Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 137 – Win-Win

Chapter 137 – Win-Win
For Chen Yanzi's "humiliating" Ai Wen expressed speechlessness.The bets I made would be paid back while kneeling, and the cowhide I had blown would be rounded back even if it pierced the sky.

Ai Wen still has a lot of experience in the evil way of makeup.As the saying goes, I often read [-] Tang poems, and I can recite them even if I don’t know how to compose them—I often watch my ex-girlfriend’s various makeup, and he is almost half a beauty blogger.Although this is not what he learned on his own initiative, makeup is indeed one of the skills that a boyfriend must learn if he wants to survive
Without Chen Yanzi helping the staff, Ai Wen walked out of the mall carrying a large bag of cosmetics like shopping for vegetables.Chen Yanzi was completely defeated by Ai Wen's straightforwardness.

"The cosmetics you bought here are better than mine," Chen Yanzi complained with her small mouth puckered.

Ai Wen scratched his head: "This is what I used before"

I don't blame Ivan, he has a lot of ex-girlfriends who are really rich——his set of tens of thousands of skirts was sponsored by his ex-girlfriends.During the four years of college, the money spent by his ex-girlfriends on Aiwen was enough for him to buy a house in the center of City Q.

Aiwen refused to eat soft rice at the beginning-it’s not that you let me eat, and my brother, I still need to eat soft rice with a five-figure monthly living expenses?But the reality gave him a huge slap in the face. Five-figure living expenses are considered high for boys, but above average for girls. After the soft meal, Aiwen finally felt that it was too delicious, and he also raised Stomach. The soft rice that doesn’t use Fu Po Happy Ice and Fu Po Happy Ball tastes really exciting!

His house outside the school was paid by himself except for the first three months of rent, and he never paid it for the next two years. Even Ivan heard that the house was bought by an ex-girlfriend to commemorate his youth. The years I have spent with Ivan.

After returning home, Aiwen threw the cosmetics he bought back in the corner like the winter Chinese cabbage bought in the north like a pile of garbage. Chen Yanzi's eyes twitched at this scene.The price of this bag of things added up to five figures has gone up.Alvin the guy
As for the costumes for dancing, Aiwen still has to ask for the "ex-girlfriend brand" - he is not a girl, and he has never had a "good habit" of not wearing a set of clothes twice. Return to be worth the fare.

Even if Aiwen is rich now, he is not suddenly rich. His wealth is still within a certain range.If the fixed assets in his hands are sold, it will definitely be an astronomical figure, but he can't sell it or can't sell it-he can only make money by collecting rent.

Aiwen has seen a lot of beautiful clothes. He has always thought that the dress his ex-girlfriend bought for him can be ranked among the top. My girlfriend hired someone to make it at a friendly price - if the real price is real, it might start at six figures - not all clothes are worthy of embroidery ah!

Aiwen has asked Chen Yanzi to help purchase Ouyang Bai and Yu Shuangshuang's clothes, and the price of each set is more than 5000 yuan. Aiwen has already cheated two children to dance together. In terms of clothing, Aiwen must prepare high-end, The atmosphere is high-grade.Although the position C belongs to Aiwen, the costumes of the two "backup dancers" can't be too different, right?

You get what you pay for, and performance costumes worth 5000 yuan can already be included in the quasi-high-end level, and they are not shabby for any occasion.Costumes for the Huaxia Spring Festival Gala are not necessarily so expensive.

At the end of the performance, Ivan will give these two sets of clothes to the two interns as souvenirs. Why don't you rent the clothes?Who knows who used the rented stuff and did what?Ivan can't worry!

As the sports meeting is approaching, Aiwen's costumes and props have also arrived one after another.In this sports meeting, Aiwen really spent a lot of money and money to improve the performance. If it weren't for environmental protection reasons——Aiwen would like to set up a dry ice machine under the rostrum to let the girls dance in the smoky scene The ancient style of singing and dancing, the scene is simply beautiful.

The ancient screen that I bought back has also been remodeled—after all, it looks silly for a boy to carry the screen during the sports meeting review, so Ai Wen asked a carpenter who has cooperated with Ai’s family to add small wheels under the screen, as long as there are two children With a light push, the heavy screen can be taken away.In order to prevent slipping, there is a fixing device under the screen, which needs to be activated when the screen needs to be fixed somewhere.

The school requires all class teachers to also participate in the review, and prepare their own clothing—it can be consistent with the class style of painting, or they can wear work suits to appear more formal.As for whether the teacher should perform, the school does not have a mandatory requirement.The sports meeting is a day to have fun with the people and celebrate with the whole school. The superiors still hope that the teachers will show the demeanor of teachers in the new era.

The school leaders have no requirements for teachers over the age of 35, but they still call on young teachers under the age of 35 to perform for the conference.Of course, you don't have to force yourself if you really don't have any talent.
Ai Wen felt that he was also the leader of the class after all, and it was a bit of a shame to follow the students.So he thought hard and found a solution after collecting various celebration materials - floats!

I still remember that during the National Day of China last year, the floats in the mass parade could carry people.Although it is a bit extravagant to send out floats for a celebration of the scale of the school sports meeting, we can reduce the allocation!Without Dongfeng heavy trucks, we can use electric three jumpers!

It just so happens that the parents of Class [-] are in the electric car business, so they will borrow three and return them when they are used up!Even if it's a little bit extravagant - it's not too expensive to buy it directly, how much is an electric three bungee?The more expensive ones are five or six thousand, and the cheaper ones are only two or three thousand!
So Ai Wen called the parent to discuss the details, and the parent readily agreed to borrow the car—but he had a small condition, he needed Ai Wen to set up an advertising space for him
Aiwen must agree to this small request, why not do something that can save more than 1 yuan?Some money must be spent, but some money can be spent or not. Isn't it just an advertising space?So neat!The No. [-] class's resident just needs two generous parasols, and the advertisements of the electric car dealership can be printed on the parasols.

Where did the big umbrella come from?Definitely get parent sponsorship!To advertise you, I still have my own billboard?Think beautifully!If it weren't for Aiwen's soft words, the parents of the students would have wanted to pack up the parasols of other classes-what a good opportunity to advertise!There are nearly 2000 people in the No. [-] Middle School, and the cost can be recovered as long as ten more electric vehicles are sold!

The parents shared their thoughts with Ai Wen, so he asked in the class teacher group: "I have a student's parent here who can sponsor parasols—do you need those with tent square roofs? One class Only two of them."

The class teachers were amused!There is such a good thing?If no one sponsors the big umbrella, either don’t use it, or spend money to rent it. Now that someone comes to send sponsors to your door, wouldn’t it be crazy if you don’t accept it?Why not do it if you can save a sum of class fees?

So all the 1 head teachers in the school accepted the sponsorship of their parents. This is a win-win outcome—how much is [-] big umbrellas? More than [-] points!But advertising opportunities are rare.And these big umbrellas are still owned by electric car companies after the sports meeting, even if you sell second-hand umbrellas, you can get back a lot of money.

(End of this chapter)

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