Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 156 – The Lucky Student

Chapter 156 – The Lucky Student

Lao Jin asked Ai Wen to sit down at the dinner table, but Ai Wen stubbornly got into the kitchen to help his wife serve the prepared dishes, and then went to the bathroom to wash his hands.

He dug out a two-liter large water bottle from an ordinary plastic bag and placed it under the dining table.Lao Jin asked: "What is this?"

"When drinking old wine from last year, you need to blend it with new wine, otherwise the taste will be too heavy." Ai Wen respectfully poured Lao Jin a glass of wine.

Looking at Ai Wen, a disciple who is about to start, Professor Lao Jin likes it more and more.Children who have been in society for a few years and then return to school are more agile and capable than those who have been squatting in ivory towers all year round. Although Ai Wen went to school directly after graduation, his personality is much better than when he was in college. .

When he was in college, Aiwen was really arrogant and aloof. But after three years as a teacher in the front line, many of Aiwen's edges and corners have been polished away, and many strange personalities that should not have have also been corrected.So Aiwen is now a person who will make people who get along with him feel comfortable instead of uncomfortable.

"Boy. I've grown up. The students in my third year of research are not as good as you in the world." Lao Jin said with satisfaction.

Ai Wen used the serving chopsticks to hold Professor Jin's chopsticks, and then picked up a small chopsticks for himself: "Your third-year graduate students also entered the school one year later than me. Those who entered the same batch as me either have a Ph.D. or graduated Already. Those old cucumbers like me who get green paint and come back to continue their studies are all at the Big Brother level."

"Actually, I don't accept part-time graduate students. It's okay for me to make an exception for you." Lao Jin took a sip of the wine, and the taste was really long aftertaste.

Aiwen said gratefully: "It's really troublesome for you."

Lao Jin asked earnestly: "Do you have any idea of ​​pursuing a Ph.D.? If you change your major from Chinese education to education, you can apply for a three-year master's degree. For the dissertation, I will personally be your doctoral supervisor. Even if you are a teacher in the middle school, if you have a doctorate, your title can easily be promoted to a senior level."

"Doctor? It's indeed a shortcut."

Ai Wen calculated in his mind that if he was promoted normally based on his undergraduate degree, he would be eligible for a first-level evaluation after two years, and the mandatory period from first-level to senior level is five years. Moreover, many units simply do not allow young people under the age of 35 People apply for senior titles - so many qualified old teachers are waiting for senior titles to retire!

Many teachers in public institutions have spent most of their lives with first-level professional titles, and were finally rated as senior teachers just before retirement—this way, their pensions will be much higher.Therefore, except for extremely outstanding young teachers who can obtain senior professional titles before the age of 40, the average age of most senior teachers is over 50 years old.

If Aiwen has been holding a bachelor's degree, his most optimistic estimate is that he can win a senior title at the age of 35.But if he is a master and doctoral student, he can get a doctoral certificate at the age of 31 and go to the Education Bureau to apply for a job title transfer.

The Bureau of Education has a perennial introduction plan for high-end talents. High-level talents with a doctoral degree can be awarded the title of senior teacher after they have been teaching in primary, junior, and high schools for two years and have two years of work experience as a head teacher.

To be precise, the title of senior teacher is the collective name of vice-senior and principal-senior. Those who have been awarded a Ph.D. for two years are associate-senior, and what Ai Wen strives for is also deputy-senior. As for senior-senior, it needs to be a provincial-level academic leader. Only then can we look up to the peak.

Some people may ask whether special teachers are better than senior teachers. In fact, these two things are not in the same category.How to explain it?Special grade teacher is just an honorary title - a kind of commendation awarded to outstanding teachers. It is similar to the outstanding teacher certificate, the only difference is that special grade teachers enjoy a monthly allowance of 300 yuan.

In many places, senior teachers are also special-grade teachers. There is no superiority between the two. It is a big misunderstanding that a senior teacher is a special-grade teacher after being promoted.When a teacher reaches a senior level, he has already reached the top of his professional title
This misunderstanding is similar to that of a postdoctorate. Many people always think that a postdoctorate is a higher degree than a doctorate.In fact, postdoctoral fellows are just doctors who continue to do research work in postdoctoral mobile stations, and super teachers are just excellent teachers who have been awarded honorary titles.

So Lao Jin's suggestion to Aiwen really took it to heart - his family knew about his own affairs, and Lao Ai's Pengcheng real estate worth billions of dollars was waiting for him to inherit!If he has a doctorate, he can inherit his father's treasure at least three years earlier.

Moreover, Ai Wen estimated that the wealth in the hands of the old man must not only be these properties, but he can't say whether these properties account for the majority of Ai's wealth.

After all, the annual expenses of Aiwen's family are visible to the naked eye. The living standard of the second elder is above average, even if there is meat and good food every meal, it will not cost much.Aiwen himself knows how much money he has spent.The Ai family's annual expenses will never exceed 100 million. The question is, where does the Ai family's monthly rent of tens of millions go?

Money can make money, and the greater the amount of money, the more wealth can be leveraged. Even if Addison didn't spend a penny for investment, the cash in his family account is a terrible figure.

So Ai Wen didn't dare to imagine how rich his family was, anyway, he didn't know how to spend money
"Thanks to the teacher's care, then I will take the master's degree and then do the combined master's and doctoral degree." Ai Wen said kindly and authentically.

Lao Jin said happily: "I knew you would make the right choice. In fact, your idea of ​​staying in the front line is very correct. Now the country is vigorously developing basic education, and our pedagogy research is also constantly moving closer to basic education. In recent years My projects and papers are all for middle school research, and it would be great to have you as a guinea pig."

Aiwen is not worried at all about his students becoming guinea pigs. Many of his abilities are learned from Lao Jin-Lao Jin is a master of education, and his educational theory is unfathomable.Moreover, he is not the kind of academic professor who does not touch the ground. He spends several months every year researching first-tier schools.

Moreover, Aiwen felt that his participation in Lao Jin's project was of great help to the students.Some advanced educational theories must be practiced in the early stage, and his students will be the first batch of development dividends.

A child in an ordinary junior high school can receive theoretical guidance from an education expert remotely. Think about it, it is a huge profit.Ai Wen couldn't help but feel that the fate of his group of students is really good, meeting an excellent teacher like himself!

(End of this chapter)

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