Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 143 - What's the situation?

Chapter 143 - What's the situation?

As the saying goes, hard work can make up for weakness, and the basic physical fitness of the students in Class [-] and [-] of junior high school is in the forefront throughout the school year.Class [-] has been running in the morning since the beginning of school, and even a pig will become stronger after running for two months.

But it's nonsense to say that Class Seven can win the top three in all categories. Sports are a matter of talent. Compared with some students with good physical fitness, Class Seven will occasionally lose champions in some sports.Take the 100 meters that Xie Mingjie participated in, the best result of class 1 was second, and the No.[-] was snatched away by the students of class [-].

But the longer the race distance, the greater the advantage of Class Seven—the champions of the 800-meter, 1500-meter and 3000-meter long-distance races were all won by Class Seven.Talent in sprinting, endurance in long-distance running, the endurance of the seventh class of junior high school is definitely second to none under Aiwen's training.Now the morning running distance of Class 800 has risen to [-] meters in seven laps—even the little fat Liu Jianwen can run down this distance, let alone the athletes of Class [-].

When holding the class leader meeting about the sports meeting, Ai Wen made it clear: Whether it is the group total score award or the spiritual civilization award, he wants it!
The answer from the class committee is even more interesting: You can get extra money for everything!
Brave men are only rewarded with heavy rewards, and no one pays attention to the little rewards given by the school - diary, gel pen. Who lacks these things!Xie Mingjie said that boys need the skin of King Pesticide before they are willing to risk their lives; Li Jinqiong said that girls also need the same level of material stimulation.

A bunch of bastards!

However, it is impossible for ten No.1s to appear, because everyone can sign up for a limited number of projects, and everyone wants to get rewards, which requires equal exposure.The benefits cannot be taken away by one person!
There is nothing to see in the sports meeting, and the class here is also managed in an orderly manner by the class cadres.Ai Wen skipped work very carelessly and took Chen Yanzi out for dinner.Today's class cadres have mobile phones in their hands, so they can call him at any time if there is any emergency that cannot be dealt with.

Chen Yanzi clicked on a video and handed it to Ai Wen: "I said. You are so beautiful today"

Ai Wen put Chen Yanzi horizontally with one hand, and then picked her up and threw her into the back seat of the Wrangler amidst the girl's screams: "Don't talk! I'll kiss you and cry!"

Chen Yanzi huddled in the back seat: "What I'm telling you is the truth."

"It's all over. When you close your eyes and open them, it's a new day." Ivan took a deep breath and said.

Chen Yanzi asked: "How do the children evaluate their class teacher?"

"Dare! It's against them! Anyone who dares to talk about the teacher in private - be decisive!" Ai Wen slapped the steering wheel and said furiously.

Chen Yanzi looked at Ai Wen's embarrassing look and giggled non-stop: "I guess the business of my dance school will get better soon."

"Congratulations." Ivan said weakly. The reason why he skipped class was because the students looked at him strangely.What is a thousand words at a glance?That is!

Chen Yanzi comforted: "Don't be depressed. Anyway, there is only a difference between wearing women's clothing once and countless times. Maybe your students think you are picturesque? Speaking of which, you are usually ninety handsome among men, but after wearing women's clothes It's really unscientific to become a 99-point super beauty."

Ai Wen retorted: "This is the power of science. Makeup saves my appearance. I usually don't use anything except Dabao, but when I put on women's clothes, it's like putting putty on a wall. Plus my facial features More three-dimensional, the effect is absolutely immediate”

The Ai family originated from Tianshui, so there is a part of Hu people's blood in their bones-don't think that Hu people are not good-looking. Di Lire, Gulinana, and Tong Liya are all Hu people's blood!
Hearing what Ai Wen said, Chen Yanzi was convinced. Ai Wen usually doesn't make up or dress up. If he cleans up carefully, he may be a handsome guy with a score of 95 or above.

"Why did you think of asking me out for dinner?" Chen Yanzi asked.

Ai Wen chuckled: "This period of time is really troublesome for you, I feel sorry for you running around the dance school of No. [-] Middle School every day!"

"Why haven't I seen your conscience?" Chen Yanzi hummed: "You are poor, hum!"

"Ma'am, is the hot pot ready?" Ai Wen asked.

"No! I want steak!" Chen Yanzi refused.

Ai Wen smiled and said: "OK! May I ask if you want American Western food, British Western food, German Western food, or Russian Western food? I heard that Western food in one place is delicious, affordable, and the quantity is large enough to satisfy you."

"Is there such a good place?" Chen Yanzi asked curiously, she had never heard of the famous western restaurant in Q City, which has a lot of food!
Ai Wen said seriously: "Kaifeng cuisine! Hamburger, French fries and fried chicken are all in one, and there is double steak in the Supreme Steakburger! I heard that the tender beef Wufang is on the market again these two days."

"My surname is Ai, you won't just fool me with a foreign fast food?" Chen Yanzi asked with an unkind expression.

Ai Wen laughed dryly: "How can it be? How about August? This is the only one!"

"It's more or less the same!" Chen Yanzi punched Ai Wen with a small fist and said Jiaohan.

August Western Restaurant is considered a good place in Q City. I heard that the owner is a foreigner, but Ai Wen doesn't know exactly which country he is from.He came to eat, not to meet the boss!However, the environment in August is indeed quite elegant, and the music in the restaurant is not played from the player, but there are musicians playing live.

To be honest, Ai Wen didn't care much about this kind of scene. He always felt that playing the violin was no more elegant than playing the suona.

The two found a table by the window and sat down. Before ordering food, Ai Wen heard a woman's voice behind him: "Yanyan? Long time no see!"

Not only Aiwen was surprised, but Chen Yanzi was also taken aback--did you meet acquaintances while eating?

But after seeing the person coming, Chen Yanzi's smile changed, and then she showed a salesperson's professional smirk.

"It's been a long time since I saw classmate Dong Xiumei." Chen Yanzi introduced: "Ai Wen, this is my college classmate Dong Xiumei, and this is Dong Xiumei's lover Lei Yuhang. This is my fiance Ai Wen." Chen Yanzi introduced each other.

Although Ai Wen didn't know why Chen Yanzi changed his tactics, he still shook hands with the two strangers in a more polite manner.

"Yanyan, what a coincidence, why don't we sit together, we haven't seen each other for a long time to catch up." Dong Xiumei didn't care whether Chen Yanzi agreed or not, and sat directly beside Chen Yanzi.

Alvin frowned-what rhythm is this?
(End of this chapter)

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