the one who provoked Ai Wen and his group of villains, and Manager Qian had already recorded him in his notebook.When Ai Wen and his group leave, there will be absolutely no good fruit for this guy.

"Manager Qian, are you looking for me?" A rambunctious young man came down from upstairs and asked Manager Qian.

Manager Qian said angrily, "Is this person looking for you?"

"Who is it?" Liu Ping glanced at Ai Wen but found that he didn't know him.

Ai Wen is not a famous person. Ten years ago, he could have boasted that he was "all-powerful", but now he is just an ordinary and ordinary teacher.

"You are Liu Ping?" Ai Wen sat on the sofa carelessly and stared at this guy with his nostrils and asked.

Although this flamboyant guy is not a decent character, he is not stupid either. The brother next to Ivan looks very intimidating. He is too stubborn at this time, and it is easy to get hammered if he dances lightly.

"I'm... I don't know what you want from me?" Liu Ping asked.

Ai Wen picked up a piece of watermelon and gnawed it: "You have a younger brother named Zhao Dongfeng, right? That child lacks education, good boy, why do you learn from others? The so-called upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. I will trace the source to find out where the upper beam is .”

"I do have a younger brother named Zhao Dongfeng. Could it be that he has offended you? I will educate him when I get home!" Liu Ping said nervously.Zhao Dongfeng, Zhao Dongfeng!Look, who are you messing with?Recruited and found a unit?This is too cruel!

Although Liu Ping also has a few supporting partners, those people are obviously not as strong as the guys around Aiwen.It is not a weight unit at all, nor is it a dimensional opponent!
"Go back and educate that little cousin of yours. If he causes trouble at school again, I'll clean you up. Do you know? He used to call me Brother Wen. Although I don't care about world affairs, old faces still have some value." Ai Wen threatened lightly, when will I not move Dumb out at this time?
In the eyes of these little guys, Dui is already a big boss.Even the third master who calls the wind and the rain is not as good as Dumb Brother.Although Brother Dumb's reputation has not been obvious in the past two years, anyone who knows the inside story understands that this is just a strategic dormancy.

Then Aiwen asked a brother beside him: "Old Xu, do you have many concrete trucks? Lend me one then."

"Brother Wen, what are you doing?" Old Xu asked.

"Paste the wall! Why are you asking so much?" Ai Wen stared at Liu Ping maliciously and swept up and down, his eyes seemed to be measuring the size, judging how big a bucket would be to hold him.

Liu Ping felt that he was being targeted by a poisonous snake, and he was about to cry—who the hell is this?
Ma San didn't say a word at the side - he didn't think that Ai Wen was lying, it was even worse when Ai Wen took his brothers and ran around the street chasing bad guys!
Liu Ping was sweating coldly: "Brother, I will educate my cousin when I get home. If he dares to cause trouble again, I will break his leg and apologize personally!"

Ai Wen sneered: "I remember what you said, don't let me find a chance, or the posture will not be like this in the next conversation."

Then he waved his hand: "Goodbye! Educate the next generation well, the flowers of the motherland cannot be crooked because of you!"

Liu Ping returned to his post covered in cold sweat as if he was about to receive an amnesty.Ai Wen recalled the old days with Ma San with a smile on his face: "I haven't seen you for ten years, and the third master is still handsome."

"It's not as brilliant as Boss Ai," Ma San said politely.

He has sharp eyes - the people sitting next to Ivan are not simple guys.Other things can be concealed, but a person's worth cannot be concealed.The price of the watches hanging on the arms of these ten or so people has already reached millions of dollars-if someone dares to rob this group of people, it will be a shocking case if they succeed!
"It's getting late today, so I won't chat with the third master. You have to go to work tomorrow morning. You don't know. It's quite uncomfortable when you wake up early. You need enough sleep when you're old. Listen It is said on the Internet that lack of sleep is equal to chronic suicide. I have no fate today, and I will host a banquet for you to drink when I have time, so please be sure to enjoy it." Ai Wen cupped his hands, and then left Haodi KTV with a large group of people.

One of Ma San's younger brothers whispered to Ma San: "Third Master, do you need some brothers to educate him?"

"Why don't you go?" Ma San looked at him coldly: "That guy dared to carry a bench and chase me all over the street ten years ago, and Dumb just made his living behind his ass. Half of those familiar faces were beaten by him, and the other half were mixed with him. Are you going to trouble him?"

The little brother is confused--what kind of ancient boss is this?He doesn't look very old!ten years ago?So aggressive?Carrying a bench and chasing the third master who was at the peak of his strength and running all over the street?

After leaving the KTV, Aiwen found a food stall with a decent environment and asked the brothers to have a meal. A dozen or so people put together a huge table and sat together to eat and drink.

Old Xu suddenly asked: "Brother Wen, where did you set up a stick before? I think Ma San is quite afraid of you?"

"Do you still know Ma San?" Ai Wen asked.

Old Xu smiled: "If you open the door to do business, you must know people from all walks of life. Every aspect, inside and outside, up and down, must be properly managed, or someone may ruin you."

Alvin drank a bottle of beer to moisten his throat: "I beat him when I was a child"

Old Xu's blood boiled when he heard this: "Brother Wen is hiding everything!"

"There's nothing to show off about this thing -- thanks to the fact that I was admitted to No. [-] Middle School and went to college, otherwise I might be playing games now!" Ai Wen laughed.

Lao Xu nodded, after all, it is risky to do this these days. Although the money comes quickly, it is not easy to get the money—just like today, if Aiwen insists on spitting, Ma San has to bite the bullet and talk to Aiwen. Go up.At that time, he might be chased by Ivan for several streets.But he is nearly forty years old, and it is hard to say whether he can run a few streets.

Although there was no fight today, the big guys have no complaints.Originally, it was a voluntary duty to help, so one thing more would be better than one thing less!A small barbecue was eaten in a hurry, and the boss offered a discount when the account was settled-these guys really don't look like good people!Especially the shirtless guy in the trench coat!
Ai Wen called the big guy a surrogate driver and sent them to the car.After seeing so many burly men, the price almost didn't dare to take the order-what if something happened in the middle of the night?
Look at the time, it's already eleven twenty.He called Chen Yanzi and asked where she was.Because it was too late, she had already taken a taxi home, and it was better for Aiwen to go home directly.

As soon as he entered the house, he saw Chen Yanzi sitting on the sofa playing games. He entered the door lightly, only to hear Chen Yanzi ask coldly: "You're back? Tell me. Why did you go?"

(End of this chapter)

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