Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 131 - My class 7 is fancy

Chapter 131 - My Class Seven

The news that there was an extra sports student in the seventh class of the first grade of junior high school quickly spread throughout the school year group. According to the consistent operation of the seventh middle school, sports students usually start to be selected and participate in training in the second grade of junior high school. minimum age.

For this reason, Aiwen went to the teaching office and typed up the application report before he applied for a pass card for Li Guoyao-with this card, he could leave the school before everyone else finished school.

There are two copies of the access card, one for students and one for parents.The gate guard will only open the door if he sees both access cards at the same time.In this way, the possibility of special students skipping classes is eliminated.If the parents help their children to skip classes, the Seventh Middle School cannot stop this kind of operation.

Li Guoyao's martial arts coach was also contacted by Ai Wen. This buddy is the coach of the Q City Martial Arts Team - a staff member in the system.However, it is within the scope of the tacit approval of the rules for the martial arts coach to accept one or two students in private-now it is easy to starve to death relying on salary alone!
This guy should be regarded as Aiwen's senior brother, but Aiwen chose the literature test, and the senior brother chose the physical examination.Ai Wen felt that his brother was already very good at competing for the coach of the Wushu team in Q City, at least he was ashamed of himself when it came to performing martial arts routines.

It’s okay for you to let Aiwen do somersaults and do some conventional routines, but it is absolutely impossible to win prizes in martial arts competitions with this old foundation.Now that Aiwen is taking the path of actual combat, the things he fights may not be so good-looking.


So there is a sequence of hearing, and there is a specialization in the martial arts industry - Ai Wen felt that becoming a martial arts coach would easily send Li Guoyao to the martial arts arena.
Although there were brave warriors who took the first step bravely, the brave warriors who ate the second crab in Class [-] did not appear.Choosing professional courses such as art and physical education has a big impact on cultural courses. Their parents hope that their children can take minor courses in their spare time-if their academic performance is really bad, they can switch to their main work.

Ai Wen is also more supportive of this kind of steady thinking, Li Guoyao is just a special case after all.First, his family is rich—his father has several engineering teams under his command, and his annual income is tens of millions. Raising a son is like playing games; second, Li Guoyao doesn’t like to study—even if Ai Wen tied him to the classroom, he would I don't know where my heart has gone.Letting him go out to have fun is good for him and good for the style of study of the whole class.More importantly, after he put his energy into practicing martial arts, he didn't have any more thoughts on messing around.

The main job of the students is to study hard. Although Aiwen is very open-minded, the mainstream thinking in this society is still the theory of achievement.Thousands of words can be combined into one sentence - no matter how much you call for quality education, the college entrance examination only recognizes scores!
After dealing with the matter of Li Guoyao's special student, the time has come to the end of October.There are only a few days before the midterm exam, but the learning atmosphere in Class [-] is not as strong as before the last monthly exam - the main reason is that the main force of the study is arranged by Ai Wen.

They are studying hard in class, but what they study after class and after school is how to participate in the competition and get a good ranking.In order to encourage them to win the prize, Aiwen promised various benefits. Anyway, there is food in hand and he doesn't panic. How difficult is it for children's wishes to come true?

According to this learning state, Ai Wen felt that the mid-term exam results of Class Seven were probably not good.While it hurt his performance pay and reputation a bit, it was the only way he could dance without dressing up.You can't break your promise, and you can't stand without faith--Ivan can't let his personality collapse.

Ouyang Bai and Yu Shuangshuang haven't come to school for almost a week - they were detained by Chen Yanzi in the dance school to make up lessons.Ai Wen cheerfully approved the holidays for the two children. After all, they also want to perform, and if their level is not good, it will definitely lower the level of Class Seven.

Hearing from Chen Yanzi that the two children have almost reached the level of acting, Ai Wen can go to Chen Yanzi's to have a run-in with the interns in the past two days.During the study period, Ai Wen's position was replaced by Chen Yanzi, but Ai Wen's height of 1.8 meters [-] must have an impact on the dance, so some adjustments must be made.

In addition to the teacher's program, Chen Yanzi also has seven girls' programs to rehearse.Every time Chen Yanzi got off work, she complained to Ai Wen that she was oppressed by the slave owner. For this, Ai Wen could only repay her efforts with his bravery.

Under Chen Yanzi's meticulous choreography, the dance "Send to the Bright Moon" has become very different from the original version. There are only nine girls in the sing girl group, and the number of girls in class seven is more than double this number, so the dance must be divided into groups A and B.In particular, some children's coordination and stretching of movements are quite average-that is, they are not suitable for dancing, so Chen Yanzi dragged these children to Group B to be in charge of styling.

The position C belongs to Chen Xiaolin, of course, it's really not Chen Yanzi's favoritism - she is the best-looking dancer, the highest-level dancer, and the best-looking dancer in the seventh class.Chen Yanzi's aunt is so beautiful, as a niece, where can Chen Xiaolin go?
Chen Yanzi's sister-in-law always told Ai Wen to help keep an eye on Chen Xiaolin - never let bad boys approach her.Now that the head teacher is her own person, Chen Xiaolin's mother is so happy!
The boys' nunchuck performances are also getting better, and they finally practiced to use the basic twelve moves at will without knocking themselves.This is a great victory, and you can only let go of the practice after you can't beat yourself, otherwise the movements will appear to be quite clumsy.

For the effect of the program, Aventor found a channel to order a batch of cold fireworks nunchucks.When he was in college, Ai Wen reached a purchase agreement with nunchuck manufacturers and customized a batch of special performance sticks.The two ends of this kind of nunchuck have flame vents, and when the operator presses the button, the nunchuck will emit cold fireworks.

This kind of cold fireworks is bright and beautiful, but the temperature is quite low-it's almost like a fairy stick played by a child.The cold firework is set off for as long as 1 minute, and the performance effect is quite explosive.Imagine twenty or so people performing nunchucks in front of you, and suddenly the nunchucks turned into big flowers--just ask if you are blind or not!

The only pity is that this thing can only be sent back to the manufacturer for refilling after it has been used once. Aiwen himself does not have the technology to reload the cold fireworks.However, there is no need for a rehearsal for this kind of show, one blast is enough.

That's right!Class [-] is playing so fancy!In this regard, Ivan is absolutely confident!

(End of this chapter)

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