Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 133 – A Good Deal

Chapter 133 – A Good Deal

Because of the excellent grades, No. [-] Middle School has sufficient funds every year.When Ai Wen saw the teaching building, sports building, art building and other facilities of No. [-] Middle School, he couldn't help complaining in his heart--a big dog!
No. [-] High School does not have these sorting projects. Except for the main teaching building, the gymnasium is squeezed into the same building as the cafeteria.

After arriving at the No. [-] Middle School, Ai Wen will also attend a No. [-] Middle School examination administration training meeting. After this meeting, he will not know which examination room he is invigilating.In fact, Aiwen is more Buddhist-invigilating wherever he likes-in any case, he is not as comfortable as his own class.

I don't know which grave egg is cheaper for my chair!

Sure enough, the head teacher of No. [-] Middle School didn't know as much about life as Ai Wen and cherished the future, and the invigilation chairs prepared for the teachers were just ordinary students' study benches.This thing can correct sitting posture for students, but for adults—Ivan felt his back was wailing.

But life is like that, you can't resist but enjoy it.As a young teacher with rich experience in invigilation, Ai Wen had already stuffed a wireless earphone in his ear before entering the examination room.The wireless headset is connected to the mobile phone through Bluetooth, so he can listen to music, radio, jokes, comic dialogue, and storytelling during the invigilation
Anyway, according to the requirements of the superior, the invigilator needs to sit straight in his seat and watch the students' answer papers - even the number of teacher inspections must have clear requirements - each exam, the number of inspections by the invigilator should not exceed five times.

There are lessons learned from the past. Some invigilators like to take advantage of their positions to check the candidates' answer sheets, and some even point out and reveal the answers.So in order to avoid this from happening, the superior requires the invigilator to just sit on the chair safely and invigilate the exam!

Because it is not the high school entrance examination or the college entrance examination, the invigilator is allowed to bring mobile phones into the examination room.This brings great convenience to Ivan, who can listen to whatever he wants.If it was the middle school and college entrance examinations, Ai Wen would not dare to play like this. Not to mention the signal interference, if he was caught, he would definitely go to the end, and there would be no hope of progress-or he might lose his job.

As a young man who is not very peaceful, Aiwen likes to test wildly on the verge of death, but he has no thought of dying at all.Occasionally, it's okay to play side-by-side when it doesn't matter, but in formal and large-scale examinations, Aiwen is definitely a model worker.

Each examination room has two invigilators, A and B. The A invigilator is a teacher from the school, and the B invigilator is a teacher from a foreign school.In addition to supervising the candidates, the invigilator B also supervises whether the teachers of the school have violated the regulations. If there is a problem, they can directly respond to the assistant examiner, the main examiner and even the examination committee.

Therefore, Ai Wen doesn't care about collecting or distributing the papers. His more important job is to supervise whether the teachers of the Second Middle School have violated the rules.This system of mutual supervision is relatively scientific, and it can effectively prevent the phenomenon of joint fraud between teachers and students.

Half of the teachers in the city need to be rotated for the mid-term exam, and the final exam is even more ruthless-all teachers need to be rotated!Are you a teacher in Seventh Middle School? OK!Go to other schools!No. [-] candidates are all invigilated by teachers from other schools.

Although this model is more troublesome, Q City has persisted in it for so many years.At the beginning, the Education Bureau encountered a lot of resistance-the teachers also complained a lot.Later, the Education Bureau directly used the technique of "big subsidy", and the invigilator received a transportation subsidy of 150 yuan per day for two days.

It doesn't matter whether you take a taxi or drive, 150 yuan is enough for you to wander around the city casually.Teachers are not unreasonable people. After the Education Bureau gave subsidies, everyone gradually accepted this rotation invigilation mode.

In fact, Ai Wen felt very regretful - if only he went to the No. [-] Middle School to invigilate the exam, the No. [-] Middle School was near Chen Yanzi's house, and he could get there in a few minutes!You have to drive to go to the No. [-] Middle School invigilator. You can't afford to be injured in the morning rush hour!

The teachers of No. [-] Middle School are more disciplined, and their students' level and level are right there, so they don't need to cheat to get grades at all.That's why their teachers don't come down for a walk at all--Gua Tian Li Xia, they don't explain that to you, they simply put an end to any suspicious behavior.

Ai Wen was also happy that nothing happened, and it was hard to hear the news of reporting his colleagues.What do people think of you?Should I say you have a sense of justice?Or do you mean two coins?
He just listened to the pit king's stand-up storytelling with such an old god, secretly giggling, what the pit king said was really good, except for digging the pit and not filling it, which is easy to get beaten.Listening to more joyful things is also good for yourself. It’s less than ten years to laugh!
The second middle school teacher sitting at the front of the classroom has a more complicated mentality-he doesn't know what kind of person his partner is.Aiwen did know many teachers in the city in the teacher's apartment, but most of those people were of the same age.Teachers who are older than five years old are not in Aiwen's social circle, so he doesn't know his invigilator partner either.

It is impossible for Ai Wen to know so many teachers in the city. Of course, because he is in the education system, Ai Wen looks familiar to most of the teachers.After all, there are many opportunities to hold meetings, study together, and compete in classes together. The circle is so big that you can see it even if you look down.

Every time the invigilator of No. [-] Middle School looked at Ai Wen, he would find that he was giggling.This is very scary - what's so funny about proctoring?And he's still giggling. Could it be that he's harboring some bad idea?

Ai Wen didn't know that the teachers in No. [-] Middle School had such a lot of inner drama!He didn't know what the other person was thinking, let alone tell her that I was listening to cross talk!After all, this thing is illegal!Violations that are not caught are considered legal, and only violations that are caught are called violations!

Besides, can it be called a violation for scholars to listen to cross talk?This is to seize all the time to improve your professional ability level, and strive to achieve the same eloquence as the pit king as soon as possible.

Whenever I give lectures and sell tickets, someone is willing to pay for it. Ai Wen feels that this life is considered a success.

With the company of Keng Wang, the two-day long invigilation will not be so difficult.Except for the fact that the female teacher of No. [-] Middle School looked at him more and more strangely, the invigilator passed the two days very smoothly.

After the last subject exam, all the teachers need to go to the big conference room to collect the money.That's right!The Education Bureau has distributed the invigilation subsidies to the teachers to each test center, and after the invigilation is over, they will get the money and leave!
This is called openness!This is the art of management!Although there are only three pink notes, this is what you have gained from sitting on the bench for two days!Let you sit for eight hours a day—there is not much wind, no rain, and you don’t have to do heavy work. Would you like to give you 150 yuan?

This deal can't be too cost-effective!
(End of this chapter)

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