Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 158 – The speaker has no intention, but the listener intends

Chapter 158 – The speaker has no intention, but the listener intends

After one o'clock in the middle of the night, Ai Wen almost couldn't open his eyes after taking Chen Yanzi two times in a row.

"Sleep well and stay up late, you should get wrinkles." Ai Wen gently kissed Chen Yanzi's small face and said tenderly.

Chen Yanzi pressed her head against Ai Wen's solid chest and asked softly, "How was your day last night?"

After hearing this sentence, Aiwen's drowsiness dissipated more than half: "What do you mean?"

Chen Yanzi sighed quietly: "Don't you understand?"

"You guessed it?" Ivan replied weakly.

"No, they told me." Chen Yanzi's voice was a little sad.

Ai Wen gently touched Chen Yanzi's head: "When did I tell you?"

"When they were learning how to dance with me, the two of them cried and said sorry to me because they both fell in love with you." Chen Yanzi quietly shed tears from the corners of her eyes, and the cold tears fell on Ai Wen's burning chest.
"Fool." Ivan sighed: "I am your husband"

"I know." Chen Yanzi hugged Ai Wen tightly: "You are mine. Never run away. This is the last time."

Ai Wen also had nothing to say, he sucked the tears from the corners of Chen Yanzi's eyes with his lips, and then rubbed her into his arms.

This stupid woman!
There are still people who push their men out these days?This brain circuit is also miraculous to a certain extent.

But it was because of this girl's stupidity that Aiwen fell in love with her. Aiwen did not deny that he was greedy for her body at the beginning, but as he got to know her better and spent more time together, Aiwen really fell in love with this girl. girl.Her independence and self-improvement, her heroic appearance, her frown and smile...
Ai Wen didn't do anything that night, and slept peacefully with the girl in his arms quietly. When he got up early the next morning, he kissed Chen Yanzi's side face lightly and then made breakfast.

This woman is so stupid, if Ai Wen doesn't take good care of her, she might cry stupidly by herself. When Ai Wen was making breakfast, Chen Yanzi secretly opened her eyes and sneaked into the living room to watch Ai Wen's busy back affectionately.When Ai Wen was serving food outside, like a little mouse who was found stealing oil, he slid back into the bedroom with a bang.

"Eat when you get up! Who would sleep in the cage after waking up in the morning?" Ai Wen saw Chen Yanzi from the corner of his eye and walked into the bedroom to wake up the guy who pretended to be asleep.

It's a pity that you can never wake up a person who pretends to be asleep, so after Chen Yanzi made up her mind to stay in bed, Ai Wen had nothing to do.

Just when Ai Wen turned around, Chen Yanzi said coquettishly: "This princess is asleep, and only the prince's kiss can wake me up!"

"Okay, this is a princess's disease!" Ivan tapped her lips lightly, then picked her up and put her on the kitchen chair.

The breakfast prepared by Aiwen this morning is very rich-vegetable salad, preserved egg and lean meat porridge, and sandwiches. Although some things can be eaten after being put aside, the taste is not as good as when it was just out of the pan.If Chen Yanzi was still asleep, Ai Wen wouldn't force her, but since she woke up, she would eat her breakfast.

Chen Yanzi happily ate breakfast, peeking at Ai Wen while eating.Ai Wen was stared at by this silly girl: "Eat as soon as you eat, what are you looking at?"

"Is my man okay?" Chen Yanzi asked.

Ai Wen was speechless: "Okay! Look at it! Can you still see where the flowers are?"

Chen Yanzi finished her breakfast with a smile, and then watched Ai Wen go to work. She was so happy to be pampered!

When Aiwen appeared in the office, my colleague expressed surprise: "Didn't you ask for leave? Why did you come because your salary was deducted?"

"It's okay, just go to the school office to cancel a vacation," Ai Wen said calmly.

"Why did you go? Why do you have to ask for leave for important business?" asked the colleague.

While tidying up his desk, Ai Wen said: "Send the intern back to school, and then go back to school to see the teacher. I originally planned to go back today, but it arrived yesterday. So this vacation is meaningless. It's okay to be idle at home. If you are idle, why not come to work and see how happy you are!"

"Enlightened!" The head teacher in the same group smiled and gave Ai Wen a thumbs up.

"By the way, Xiao Ai, when will you take the postgraduate entrance examination?" Another teacher asked.

Ai Wen sat on the chair and looked at the calendar: "The national examination will be held in December, and then just wait for the re-examination."

"Is your preparation for the exam okay?" asked the head teacher of Class [-] sitting behind him. His son was about the same age as Ai Wen and graduated from graduate school this year.

Ai Wen smiled and said: "It's not a big problem to cross the national line, and the professors at the Normal University also agreed to accept me."

"It's not bad, it's necessary for young people to improve their academic qualifications. When my son graduated from university, he refused to take the postgraduate entrance examination. In the end, I forced him into the examination room. Now he knows to thank his mother when he is looking for a job. Now undergraduates looking for How difficult is the work!" Teacher Wang continued.

Ai Wen asked curiously: "Mr. Wang, where did your son go to work?"

"Southern Power Grid! Is it a good unit?" Mr. Wang said proudly.

Ai Wen raised his thumb: "It's really a golden job, much better than a poor teacher! By the way, your son doesn't want to get a Ph. D.?"

"A master's degree will blow up the temple. If he is forced to study for a doctorate, he will go crazy. Anyway, now the master's degree does not worry about employment. The job of China Southern Power Grid is already very good." Teacher Wang is very satisfied. His son has always been a Here comes her pride.

"Is it time for your son to get married at the same age as me?" Ai Wen asked.

Teacher Wang said with a sad face: "You young people are not in a hurry to get married. When can we hold our grandson!"

"First start a business and then start a family," Ai Wen said with a chuckle.

Teacher Wang said angrily: "His father and I have prepared the house and car for him! As long as he nods, he will give us whatever he wants. He always prevaricates us by saying that he is still young. Xiao Ai, when will you get married?"

"Get the certificate at the end of the year, get married next summer, and then travel to various places." Ai Wen talked about his plans.

Teacher Wang said sullenly: "If my son is half as relieved as you, I will be content!"

"You and Mr. Zhu have just turned 55, and there are still many years before retirement. Your son will be a victory if he can create a grandson before you retire at [-]. Besides, does having a grandson have anything to do with marriage? Let's create a villain first. , He likes to get married or not." Ai Wen said with a smirk.

Teacher Wang actually listened!She nodded seriously: "What you said makes sense! Let's talk about the child first! I'll call my son later! I have to see my grandson next year, or I'll clean him up!"

Ai Wen's face suddenly became embarrassing--Brother Wang, it's not that my brother deliberately tricked you, it's really that the speaker has no intention of listening to it!

(End of this chapter)

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