Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 157 – The Chapter Family

Chapter 157 – Go Home
After chatting with Lao Jin and his wife for a while, Ai Wen got up and said goodbye.He decided to go back to Q city directly this afternoon. Although he asked for leave on Monday, he still didn't want to miss work if there was time.

To be honest, driving for eight hours is quite tiring. It takes less than 498 kilometers to drive back to Q City. It will be much easier to hire a substitute driver.The driving service is not limited to drinking too much, and the driving service can also be paid for the whole day-the package is 20 (including 20 kilometers), and an additional [-] yuan will be charged for every [-] kilometers beyond [-] kilometers.

The cost of driving a driver for 1000 kilometers is less than [-] yuan, which is quite a bargain when you think about it.The main reason is that his mind is a little confused now, and it is easy to cause accidents if he drives back rashly.

Which is more important, 1000 yuan or a life?What's more, Aiwen is not a poor kid, so he contacted the driver company and went to the designated location to pick up the driver.He rested leisurely in the back of the pickup truck.

There is a bed in the back of Lao Yang's pickup truck!This is definitely worse than buying such a big car!Adding a bed to the rear of this thing is like playing with it. It is obvious what this guy has done with this car!
Alternative driver and consultation: The first four hours of driving came with the driver, and Ai Wen changed shifts for two hours in the middle. The alternate driver took this opportunity to take a break, and the alternate driver came back to continue driving after he had almost rested.

Even driving for eight hours is a kind of mental torture for anyone, even if the price is that an old driver will be sleepy, so Ivan agreed to this plan - he does not lack this discount, he just values ​​his own safety. .If the surrogate driver gets into an accident because of dry eyes and tired eyes, can you still be okay?

However, he was drinking - the steering wheel must not be touched, so he had to find another price to change shifts and drive.

Although Lao Yang's muscular pickup is absolutely crash-resistant, the people inside can't stand it!

The return trip was much faster than when he came here. After all, the surrogate driver is not the stable character of Ai Wen.He has been stepping on the speed limit line of 120, maintaining a constant speed.In fact, the safety factor of the expressway is relatively high, as long as there are no blind drivers, the road will be smooth.

Back in Q City, Ai Wen left the driver brother at the high-speed rail station - he would take the high-speed rail back by himself.The ticket is also included in the day package, and Ivan does not need to pay extra.

Remember, their service is a day package instead of a day package. There is a big difference here. You can change from a day package to a day package, but you have to pay more.
Ai Wen rested well during this journey, but lying on Lao Yang's broken camp bed was really uncomfortable.And he's worried about the mess on the cot
After returning, Aiwen threw the pickup into the fourth son's shop for all-round maintenance, car washing and waxing, and power overhaul. No matter what it is, it's right to come first!

After all, it's someone else's car. It's really shameful for you to go back and forth for nearly [-] kilometers without giving it some maintenance.It’s an excellent way to maintain friendship—you must fill up the gas tank when you return the car, otherwise Lao Yang might complain about him!

It was past eleven o'clock in the middle of the night when Ai Wen took a taxi back to Chen Yanzi's place, and Chen Yanzi was already playing games in the bedroom for nothing.Chen Yanzi's bedtime is very Buddhist - sleep after being beaten into autism!
"Why are you back? Aren't you rushing back tomorrow?" Chen Yanzi asked curiously.

Ai Wen took off his coat and put it on the clothes rack: "At noon, I will have lunch with the teacher, and in the afternoon, I will rush back immediately after checking the time."

"Okay. You can take a good bath to relieve fatigue, do you want to have a chicken together?" Chen Yanzi asked.

Aiwen looked righteous: "Which one do you want to eat?"

"Your sister! Are you still driving at this time?" Chen Yanzi angrily threw the pillow on Ai Wen's body.

Aiwen got into the bathroom in a daze, and hurriedly flushed the water and came out.He turned on the phone and entered the game to invite Chen Yanzi to a double row. After the two jumped off the plane, Chen Yanzi was speechless: "I've always wanted to say why your character is more beautifully dressed than mine?"

"Because I'm a horse flea!" Aiwen laughed loudly: "Only by dressing like this can I fool you little brother."

Ai Wen immediately changed his voice: "Little brother, let's play together! I have a loli voice!"

Chen Yanzi felt cold: "Your bad taste is really. I really want to blow you up and take off your little black dress."

"You're enough. Blow me up after flying with you? You can't go too far as a human being." Ai Wen was in a hurry. You actually want to blow me up and inherit my little black dress?dream!
Ai Wen ran in front, and Chen Yanzi followed behind. Both of them didn't turn on the microphone, just chatting one after another.

"What did you chat with the teacher today?" Chen Yanzi asked curiously. She had cut off contact with the teacher after graduating from university.

Aiwen said relaxedly: "Talked about the postgraduate direction and the idea of ​​direct doctorate. I estimate that I will be able to graduate with a doctorate when I am 31."

"Doctor, it sounds so tall!" Chen Yanzi said enviously, it was quite difficult for them to get a bachelor's degree in art - she was still a college graduate.

Ai Wen smiled: "Actually, you are not as good as those famous teachers who have been on the front-line lectures all the year round if you let the doctor give lectures. But in terms of professionalism, the doctor does have an unparalleled knowledge base. This is a housekeeping skill accumulated over the years."

Chen Yanzi touched Ai Wen's black and thick hair: "I heard that the doctor has a hair loss curse, do you think you will slowly lose your head?"

"Aha? Probably not. Lao Jin's hairline is still very solid. Maybe we have a Ph.D. in liberal arts than in engineering. We mostly do writing work, and researchers in engineering and computer science are scratching their heads." Ai Wen recalled his professors. Except for Professor Hou who studied gossip and Zhouyi, the others still had quite a lot of hair.

The changes in "Book of Changes" and "Bagua" are closer to the infinite changes of mathematics, so it is not normal not to lose hair. Ai Wen, who studies pedagogy, should not have to worry about the hairline problem.

The most he can do is to prepare eye drops - pedagogy needs to check a lot of information, and it is easy to explode on the spot if the eyes are not good.

"Is there any good policy for PhD students?" Chen Yanzi asked.

Aiwen thinks about it: "Our talent introduction plan in Q City seems to give 80 yuan to settle down. In addition to this, we will also be rewarded with houses after working for eight years. There are also several thousand yuan in various subsidies every month. What's more important is the title It will be more convenient to be promoted, and it will save me from having to suffer through the years."

"80? That's amazing." Chen Yanzi took a deep breath: "So the teacher didn't lie, knowledge is wealth!"

80 is nothing, the real value is the house.The average area of ​​the talent introduction apartment is 150 square meters. Based on the housing price of about 120 in Q City, that is [-] million!

Or else Ai Wen would be too idle to study for a PhD?Just writing papers every year gives him a headache!Master's and doctoral dissertation courses are not as easy to fool as undergraduate graduation thesis. This thesis requires a very high theoretical level in terms of major and direction.

Aiwen has rich practical experience, but to transform practice into theory again, there is still a lot of knowledge to be accumulated.Before leaving Lao Jin's house, Lao Jin made a long list of books for Ai Wen-these books are all books that Ai Wen needs to read.

So if he has free time in the future, Ai Wen can only read books to pass the time.Some of these books can be bought in bookstores, and some can only be searched in professional databases.He now has postgraduate access to the library of Northern Normal University - this is the small back door that Lao Jin opened for him.

If you are not used to reading online, you can print out the literature and read it.How many schools?Many printers!Both the printing room and the office have printers for teachers to use. As long as you don't waste office paper and sell waste paper, you can print anything you want.

(End of this chapter)

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