Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 135 – Cool

Chapter 135 – Cool
After fighting for 48 hours in a row, Ai Wen's ancient poetry and prose reading and marking group has completed the task.In order to celebrate this great victory, the team members made an appointment to find a reliable restaurant to have a meal on Saturday.

This is a friendship that is close to life and death!If the set task requirements are not completed within two days, the entire examination and approval team will be held accountable.Without the hard work of everyone, Ai Wen couldn't get away with it.

With dark circles under his eyes, Aiwen walked up to the podium in a sleepwalking state wearing work clothes.The Chinese class after the test is usually commented on the test paper, but because the test paper is graded online, Ai Wen does not know the students' answers, so he can only tell the test paper and not analyze it on everyone's head.

"Is there anyone else who made mistakes in the calligraphy question of the first question? There are four fonts for you to choose. Each font has different characteristics: regular script is square and square; Word: chunky and round!"

Ai Wen's teaching is quite flexible. He did not explain the professional characteristics of each font according to the scriptures, but directly started from the most intuitive visual effect, and analyzed the biggest characteristics of each font directly.

It is very difficult to express your heart in the test paper commentary class. Ai Wen is also a clever woman who can’t cook without rice. He can only talk step by step, question by question. However, he made a request for the students: after finishing the test paper, We have to score and estimate our own test papers, and then compare them after the results come out.

The benefits of this requirement are obvious—students can only know where they are right and where they are wrong only if they listen carefully.

As Aiwen said, the guys in the "I feel uncomfortable if I don't study for a day" team looked at each other and winked.What is this for?wanna die?provocative?

"Li Yang, your eyeballs are going to fly?" Ai Wen scolded angrily.

Li Yang quickly bowed his head, and Ai Wen continued to comment -- he spoke at a very fast speed, as long as no one raised any questions, he would immediately move on to the next question.Learning is a process of actively seeking knowledge. You do not seek knowledge subjectively, nor are you obliged to pour it into your mind.

In one class, Ai Wen finished the non-composition content of the test paper in three to ten minutes.As for the composition commentary, he needs to wait for the results to come out and the answer sheet to be returned before he can proceed.

A Chinese test paper is full of 120 points, and composition accounts for [-] points-so the level of composition ability can directly determine the grade of a student's Chinese score.

When the students' scores were about the same, Ai Wen asked, "If the basic knowledge part exceeds 60, raise your hand."

The basic part of a Chinese test paper has a total of 110 points. If a student can exceed 110 points, there is hope for a score of [-] points.No matter which school the student is in, a Chinese score of over [-] is an admirable existence.

The team members looked at each other, and Xie Mingjie raised his arms first.It is not surprising that this guy's basic knowledge can exceed [-] points. This is his normal level, and he has basically played it.

However, something unexpected happened to him, more and more students raised their arms together with Xie Mingjie - this number actually accounted for one-fifth of the class and more than ten people raised their hands!

Bad is the feeling of myocardial infarction!

Ai Wen frowned and questioned: "Are you sure you didn't estimate the wrong score? You must strictly check yourself!"

After being questioned by the boss, three children put their hands down. They were stuck on the edge of [-] points, and points could be given or deducted for some ambiguous places.So they feel that they are not sure, and finally put their hands down.

So there were still ten students who raised their hands, and the attitude of these ten people was so firm.Ai Wen asked, "Xie Mingjie, how much do you rate yourself?"

"65" Xie Mingjie carefully sorted out his wording.

He estimated it himself, and he didn't make any mistakes in any of the objective questions. As for the classical Chinese reading questions and modern Chinese reading questions, he felt that 90.00% of his five-point answers were on the points-the five points he deducted for himself were It can be close to the answer, but the expression is not so clear.


Ai Wen felt that his mentality was a bit bursting-isn't this guy preparing for an invention contest?Why is the cultural class so outstanding?Do you think the language test is a lumbar disc?Do you want to stand out?

He pulled the corner of his mouth far-fetched: "Jin Qiong, what about you?"

"63" Li Jinqiong was a little downcast, as if he was worried that he didn't kill the squad leader this time.

MMP has arranged for you an English speech contest, a Chinese essay contest, and a city-wide dance competition. Are you not busy enough?How dare you estimate 63 points?

Aiwen is still aware of the nature of the good-studied guys in Class [-]. These guys are absolutely top-notch and stable when evaluating scores-that is to say, their real scores must be higher than this score!
The estimated scores of the remaining eight guys were hovering around 62, 61, and 60. Ai Wen suddenly felt that he was going to be cool. Let's wait for the results to come out before writing elegiac couplets for himself!

After class, Ai Wen rushed back to the office as if chased by a dog. As soon as he entered the door, he asked anxiously: "Did the Education Bureau get any results?"

The other class teachers looked at Aiwen with complicated expressions, as if he had betrayed the organization and class.

"What's the situation?" Ai Wen asked in a daze. He calmed down his breath and moved to the computer of the class teacher of the third class to take a look.

The official results of the Education Bureau have been released, and the part of No. [-] Middle School has been sent to the school's teaching office, which has uploaded to the cloud for teachers to download by themselves.

"How is class [-] this time?" Ai Wen asked.

The head teacher of the third class compared an internationally common middle finger gesture-the first!

It’s cold!

Aiwen's face changed suddenly, and he returned to his seat in a daze and muttered to himself: "I'm so stupid, I really shouldn't have thought that they would fail the exam from the very beginning. From the very beginning, these bastards have been playing me. The surface is full of enthusiasm Preparing for the competition, secretly reviewing the knowledge secretly."

"Xiao Ai? Are you going crazy with joy?" the eighth class teacher, who was the same age as Ai Wen's mother, asked after seeing Ai Wen's lost soul.

Ai Wen showed a smile that was uglier than crying: "I'm fine. I'm good at taking the first place in the exam. I'm happy to be the first in the exam. I'll invite the year group to dinner this time!"

The teachers of No. 13 Middle School will have a dinner together after the big exams, usually in grade groups.As for the administrative officers, the team building is carried out in units of departments.The fact that Aiwen offered to treat guests is absolutely open-his exam bonus this time is quite serious: first in the year group of a single Chinese subject, first in the year group of the class's overall average score, and No. [-] in the city's overall class average score.
Why did the homeroom teachers look complicated when Aiwen came in?It was the first time, but the overall average score of the class was No.13 in the city. It was scary. When the Seventh Middle School was still at the top of the list, there were no such exaggerated scores in the exam.

(End of this chapter)

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