Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 136 - You can do it

Chapter 136 – You Can Do It
With a complex expression, Aiwen downloaded the candidates' scores uploaded by the teaching office from the office group.In principle, this thing cannot be distributed to students, but you can communicate with students individually.

The report card issued by the Education Bureau is very detailed, and the statistics of each school, each class, and each individual are clear.Take Aiwen's Chinese subject as an example. In addition to the total score, each student also has the score of each small question.Ai Wen can intuitively understand where each student's grasp is not solid enough, and which student dares to lose points in the dictation of ancient poems.

In addition to personal achievements, what is more important is the ranking.This time, Xie Mingjie won the No. 17 in No. [-] Middle School and No. [-] in the city with the attitude of a time traveler.This result has already penetrated the ceiling of the No. [-] Middle School, and even if he got the No. [-] Middle School, it would be a cowardly existence.

Not to forget, this guy was arranged by Ai Wen for a national competition. Besides his daily study, he also had to sort out materials, learn technology and invent. Where did he have the time to study?

Except for this cub, the guys in Class [-] have made great progress - even Li Guoyao, who is at the bottom of the class, can rank in the middle of the year group.what's the situation?Did these guys steal the question?Otherwise, how could you get such unscientific results?

As a head teacher, Ai Wen should be very pleased that his students have made such great progress, but at such a sensitive moment, the students showed super strength, which made him feel like a thorn in his back-who is stabbing in the back?
Thinking of next week's sports meeting, Aiwen will bounce, his father will come to watch the ceremony!And his position will definitely be on the rostrum - that place is facing the performance area!

Now that the students have been promised to dress up as women in the Pure Land of Bliss, and they have passed the test, the one who suffers is Aiwen himself.Words spoken, water poured out, whoever repents is a ghost.

Blue Skinny Shiitake Mushrooms
o (╥﹏╥) o
Not in the mood to continue working, Aiwen chose to skip work. He drove to the gym, put on his fists and punched the sandbags with his professional boxing skills.Even outsiders can see that Ai Wen is shrouded in clouds-if you mess with him at this time, the consequences may be extremely tragic.

After beating against the sandbag for half an hour, Ivan was soaked in sweat as if he had been fished out of the river.After drinking a bottle of mineral water in one gulp, he sat in the rest area and thought about life-how can he not be beaten to death by his father after wearing women's clothes?

Do you want to explain to Dad in advance?Dad is also an old teacher, logically speaking, he should be able to understand his painstaking efforts to motivate students, right?What's more, my grades in the midterm exam this time are excellent, and I brought out a class with an average score of No. 13 in the city in an ordinary junior high school. Dad should not be too concerned.

no!Can't tell daddy!Otherwise, this guy will definitely take a photo!Papa looks old-fashioned, but can a guy who can write God of War return have a good guy?If he knew in advance, he would definitely leave evidence and threaten himself. Don't forget, Ivan just cheated his father for a month's manuscript fee!Is it the style of the Ai family not to take revenge?

What if the father threatens to send it to his mother after videotaping it?What if he robbed himself of a month's rent?With Addison's integrity value for pocket money, it can definitely be done!

The Ai family is rich, and has a huge income every month-but these incomes are under the control of the mother.Lao Ai can use it, but the accounts must be handled carefully—want to make fake accounts in front of an old accountant who has been in the business for more than [-] years?Are you thinking of peaches!
When Addison wrote novels, he wanted to make money from cigarettes at the beginning--Alvin's mother still doesn't know that Addison's novels have already started to make money, and the amount is not cheap.If she knew, Addison would not be far from being a calf.

This black history video will definitely become Addison's means to check and balance Ivan. This thing is like a weapon of peace-the most terrifying thing is to hold it in your hand and not detonate it.

So he wants to hide his name. He wants to hide Chen Cang, he wants to make friends out of thin air—the one who dances is not Ai Wen, but a friend who learns dance that Ai Wen invited to support the scene—the kind Chen Yanzi knows!

It's time to put your real makeup skills to the test - you have to reach a level that even your own father can't recognize!

Chen Yanzi seldom puts on makeup. She usually focuses on hydrating and maintaining her skin. Her plain makeup is beautiful enough, so she usually wears relatively pure and light makeup. She doesn't have some heavy-colored cosmetics, so he needs to purchase them himself.

He went to the shower room to wash himself clean and then drove back to Chen Yanzi's house - this guy just woke up and was eating the breakfast that Ai Wen left in the morning.

Aiwen bought a thermal cover for this woman who slept until she woke up naturally. Breakfast can be kept warm as long as it is covered in it.

Chen Yanzi was very surprised to see Ai Wen coming home: "What's the situation with you? It's only ten o'clock and you're off work?"

"It's not getting off work. It's skipping work." Ai Wen said calmly: "Is there anything going on later? It's okay to go shopping with me."

"Ah? You actually want to go shopping? The sun is coming out from the west?" Chen Yanzi looked at Ai Wen curiously: "Aren't you my husband? He will never ask me to go shopping!"

Ai Wen couldn't help but smile: "Okay. I'm not Ai Wen, I'm his younger brother Ai Wu"

"I believe you! You are a very bad old man! Do you think I don't know that you are the only one in your family?" Chen Yanzi said angrily: "Tell me, what kind of medicine can you sell in your gourd?"

"...It's just a whim to buy you some cosmetics." Ai Wen said cheekily.

Chen Yanzi hummed: "No need, let me tell you about my natural beauty, why buy cosmetics?"

"I use it myself!" Ivan said forcefully.

Chen Yanzi was stunned for a moment, then put down the milk in her hand, then lowered her head on the table and started laughing wildly: "Wow ha ha ha! 2333"

Aiwen's head was full of black lines: "I'll give you half an hour to pack yourself up and go out at eleven o'clock!"

Chen Yanzi coquettishly said: "Husband, I know now. hiahiahia"

Ai Wen covered her face and sneaked into the study to hide in the quiet, Chen Yanzi definitely guessed what she was buying cosmetics for, otherwise she couldn't laugh so wildly.
After a while, Chen Yanzi finished washing and dressing up, pushed open the door of the study and revealed her small head, "We are not short of money, if you want to buy it, buy the best one, and it will make you dance. Hiahiahia man, or you can wear a military uniform to protect yourself." To defend the country, you can either put on a suit to strategize, or put on women's clothing to let yourself go. Believe me, you can do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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