Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 129 - I'm sorry

Chapter 129 – Disturbed

"Do you believe me when I say I work overtime?" Ivan took off his windbreaker with a wry smile on his face, revealing his muscular upper body and the newly attached "tattoos".

Chen Yanzi smiled: "You leave school at four o'clock and work overtime until eleven o'clock?"

"Okay. I have a showdown. I went to have a date with my friends." Ai Wen confessed.

Chen Yanzi leaned close to Ai Wen's windbreaker and sniffed it carefully: "It's indeed a barbecue smell—but what's going on with you?"

Ai Wen smiled and said, "Is it cool? Is it dazzling?"

"It's hard to say it's cool, but you are easy to be spotted by the police when you walk on the street now. People's teachers are not afraid of losing their jobs for doing these fancy things?" Chen Yanzi asked: "Didn't you say that public officials are not allowed to have tattoos?"

"It's pasted. It's equivalent to a large Bibabu Bubblegum sticker." Aiwen laughed and said, "It's used to scare people."

"Who are you scaring?" Chen Yanzi asked.

"A little gangster. That little gangster has a younger brother who is doing evil in the school because of a cousin who is not doing business. Today, that guy brought four or five people to our class to fight in groups. Can I bear my temper? I am a child. I can’t clean it up, and I can’t clean up his backer? Aren’t you crazy because of your cousin? It’s OK to discount your crooked upper beam soon!” Ai Wen explained.

Chen Yanzi said angrily and amusedly: "So you just go to make trouble with this body?"

"How can it be? How thin it is to go by yourself! I called more than a dozen brothers from the Sanda Club-these brothers are all strong and macho, and they will be in front of you wherever you go." Ai Wen laughed.

Chen Yanzi said angrily: "You are really enough. How do you wash off this thing on you who is a teacher and pretends to be Hey Shehui? It looks really hot!"

Ai Wen dug out a bottle of disinfectant alcohol from the medical kit, dipped a cotton ball in the alcohol and handed it to Chen Yanzi: "It's fine to use high alcohol, you wipe it for me and then I'll wash it off."

Chen Yanzi took the cotton ball with disgust, and carefully wiped the tattoo stickers on Aiwen.She rubbed and touched, so hard triceps, so hard back muscles.
Aiwen said depressedly: "You just wipe it and don't drool, okay?"

"I'm drooling." Chen Yanzi said vaguely while wiping her mouth: "How did you practice with your body? It feels really good."

Ai Wen sneered: "Otherwise, why would I go to the gym at least five times a week? One course of treatment every five days to wake up the muscles of the whole body."

Chen Yanzi asked while wiping, "Do you think I should also go to the gym?"

"What are you going to do? You also have a hard muscle mass? It's not good-looking." Ai Wen thinks that Chen Yanzi's figure is already top-notch, and it is as soft as noodles. If she thinks about it like herself, it would be fine Pretty scary.

Chen Yanzi thought about what would happen if she turned into the image of Shi Leng Nezha and gave up the idea—it would be more reliable to dance and teach yoga.Women are made of water!

"By the way, are you free this Saturday?" Chen Yanzi asked.

Aiwen wondered: "Yes. People's teachers have statutory weekends. I have nothing to do except to collect rent for half a day. Want to go out on a date?"

"Can you take a video for me?" Chen Yanzi asked.

Ai Wen nodded: "Of course I can. I didn't expect you to know that I am a semi-professional photographer!"

"You still have this skill?" Chen Yanzi was stunned. She just wanted to catch a strong man to do odd jobs, but she didn't expect to find a boss!
Ai Wen smiled: "When you see my equipment, you will know what it means to be a professional--the stuff of the poor three generations is too expensive! I made money from this craft when I was in college--Graduation photo photographer find out ?”

"You never told me that you know how to take pictures." Chen Yanzi opened her mouth slightly in surprise.

