Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 132 – The Midterm is Coming

Chapter 132 – Midterm is approaching
"Hey, how is your review going?" After returning home from school, monitor Xie Mingjie sent a message in a V letter group called "I feel uncomfortable if I don't study for a day".

Li Jinqiong replied: "The condition is excellent, we can fight!"

"Invincible is invincible!" Wang Erchuan, the study committee member, replied.

"Squad leader, how do you feel?" Sports committee member Li Yang asked.

Xie Mingjie sent a funny emoji: "The state is full, the first is stable! Yesterday's mock test paper was 730 after my self-assessment-seeking to surpass!"

"Farewell, boss!"

"Goodbye for interrupting!"



This small group is full of top students from Class [-]. Since Ai Wen arranged various competitions for them, they have built this small group newspaper group to keep warm.Firstly, we can communicate with each other and exchange information, and secondly, we can supervise each other and make progress together.

If you want to join this group, there are conditions. The top [-] in the class is the most basic requirement. In addition, you must have a self-motivated heart and a passion for learning.Salted fish is not worthy of the group!
Because of this group, participants in speech contests and composition contests can exchange information, refer to each other's ideas and confirm them.As the saying goes, one person counts the short, two count the long--with like-minded people working hard together, it is really easier to prepare for the game.

And there is a super academic Xie Mingjie lying on his stomach in the group, and everyone is struggling to surpass this guy every day.There are two shoulders against one head, who is afraid of whom?
However, Xie Mingjie won the No. 1 with a domineering attitude every time in the "joint examination within the group", which made the students who followed him feel helpless.The test papers are purchased by a small group of fundraisers, and the test papers can be graded online and remotely after completion.In this way, the grades reviewed by the third party are fair and reasonable, and no one should be guilty of bribing the graders for a small test, right?

Where Ai Wen couldn't see, this group of guys had already taken three midterm mock exams before the midterm exam.The scope of the test is consistent with the scope specified by the school, and the difficulty of the test questions is also quite similar-for third-party test agency, as long as you can afford it, you can put any high-quality test papers in front of you.

For small groups of people, school schedules are for fooling the kids.Excellent people must have the ability to preview, self-study a month in advance is the basic operation.Their current study progress has rushed to the final exam - in the second half of the semester, they are going to self-study the next semester's courses.

When a group of good kids get together to do something, you never know how much energy they can burst out.Ai Wen didn't expect that these guys were going all out to prepare for the competition on the surface, but they had already conducted three mid-term mock exams secretly.The most frightening thing is that the average score of these fifteen guys is not lower than seven hundred!
In the last monthly exam, there were no more than [-] people with an average score of [-] in the whole year group!If they can keep going. As a result, Ai Wen may be autistic to the limit.

However, Aiwen still doesn't know that his lovers are planning to give him a big "surprise", although this surprise is only a surprise for Aiwen.

The exam is coming soon, and the members of the team feel uncomfortable if they don't study for a day. They said that they are in excellent condition.After listening to Ai Wen's speech in the resort, they set their sights further - dominating the No. [-] Middle School is not a hero, but fighting against the top students of the No. [-] Middle School, No. [-] Middle School and even No. [-] Middle School is their next step. task.

The road to death is not lonely, they have partners to support each other.Even if Xie Mingjie's grades can be powerful in the No. [-] Middle School, but in the No. [-] Middle School, they are only first-class and not top-notch.Inheriting Aiwen's nature of life and death, the guys in the squad launched a sprint challenge to No. [-] Middle School.

Their ultimate goal is to join the key classes of No. 50 Middle School, and the minimum threshold for reaching this goal is to be ranked in the top [-] in the city.The No. [-] Middle School and High School set up four key classes-A, B, C, and D classes with [-] students in each class. These [-] places need to be scrambled by middle school students in the whole city.

Finally, Aiwen received a notice from all teachers to participate in the examination meeting.This time the examination will be different from the past, because it involves the issue of the teacher's assignment. The Q City Education Bureau has quite formal arrangements for the mid-term and final exams.The superior requires that the mid-term exams all adopt the city-wide unified examination principle, and the invigilators adopt the A and B system-there are two invigilators in the examination room, one teacher from the school and one teacher from a foreign school to simultaneously invigilate the exam.

Unfortunately, Ai Wen's name appeared among the ranks of expatriate teachers.According to the consistent principle of the Seventh Middle School, the expatriate teachers try to choose young, good-looking, good-looking and good-looking ones. For this reason, Aiwen is on the expatriate list every time.

Seventh Middle School has quite a few good-looking female teachers, but there are not many handsome male teachers!If Ai Wen was a bit shameless, he could call himself the most handsome teacher in No. [-] Middle School-there is nothing wrong with this sentence!

It is impossible for you to send out all the female teachers, right?Those who know know that there are many female teachers in the seventh middle school, but those who don't know think that there are no male teachers in the seventh middle school!Therefore, Aiwen's assignment rate is almost 100% - even if it is the invigilation of the middle and college entrance examinations, Aiwen has not once invigilated the exam at the door of No. [-] Middle School.

It's pretty miserable when you think about it.
In fact, to be honest, Ai Wen didn't want to go to a foreign school to invigilate the exam.Class No. [-] and Class No. [-] are Aiwen's base camp, and the configurations in the classrooms are quite reliable—for example, he sits in the classroom with an ergonomic office chair that costs tens of thousands, and it is very comfortable to sit on. !
If he went to invigilate the exam outside, Aiwen would be able to sit on the bench at most.Which teacher besides Ivan would spend tens of thousands of dollars to buy a chair for himself?Money can't be spent like that!

The reason why Aiwen can't get hemorrhoids from sitting for a long time has a lot to do with chairs. Hemorrhoids among teachers' occupational diseases have a lot to do with lumbar disc herniation and chairs. A good chair can effectively prevent the disease.

Aiwen is very willing to invest in this kind of investment. He can make up for it when he is short of money, but now that he has money, he must pay attention to it.Ai Wen always had the urge to take the chair away with the invigilator.

But if he did this, Old Zhao would definitely beat him to death!I'm ashamed to be sent to another school!
This time, the school that Aiwen went to invigilate was No. [-] Middle School—Lao Zhou taught in that school, and he was also in the first year of junior high school.Why can Aiwen know the grades of various schools in the city?The teacher's apartment is the best information transfer station!Teachers from various schools get together to share and they all know.

Although it is said that colleagues are enemies, the hostility within the teaching industry is still much smaller.Teachers also compare each other, but it is rare for teachers to denigrate each other.Student grades are the best proof, and whoever has the highest grades has the right to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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