Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 144 - Approval?Watch me summon the young master!

Chapter 144 – Approval?Watch me summon the young master!
As a senior orphan in a certain orphanage, Aiwen is familiar with all kinds of routines in online novels, not to mention that he is familiar with it-this is the rhythm of asking girlfriends to tear 13 and slap each other in the face?

In ancient times, women had three obediences and four virtues: obedience to father at home, obedience to husband when married, obedience to son when husband died.Modern women's comparisons are nothing more than these three things: when they were young, they were richer (competing with their father), after they got married, they competed with whoever she slept with (competing for their husband or ...), after they had children, they should Struggle for children. When children are young, fight for their grades, and when they grow up, fight for their work and family.
As Chen Yanzi's fiancé, Ai Wen is obviously Chen Yanzi's bargaining chip in this battle.In the competition among girlfriends, one's own development is no longer important, and whoever marries well is the focus of the competition.

Now that the opponent has drawn his sword, no matter how good-tempered Ai Wen is, he has to use his sword—otherwise, Chen Yanzi will not be able to hold her head up in front of her girlfriends.And judging by Chen Yanzi's expression, the relationship between this so-called classmate and her should be more complicated.The grievances and hatreds here will be asked later, but the platoon must be revealed now.

The four ordered their own dishes respectively, and the chat (confrontation) between Chen Yanzi and Dong Xiumei officially started.

"Yanyan, I haven't seen you for two years and you are finally getting married." Dong Xiumei took the lead in attacking.

Chen Yanzi said casually: "When you reach the age to marry, find a good man and marry her."

"Sixi and I got married early, and you are finally going to enter the marriage hall. Yanyan, what does your boyfriend do?" Dong Xiumei asked "casually".

At this time, Ai Wen felt that it was time for him to control the situation: "Being a teacher in No. [-] Middle School makes a living."

Lei Yuhang smiled, he is a manager of a foreign company, a young man with an annual salary of one million.Facing a poor teacher, he definitely has an overwhelming victory. The annual salary of a junior high school teacher is not as high as his monthly salary!

"It's good to be a teacher! It's free and stable. Doesn't Teacher Aiwen have the idea of ​​taking a part-time job? Teachers should pay attention to safety when they work part-time. A while ago, a teacher was fired for delivering food." Lei Yuhang reminded him "kindly".

Ai Wen thanked him earnestly: "Thank you for your concern. Being a teacher is very good, with a young mind and low work pressure. There are no shortcomings except earning less."

Dong Xiumei took over the conversation: "Yanyan, you have to persuade your husband! Men must be enterprising, the housing prices in this Q city are getting higher day by day, and the teacher's salary is not even enough for the down payment!"

Ai Wen smiled nonchalantly: "Yanyan has already bought the house, we just use her house to get married."

Dong Xiumei was told by Ai Wen that she was almost autistic.This guy is so thick-skinned?Eating soft rice is so delicious?This is also a superb product!Don't say it - this teacher named Ai Wen is really handsome!My husband has been crushed into scum in terms of appearance!

Lei Yuhang despises Ivan's idea of ​​eating soft food - because he can't eat it himself!

"Brother Ai, as someone who has been here, I have to remind you that a man must have his own career." Lei Yuhang warned earnestly.

Ai Wen smiled: "Isn't my cause great? I am here for the great revival of Chinese culture and contribute to China's education cause"

Dong Xiumei:
Lei Yuhang:
Chen Yanzi: (*^▽^*)
Aiwen looked at the speechless appearance of the two people on the opposite side and said, "What Brother Lei said is also very reasonable, but I really have a project that needs investment. Is Brother Lei interested?"

Lei Yuhang was curious—what project could he, a junior high school teacher, need to invest in?Public schools do not accept social capital holdings either!Those are state property!

"I have a resort in Phoenix Mountain, is Lei Ge interested in investing in it?" Ai Wen asked with a smile.

"Phoenix Mountain? The one between the provincial capital and Q city?" Lei Yuhang asked.

Ai Wen nodded: "Are you interested? Sell 1000% of your shares for [-] million!"

Lei Yuhang frowned, he felt that Aiwen was playing with himself-what resort has a market value of one billion?He is absolutely bragging!Junior high school teacher owns a resort?Nonsense!

He secretly checked it with his mobile phone, and found that there is really a resort in Phoenix Mountain.Moreover, the reputation of this resort on the Internet is quite good. The most amazing thing is that this resort has a shooting club!

This is the property that a poor junior high school teacher can own?Can the nonsense be made more reliable?
Lei Yuhang smiled: "Mr. Ai, I can really scrape together 1000 million yuan, but do you really have the shares of the resort for me?"

"Really!" Ivan nodded calmly.

However, from Lei Yuhang's point of view, Aiwen was just trying to hold on—they all came out to pretend to be 13. Who didn't know that even if he was roasted on the fire, he would not be able to retreat.

Lei Yuhang opened his own bank account: "Teacher Ai, there are 500 million here. Can I subscribe for [-]% of the shares first?"

Ai Wen smiled: "No problem! Do I need to hire a lawyer? The share transfer is very fast, and the lawyer's fee is only about 500 yuan. Don't worry about me cheating you. I don't even bother to blackmail such a small amount of [-] million."

Seeing Aiwen's smile, Lei Yuhang was a little flustered - he was afraid that Aiwen really had a resort. 500 million was his entire net worth, unless he sold the house, sold the car, and paid dividends from the company Only by selling the shares can we make up 1000 million.

"But Mr. Ai, isn't it a little little to sell only 1000% of the shares for [-] million?" Lei Yuhang asked.

Ai Wen smiled: "Do you think anyone who wants to vote can vote for this money? If it weren't for the fact that your lover is Yanyan's old classmate, you wouldn't even have the chance to subscribe. Let's put it this way, this holiday villa I am the second shareholder. Do you know who the chairman is?"

Lei Yuhang was overwhelmed by Aiwen's domineering aura, if Aiwen was bragging - he must be a big boss in the field of criticism!

"I would like to hear the details!" Lei Yuhang listened carefully.

"Have you heard of Longpeng Group?" Ai Wen asked.

Lei Yuhang nodded: "Our province's super consortium."

"The chairman of the resort is Young Master Longpeng - the next generation head of the Longpeng Group. Do you still feel that you have lost money by buying 1000% of the shares for [-] million?" Ai Wen asked with a smile - -It's really good to pull the banner and pull the tiger's skin.

Anyway, Yang Peng is his brother, so it's easy to use his name to brag and criticize the boss!If you get impatient, just close the door and zoom in!Even if the youngest can't cover it, there are still the second and third young masters!The crow landed on the pig, and the three brothers had similar family backgrounds!

It's just that in this province, the name of the first young master is still easy to use, and the territory of the second and third young masters is not in Q City.
Lei Yuhang was shocked: "What you said is true?"

"Is it interesting to tease you? Do you need to call him to make sure?" Aiwen looked at Lei Yuhang suspiciously, but he couldn't stop laughing in his heart-are you calling?If you can get through, you're a big deal!His father and mother may not be able to get through to the young and old!

(End of this chapter)

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