Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 151 – The Alma Mater

Chapter 151 – Back to Alma Mater

There is no permanent banquet in the world, and two months have passed in a blink of an eye.The two interns came to the No. [-] Middle School at the beginning of the school year to start their internship, and they will return to school in mid-November.

There is no fixed date for the end of the internship period, so the two interns chose to end their internship trip on a Friday.Ai Wen seriously filled out the internship report for the two of them, solemnly owed his name, and then went to the teaching office to stamp the school seal of No. [-] Middle School.

Of course, Ai Wen gave them two excellent evaluations. The two girls helped Ai Wen deal with various problems during the internship period, and some simple homework were reviewed by two interns.

In the past two months, they have learned a lot from Ai Wen. Whether it is professionalism or teaching methods, both of them have benefited a lot.With the experience and experiences of internship in the No. [-] Middle School, they will be more calm when they enter the workplace.

Life is a mirror, how you treat it, it will treat you.The same is true for internships. Whether it is a serious internship or a perfunctory one, two months will slip away the same, but you may only know if you have learned something or not.

Even if you are admitted to graduate school and get a master's degree - but your internship period is wasted, when you go to the podium to give lectures, the effect may still not be as good as that of a serious undergraduate student.A theory is always a theory, and a theory without practice is always a castle in the air.

After consulting Chen Yanzi, Ai Wen decided to drive the two children back to school.The two children had quite a lot of luggage. Apart from the luggage brought by the two of them, they had not lost much in the past two months.If you need to send mail to your home, you can let the courier pick it up at your door, but if you need to take it back to school, you can only take it with you.

Aiwen's rent is no longer collected at the door.In the beginning, Lao Ai asked Aiwen to come to collect the rent just to let him taste how difficult it is to collect money.Obviously there are better and more convenient ways to collect money, isn't it mentally retarded?

It takes seven or eight hours to drive from Q City to Northern Normal University. If they take the high-speed rail, the two children need to carry heavy suitcases to change cars, which is very inconvenient.So it was definitely a surprise for the two girls that Ivan could send them back.

Because there were too many odds and ends, Ai Wen finally had to let Lao Yang borrow his pickup.He threw the key of the Wrangler to Lao Yang for exchange. Anyway, a Wrangler is enough for him to travel normally.

Lao Yang's pickup truck has a rear cover. Although the appearance has been reduced, the practical performance has been greatly improved.It has always been one of the shortcomings of the pickup truck to be exposed to the rain. After installing the back cover, it can prevent rain, snow, and theft.

In most areas of China, it is reasonable and legal to open a pickup truck and install the back cover, and the traffic police will not check it.Relevant regulations on road traffic safety have very vague requirements for the installation of a rear cover on pickup trucks. Some places prohibit it, while others allow it. However, Aiwen knows that no one will check the road from Q City to Northern Normal University.

Lao Yang had a great time borrowing a car. Anyway, with Ai Wen's horseman as a "proton", he was not afraid that Ai Wen would drive his car away and never return.What's more, Ai Wen still drives very steadily. This guy has driven the F0 for three years without any accidents, and he has never even had a scratch.

Everyone has been laughing that his annual compulsory traffic insurance is all for nothing. Aiwen always thinks this is a very glorious thing-driving more steadily can live a long life, and road rage does not exist in Aiwen.If it weren't for the minimum speed limit on the high speed, he would have wanted to drive slowly to his destination at a speed of [-] miles per hour.

This is also the reason why Ivan doesn't buy a sports car. If you let him drive a sports car, it will give you the feeling of sitting in a family car-there is no sense of pushing back at all.This guy shifts smoothly, and the oil-disengagement cooperation is as stable as an old dog.

Of course, this is the sequelae of driving F0, because F0 is easy to float when the speed exceeds [-] mph. Especially on high speed, if there is a big car next to it, the interior of the car will feel like an earthquake.

Along the way, Aiwen has been chatting with Ouyang Bai and Yu Shuangshuang, usually he is talking about the two girls listening.He intends to remind the two children of his work experience in the past few years, and he must firmly remember: work belongs to the unit, and life belongs to oneself!
You can be serious about your work, but you can't work hard.People who work hard are not social, because your hard work will make others look lazy, and you will be marginalized or even excluded over time.

Ai Wen is a good example-although he spends all kinds of waste and money, he is really popular.He never works overtime at work, and he often skips work in the afternoon - when he comes back, he will bring milk tea to people in the same office.Usually he doesn't show his mountains and dews, but once there are activities and games, Aiwen is definitely an activist-this is an excellent way to show his presence in front of the leaders.

These two interns are Ai Wen's younger sisters, and these two children will be sent to the school for graduate students next year.Ai Wen only learned of this news recently-the list of graduate students is usually announced before the postgraduate entrance examination.

Why can the two interns work so hard?Because they have no worries!You don’t need to take advantage of the internship time to find a job, and you don’t need to use the internship time to prepare for exams. I’m also idle. Isn’t it good to learn class management and Chinese teaching with Ai Wenwen?
The only pity is that the recommended majors of the two interns are literary studies, and Ai Wen is going to apply for the major of Chinese teacher education.The two graduate schools are not in the same place, and both of them are full-time, and Ai Wen applied for part-time.

Aiwen's usual courses are studied online, and professional courses will be concentrated in July and August.Of course, Aiwen also needs to help the postgraduate tutor to check information, collect data for thesis, and even practice the teacher's teaching theory in class.

Why did Aiwen's graduate tutor accept Aiwen so readily?In addition to the fact that Ai Wen is an excellent kid, he is a front-line teacher, which also added a lot of points to him.

The major of pedagogy needs a test field, and some educational theories need to be practiced by front-line teachers.If Aiwen wants to study for a Ph.D., it is enough to do projects and write papers with the teacher.

The first signature of the paper written by Lao Jin is himself, and the second signature can be given to Aiwen.Because Aiwen is the provider of experimental data and the first practitioner of the theory - he can also cooperate with colleagues to form comparative cases, and let colleagues hitch a ride to leave their names in core journals.

It can be said that Aiwen's master's degree and doctor's degree are already confirmed - as long as his English and politics pass the national standard, his grades in professional courses will not be a problem!As long as Lao Jin makes a decision, Aiwen's postgraduate quota is guaranteed!

In addition to sending two interns back to his alma mater this time, Aiwen also has to visit Mr. Jin and his old man-after all, he will be his immediate boss in the future, and it is absolutely necessary to foster relationships in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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