Ai Wen sat in front of Chen Yanzi with a bossy posture and said deeply: "Didn't I say that I am proficient in all kinds of girl pickup skills? Although photography is a bit more expensive, it is in this category. Don't you think it is a good idea to take pictures of beautiful girls?" your way of picking up girls?"

"Shameless!" Chen Yanzi gave Ai Wen a pillow fiercely: "Dirty!"

Ai Wen expressed his innocence: "It's all in the past. Look at your narrow-minded look."

"I'm narrow-minded!" Chen Yanzi said angrily.

Ai Wen quickly changed the subject: "Why do you want to make a video?"

"Earn some pocket money. I'm also a big hit in the dance area, okay?" Chen Yanzi nodded at Ai Wen's head and said, "I'm not some hiantai who hangs around in the women's wear area."


Ai Wen said that personal attacks are not advisable!

However, Ai Wen expressed that she was not surprised at all that Chen Yanzi could become the big granny in the dance area. Can draw beautifully.

"Do you want to dance with me?" Chen Yanzi asked maliciously.

Ai Wen shook his head quickly: "Don't make trouble!"

"I have a lot of skirts too. Do you want to try it? It's very comfortable~" Chen Yanzi said seductively.

Aiwen rolled his huge eyes helplessly, his eyeballs almost hit the ceiling: "It's impossible to wear women's clothes, and it's impossible to wear women's clothes in this life!"

"Okay. It's really a pity." Chen Yanzi pretended to be regretful.

Ai Wen's back became colorful after being smeared with alcohol by Chen Yanzi. He needed to go to the bathroom to clean it.Rinse it off before the ink has a chance to solidify again.

Chen Yanzi is a night owl, she will never close her eyes before twelve o'clock.That's why she needs to sleep until she wakes up naturally - a late sleep will necessarily wake up late.

When Ai Wen came out of the bathroom, Chen Yanzi was watching small videos under the covers.She brushed back and commented: "This one's waist is too thick, this brother is too small, and this one's stature is too short."

Suddenly, she saw a couple quarreling on the street, and then turned into a small video of Quan Wu Xing. She was so happy, she slapped the arm of Ai Wen next to her and asked, "Ai Ai, can you do this?"

"Martial arts routines? No problem." After watching the half-minute video, Ai Wen said relaxedly: "I can play routines of this level when I was in high school, but these two people are also interesting and have good ideas."

"They are all Lianjiazi? Can they beat you?" Chen Yanzi asked curiously.

Ai Wen seriously analyzed: "If you do it to your death, the addition of these two people is not enough for me to fight. After all, I have been practicing Sanda in addition to learning traditional martial arts routines. Sanda is generally based on actual combat. I follow the training. People from the armed police have practiced every single thing."

"That is to say, these two people are just pretending to look good, but they are not good in actual combat?" Chen Yanzi asked disappointedly.

Ai Wen said: "Not necessarily. If they fight empty-handed with someone who has no foundation and only knows how to punch, they will definitely win-because their reaction speed and physical fitness are here. But if they are compared with professional Soldiers, armed police, and even criminal police do not necessarily win in a life-and-death fight. Any empty talk that does not talk about kilograms and physical fitness is playing hooligans-you let me die with Tyson in his peak period, and he will be able to fight with one punch Take me to the hospital."

"Then do you think there are ancient martial arts in China? The kind that come and go?" Chen Yanzi asked.

Ai Wen shook his head: "How do I know? Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in this world, maybe there is a panda village hidden in that ravine."

"Hehe. Do you think I haven't seen Kung Fu Panda?" Chen Yanzi sneered, she pointed to the video and said, "I want to make this kind of video too."

The muscles on Ai Wen's face twitched violently: "People have practiced for more than ten years, you, a person without martial arts skills, still want to play like this?"

"I can dance!" Chen Yanzi said proudly, "And I can learn!"

"Learn martial arts? Practice three days in winter and three days in summer. Can you do it? Just ask you-can you get up early?" Ai Wen questioned his soul.

Chen Yanzi was stunned for a while, and finally choked out a sentence: Excuse me!
(End of this chapter)

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