Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 145 - I Have a Suite Among the Mountains, Rivers and Clouds

Chapter 145 - I Have a Suite Among the Mountains, Rivers and Clouds

If Lei Yuhang can really spend 1000 million yuan to buy shares, Aiwen doesn't mind giving up one percent. He has dozens of percent of the shares in his hand, and Yang Peng also told him that the shooting club and the villa are separate. of.

Ai Wen felt that Lei Yuhang should know Yang Peng's courage even if he didn't sell everything, although it wasn't an excellent opportunity.After all, Yang Peng will return to the Longpeng Group to take over the power. If he helps him in his care, he may gain a huge friendship.

But Lei Yuhang obviously didn't have that much courage, he smiled awkwardly and said: "It's still not possible, a gentleman doesn't take away people's love."

Aiwen said regretfully: "There is a chance to cooperate, what industry does Lei Ge work in?"

"Our company is Wayne International." Lei Yuhang is very satisfied with his job. He is young and has an annual salary of one million. He is definitely a young talent in China. He is only in his early thirties.

Ai Wen nodded in amazement: "Brother Lei is amazing."

Suddenly Ai Wen changed the subject: "Yanyan, how far is our new house decorated?"

Chen Yanzi was confused for a moment, and asked dully, "Which house?"

"The set between mountains, rivers and clouds -- the set that my dad prepared for me to get married." Ai Wen asked seriously.

Chen Yanzi thought about it: "Isn't it still renovated? You always cry poor and have no money, and you borrowed my savings."

Aiwen said innocently: "Isn't it an investment! We still have a resort anyway, don't we?"

Dong Xiumei was shocked: "Yanyan. Your and Ai Wen's wedding room is in the mountains and rivers?"

Chen Yanzi nodded: "Yes - because it's too far away, we haven't seen it yet. I heard from my uncle and aunt that the whole villa has been renovated, but some details still need to be redesigned by a designer to make it comfortable to live in."

Aiwen grinned and complained to Lei Yuhang: "I told my dad a long time ago that if we have a house at home, we can take out a set of large square meters and make up for it. My dad insisted that getting married must be done in a big house. Now that I’m in the suburbs, it must be inconvenient for me to go to work every day!”

At this time, Lei Yuhang and Dong Xiumei were still skeptical of Aiwen's words.Aiwen's blowout is really too big, and he married Yang Peng at a holiday villa, and bought a villa in the mountains, rivers and clouds. Burning newspapers on the grave, are you kidding me?
Aiwen eats very neatly, and there is no need to eat slowly with Western food.After eating almost, he extended an invitation to Lei Yuhang and Dong Xiumei: "There is nothing to do today, and the students don't have to go to class during the sports meeting. It's just that we can go to the mountains, rivers and clouds to look at the houses, so as not to know where our gates open."

Lei Yuhang and Dong Xiumei looked at each other and accepted Ai Wen's invitation. After dinner, Chen Yanzi walked out of the western restaurant with Ai Wen on her arms, and Dong Xiumei holding Lei Yuhang in her arms.They found their cars and were ready to set off. Shanshuiyunjian can find them through navigation, and they just need to gather at the entrance of the villa area.

Lei Yuhang's car is a don't touch me car, the price is around 70--much more comfortable than Ivan's Wrangler.The sealing of the Wrangler is quite average. Netizens commented that Aiwen's new car has not reached this level yet.

Seeing Ai Wen driving a Wrangler, Lei Yuhang admitted to his financial resources a little bit. Those who can afford to buy a Wrangler must have a savings of more than one million.However, there is still a huge gap between being worth a million and being the head of the household in Shanshuiyunjian.

Lei Yuhang drove the car and asked Dong Xiumei: "Do you have a festival with your college classmate?"

"Chen Yanzi and I are college roommates. After graduation, we came to Q City to start a business together at her invitation. Chen Yanzi contributed 70.00% of the shares, and another roommate and I worked as employees, and we each accounted for 15.00% as technology stocks. At the beginning of dancing The benefit of the school is not good. The three of us work hard every day in class, and there are no students. Later I met you, so I resigned with her and took away 15.00% of the dividend. She was also very difficult at that time, and I took it away She almost didn't recover from the 15.00% dividend." Dong Xiumei didn't hide anything from her husband, and told the past in detail.

She also felt uncomfortable when she quit, but when Chen Yanzi recovered and earned several million a year, she felt uncomfortable.According to the original shares, she can also get hundreds of thousands. So she always feels that Chen Yanzi owes her.

Now the dance school's shareholders are only Chen Yanzi and her best friend who is married - Xixi.When Dong Xiumei withdrew her shares, Xixi borrowed more than 30 yuan from her boyfriend to fill the hole--Chen Yanzi's family could come up with the money, but at that time, this silly girl was very stubborn, even if she starved to death, she didn't care about her family asking for money.

So Dong Xiumei is jealous of Chen Yanzi—she was jealous of her good major at school; she was jealous of her having a family to help her start a business after starting a business together; after Chen Yanzi’s career was brilliant, she was jealous of Chen Yanzi’s income. There is no comparison with Chen Yanzi.So she can only find a balance with Chen Yanzi's fiance.

It never occurred to her that Chen Yanzi's fiancé was a middle school teacher who appeared to be a harmless person, but possessed a frighteningly large amount of property—partial shares in a holiday villa?A priceless landscape villa?

On the way, Ai Wen also learned about the grievances between Chen Yanzi and Dong Xiumei.He has nothing to comment on this past - it's normal for girlfriends to break up, and soldiers come to cover up the water, and he, Ai Wen, is not a dog who can't get on the table.Among other things, the heavy keys in his trunk can bring him nearly a million rent cash flow every month.

Lei Yuhang's monthly salary is more than Aiwen's annual salary; but Aiwen's monthly rent is more than Lei Yuhang's annual salary!
The speed of the two cars was about the same. After they stopped at the gate of Shanshuiyunjian, they went to the property manager to open the door. Ivan never came back once, and the manager didn't know if there was such an owner.But when Ivan showed the key, the manager recognized it.

The keys of Shanshuiyunjian are all specially made, with a special number and a special authentication code on the key, as long as the owner holds the key, he can travel unimpeded.

After Lei Yuhang and Dong Xiumei saw Ai Wen and Chen Yanzi successfully entered the mountains and rivers, they completely extinguished their thoughts of comparison. The cheapest houses in this place cost hundreds of millions of dollars. Even if Lei Yuhang worked hard for decades, he could save a house.

Owners of Shanshuiyunjian are not allowed to drive in. You can either prepare a battery car for transportation, or you can take the property’s tram Shanshuiyunjian occupies the entire upper part. The fully enclosed property management allows residents to feel absolutely safe.Driving in the community is prohibited, which can prevent traffic accidents. The community is a big park with a very stylish appearance.

Aiwen's villa is built along the lake at the bottom of the whole community. His yard is so big that it has no side, and it walks into the lake.If Aiwen wants to fish, he can just carry a bench and sit in the yard. There is no water police here to catch fishing—the entire lake is the private property of the owner of the community, and the property puts small fish fry in it every year!
If you are interested, Ai Wen can also take Chen Yanzi to go boating in the lake.However, the boat needs to be purchased by the community. It is not recommended to go swimming in the lake. If there is a safety problem, the residents are responsible for it.

Lei Yuhang and Dong Xiumei have been shocked by the beautiful scenery among the mountains, rivers and clouds. What is a private garden?This is a private garden!If he had [-] million yuan, he would definitely buy a house here!This is what life is called!
(End of this chapter)

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