Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 150--Ai·Composition Educational Authority·文

Chapter 150 - Ai · Composition Education Authority · Text
In fact, the main theme of school life is still in class, sports games and so on can only be regarded as adjustments in the study life, no matter how magnificent it is, it still has to return to the essence of the classroom.

Aiwen's lecture speed is absolutely fast. Although there are still two months before the final exam, Aiwen's progress is close to the end of the textbook.

"The article "Wolf" shows the wit and bravery of people in critical moments through a series of descriptions of the butcher's encounter with wolves, the butcher's fear of wolves, the butcher's defense against wolves, and the butcher's killing of wolves. After studying this article, what do you have? Comprehension?" Ai Wen leaned on the podium, explaining the text in a homely way.

Pu Songling's "Wolf" is definitely the key topic of the final exam, and the reading of classical Chinese in the final exam of Q City pays special attention to this text.If the superior requires that the reading topics of classical Chinese be within the class, this article will most likely be an exam question.

However, there are many things worth thinking about in this article. Ordinary teachers will definitely say this when they are giving lectures: The main purpose of this lesson is——Wild people like wolves, no matter how cunning they are, will eventually fail; There can be no illusions, no compromises, the light will eventually defeat the evil, and you must dare to fight to win.

But Aiwen will never give a lecture like this. If the students really listen to it and remember it like this, it will definitely harm their lives!The reason why the butcher can kill wolves is because he has the ability to kill wolves. He has been engaged in slaughtering work all year round, and his knife is steady and ruthless. This is the basis of his struggle with wolves.

The current teaching staff Guangti has the courage to fight this crop, you are not pockmarked - you are cheating!The student bastard knows a chicken feather?What if one day encounters injustice and remembers what the teacher said in class?Foreseeing the evil forces, we must fight bravely!
Good guy, how does a half-grown kid fight against the evil forces?Can you fight?So Aiwen felt that the premise of the struggle should be to make himself stronger!

If a scholar returns home late and encounters a wolf, no matter how brave he is, he will be eaten.So Aiwen wants to tell the students - if you want not to be eaten, you can only strengthen yourself!He thinks this is what the text "Wolf" wants students to learn.

The teacher's brain has learned to be flexible, and the students will have the courage to find other interpretations of the text.Another text is "The Emperor's New Clothes" in Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale. No matter which version, the teaching staff praised the children who are telling the truth in various ways, calling on students to learn from children who tell the truth—to be brave Tell the truth, dare to tell the truth, and fight hypocrisy to the end.

Does Evan dare to say that?He felt ashamed of his conscience for saying that!Chinese class has the greatest impact on a student's three views, especially for children in junior high school, when the three views are established. If Ai Wen really lectures like this, the students may really believe in what Ai Wen said in their hearts. Talk about everything.

So Aiwen raised a question for the students to discuss: When the emperor's parade is over, what will be the final fate of the little girl who exposed the emperor's naked clothes?

For this question, the students sighed after thinking about it for a long time.No matter from which angle you look at it, children who tell the truth will never see the sun of the next day.

Although the emperor is stupid, he values ​​face more!The liar ran away, and he had to find an outlet for his emotions. Where is this outlet?Tell the truth kid!

Even the kindest student knows this kid is doomed!This is what the world really looks like!The world is not black and white, the golden mean handed down by the ancestors is the panacea for prudence and self-protection.If Aiwen taught all his students to be fools, he would definitely hate himself for the rest of his life.

Although the school is a beautiful ivory tower, Aiwen feels that it is necessary for children to know the truth of the world in advance.It would be too late to be beaten by the society after graduation. He didn't want his students to be great, he just wanted them to avoid a few detours.

Aiwen's class is not just in the classroom. He took the students to the train station for a long-term stay during a lunch break.The task he assigned to the students was to observe the people in the train station, and then write a composition about people.

A lot of people are complaining that the Chinese teacher assigns such unnutritious topics as: my father, my mother, my teacher, and my classmates.Aiwen's students have never complained, and their composition class is simply crazy.Take students to the train station to observe, can you believe it?
Not to mention, the students really wrote a lot of high-quality compositions after returning from the train station.Even the things written by students with poor writing skills have something to say, and they are full of true feelings.

Some people write about passengers in a hurry; some people write about the behavior of an uncivilized person in the waiting room; What is written is not so empty.

This is the original appearance of the composition class - literature comes from life and is higher than life!

However, leaving essays for students is definitely the teacher's guilt for himself. If you interview a Chinese teacher and ask him about his most annoying homework, essays will definitely be the most answer.Criticizing essays is an arduous project—the ones that write "reading" based on the number of words are not counted!

It takes at least 10 minutes for Ai Wen to correct a composition. He will read and analyze word by word, carefully looking for bright spots and shortcomings.He will even correct any word that is not used well.

Moreover, he will find the master of the composition alone to conduct research and discussion, and give in-depth explanations from the style of writing, structure, and context of writing, and then he will let the students make revisions by themselves, and then review the second and third revisions again.

Anyway, for a composition assignment, Ai Wen will toss back and forth for a month before it counts.Students' compositions will also be revised twice, three times, or even four times and five times.When Aiwen feels that your article has reached the best level you can achieve so far, he will let you stop.

Next, Aiwen will collect the carefully revised compositions of the children and post them on the official account for parents to appreciate - this is also a window for his class teacher's work and teaching work.When the parents saw that their children had written such a good article, their favorability towards Aiwen gradually increased.

Why do people respect you if you don't let parents see your child's progress?Alvin knows how to advertise.Just talk but don't practice fake moves, just practice don't talk about stupid moves.Even if Ai Wen is transferred to the propaganda department at the end of the room, he can be alone!
Finally, he will select the best articles and contact the magazine for publication.Ai Wen is very familiar with the editors of magazines such as "Chinese Newspaper", "Middle School Students' Composition", "Middle School Students' Composition Guidance", "Junior High School Students' Excellent Composition", "Composition Review News", "Happy Composition".

Literary circles say big or small, Ai Wen is also an author who can publish articles in magazines, and it is normal to know some editors.A language teacher like Ai Wen is a very high-quality recipient, and a language teacher like Ai Wen can conduct a preliminary review. The quality of the articles they select is generally more reliable, which is better than the articles sent by individuals.

The articles that Aiwen posted in the past have a high chance of being published in magazines. Because of his acquaintance, the editors of magazines and newspapers responded quickly to him.If one article is not accepted by another one, it may be accepted.If you ask a few more magazines and newspapers, you can always distribute the good articles in your hand.

As for the manuscript fee, it is reasonable for Ai Wen to take it privately, but he is not short of this money now, so he will hand over the sample publication and manuscript fee to the students intact, and then publicize the educational achievements in the official account.

How did the famous teacher come from?Packed out!If the whole city knows that the students taught by Mr. Aiwen try to publish their compositions in magazines, Aiwen will become an authority in composition education.

This is of great help to his career development. These days, if you are an expert in a certain field, you can speak harder than others, and you always sit in the front of the meeting.

At this time, Aiwen is still a certain distance away from experts and authorities, but he feels that the distance is not far away, so he can be called in the future: Ai·Composition Education Authority·Wen.

(End of this chapter)

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