Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 155 – What is there to do with Aiwen

Chapter 155 – There is an apprentice Aiwen, what can a husband ask for?

When Aiwen woke up again, his brain suddenly buzzed. When he opened his eyes, he saw Ouyang Bai and Yu Shuangshuang hanging on his body like an octopus. What is incomprehensible in this situation? ?

He put on his pajamas with a complicated expression, and then went into the bathroom to take a good bath.Ai Wen sat in the bathtub and stared at the ceiling while doubting his life. How did they get together?I was clearly taking a shower!

Someone knocked on the door after taking a shower, could it be Ouyang Bai and Yu Shuangshuang?What kind of trouble is this going to be!

If Aiwen is still single, he doesn't mind having some negative distance super-friendship with school girls, and multiplayer sports are not out of the question.But now he is a person who wants to get married, and he has different ideas at different times.
About half an hour later, the two girls, Ouyang Bai and Yu Shuangshuang, also slowly woke up from their sleep.They found that when they appeared here, except for a little complicated expression, they didn't have any overreactions such as screaming, shouting, crying, making trouble, and hanging themselves.

Ai Wen saw through the frosted glass that the two girls had woken up, and it was not good to soak in the bathtub as salted fish.After he put on his bathrobe, he sat on the sofa and smiled gently and calmly at the two girls.

What can I say at this time?Responsible?What are you responsible for?And which one are you in charge of?Let both of you be with you?Do you think you are Luo Peiqi?

Ouyang Bai looked at Ai Wen's smile and said generously: "Senior, Shuangshuang and I did it voluntarily and we both fell in love with you."

"But I'm getting married." At this time, Ai Wen felt that he was a scumbag, and he was simply a perfect example of Ba Na Han's ruthlessness!
Yu Shuangshuang sighed quietly: "We didn't want to possess you, let alone destroy your relationship with Sister Yanyan. It's just the thought of saying goodbye to you. The two of us really want to leave a good memory."

"Did you two get drunk yesterday?" Ai Wen asked.

Ouyang Bai smiled: "Drunk. But I still remember the ultimate goal."

Ai Wen covered his face: "Are the current high school bullies able to drink like this? Didn't your two roommates say that you don't know how to drink?"

"I don't drink because I didn't meet the right person." Ouyang Bai said very literaryly.

This kind of story of two moths flying to the fire may only appear in girls who study literature, and those who study literature have romantic factors in their bones.And there are many women's literature courses in universities, so girls who study literature are either conservative to feudalism, but once they fall in love, they will love vigorously.

So what if two people fall in love with the same person?
Looking at Ouyang Bai and Yu Shuangshuang, Ai Wen is completely speechless -- they don't want your money, they don't want to marry you, they just enjoy the process of loving you, what can you do?
Aiwen can only regard last night as an accident, a beautiful dream. Otherwise, what else do you want?Is it true that the marriage law is a display?What's more, Ai Wen is already engaged to Chen Yanzi, and he wants to be loyal to the marriage.

It was their business that Ouyang Bai and Yu Shuangshuang fell in love with him, and it was his business that Ai Wen was loyal to marriage and love.Moreover, Ai Wen really simply regarded the two interns as schoolgirls—in his eyes, these two children were just older students.Although these two older children are very beautiful, love has little to do with beauty.

The two girls smiled, and after putting on their nightgowns, they each kissed Ai Wen on the cheek and left his room: "Senior, we are back to school."

Only Ai Wen was left in the room to doubt life. It is really too difficult to be a handsome man, there will always be witches who are greedy for our bodies.
Although this kind of thing is not considered a disadvantage, Ivan himself has no impression at all!After the alcohol was on him, he was almost numb, and suddenly it was dawn.

After sitting for half an hour, Ivan got dressed and went downstairs to check out.Ouyang Bai and Yu Shuangshuang had already left, and their roommate left earlier.Aiwen walked to the gate of Hotpot City to pick up his car, and he sighed when he saw the densely populated Hotpot City—a land of broken halberds and heavy sand!
His itinerary today is to visit Lao Jin, and he has made an appointment with Lao Jin to meet him.Lunch is eaten at Lao Jin's house - postgraduates are different from undergraduates, undergraduates can at best be regarded as students who have the friendship between teachers and students, while postgraduates and doctoral students can be regarded as the direct disciples of the teacher.

It is quite normal for graduate students to eat at the teacher's house. Although Aiwen has not yet entered the teacher's school, this is already a certainty.If Aiwen can't even pass the national line of the postgraduate entrance examination, he will have no face to face Jiangdong's elders.

During this period of time, Aiwen would read the postgraduate entrance examination materials when he was free. His knowledge base was not bad at first, and he became more confident after sharpening his guns in front of the battle.

Parking the car in the courtyard of the family building of the Normal University, Ai Wen took out large and small bags of gifts from the back of the car.Except for a few famous cigarettes and wines, most of these gifts are food, but most of these gifts are expensive-these are pollution-free green gifts directly from the place of origin, the kind that people without connections can't buy.

These things were bought with the help of Aventuo's young master, no matter how bad the young master is, he is also the young owner of the Longteng Group, so there is still some connections.

Fortunately, the family building is an elevator bungalow, otherwise Ai Wen would be really tired carrying these things up to the 21st floor.It was his wife who opened the door for him. Aiwen had been to Lao Jin's house when he was an undergraduate, so his wife still had a little impression of Aiwen.

"Are you Xiaoai?" The teacher's wife recognized Aiwen.

"Master's wife is good, it's really disturbing to visit today." Ai Wen politely put down the gift and put on slippers.

"Old Jin! Xiao Ai is here!" The teacher's wife yelled, then turned and went back to the kitchen to continue cooking.

Professor Jin came out of the study wearing thick glasses, and when he saw Ivan brought so many things, his expression changed: "Why do you bring so many things? You are trying to make me make a mistake!"

"Except for buying cigarettes to show respect to you, those who eat are all for my wife." Ai Wen laughed and said that he didn't take this issue at all.

Lao Jin said angrily: "You prodigal boy, how much money did the middle school teacher earn? With these things, you have lost your salary for two months! Don't marry a wife? Don't marry and have children?"

"It's not that you don't know me--the Fourth Young Master in Chinese! This thing is sprinkled with water! It depends on what you are about to judge and buy from the professor. The main reason is that I haven't had time to visit you for three years. Let's take the three-year vacancy together today. Make up for it." Ai Wen said with a smile.

"You bastard, this is only one time! Next time you come to the door and carry something, I will throw you out!" Lao Jin pretended to threaten.

Ai Wen shrank his neck: "Next time I come here, I will only bring wine with you. The wine in your house is so low-grade."

Lao Jin frowned: "You little bastard, your wings are stiff! Are you floating or I, Lao Jin, can't lift a knife? I'll see what good wine you have!"

Aiwen found a mineral water bottle from the plastic bag and unscrewed the cap: "Smell it"

Lao Jin leaned over to check the color, and then smelled it with his nose.He tasted it carefully and said: "Old wine!"

"Gujing in 82. The row is bigger than Lafite in [-]! There are fakes everywhere in Lafite in [-]. I'm the one!" Ivan screwed on the bottle cap and said with a smile.

Lao Jin took the mineral water bottle as a treasure, and complained while laughing: "You put such a good wine in a mineral water bottle? Or Kang Shuaifu? Is the mineral water you drink is fake?"

Ai Wen curled his lips: "I dare to give you the bottle, do you dare to accept it? It is only valuable if you drink it in your stomach, and it is purely for ostentation."

Lao Jin didn't have a straight face this time, Aiwen's wine was really delivered to Lao Jin's heart--someone is like this, what more can I ask for!

(End of this chapter)

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