Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 167 – The Moment of Brightness

Chapter 167 – The Moment of Brightness
November passed very peacefully, and students were learning and growing step by step every day.The only thing worthy of praise is the drama performance open to parents.

The drama performance of Class Seven was arranged by Ai Wen in the Seventh Middle and Small Theater, where there is a stage, auditorium, and a projector playing the background.This is already the biggest stage in No. [-] Middle School. If you want a higher-level stage, you can only rent a stage and build it yourself.

The small theater can seat more than 300 people, which is enough to accommodate the students, parents, invited school leaders and teachers of various subjects from Class [-].At first, Ai Wen thought about just inviting the Chinese teacher, but after hearing the letter, other teachers asked Ai Wen about the opening time of the show so that they could join in the fun.

It was the first time in the history of the No. [-] Middle School to hold a drama performance in units of classes, and Ai Wen also created a historic precedent—although this was just a Chinese language presentation class, the level was quite high.

When other Chinese teachers heard the news, some people persuaded Aiwen to let him give up his plan.It is a good thing to let students act in a drama, but it is not good to set the standard so high. If it goes well, it is credit, but it failed?That's a big eye!
The persuading people are also for Ai Wen's good, and Ai Wen doesn't know what is good or bad to the point where he can't hear what he said.But his belief is as strong as iron, he believes that he also believes in the children of class seven.

Regardless of whether the language teachers agree or disagree, they all appreciate Ivan's courage.A Chinese teacher must have this kind of pioneering spirit, and truly bring out the taste of Chinese in the Chinese subject.If Aiwen is really successful, he will be a banner of Chinese teaching in Seventh Middle School.

He is just a worthless little teacher in No. [-] Middle School now, but after the word-of-mouth publicity spreads, Aiwen will definitely have a place in the district-wide and city-wide language exchange activities in the future.

Ai Wen is a little famous in the language education circle of Q City - dozens of students under him have published articles in various magazines and newspapers, which will definitely cause a lot of repercussions among their peers.

So in the face of pressure, Aiwen doesn't feel embarrassed--if you drift along the road of life, your footprints will not be left on the ground, and you can only keep your feet on the ground if you move forward with a heavy load.

So on a certain Friday afternoon, Ai Wen transferred an afternoon for a drama performance.The children of the four production crews were gearing up and ready to go. Aiwen went to the backstage to look at it and felt that the morale was good.

The young actors did not slack off because they only performed part of the repertoire. Their costumes were excellent, their props were realistic, and their narration, background, and music were all in charge of special personnel.

Although Ai Wen is the organizer of this drama performance, the leaders sitting in the center of the first row are still the leaders and this time the school leaders did not get the middle position-there are also big bosses among the parents!
It was also the first time for Ai Wen to know the real position of the parent—the top ten in Q City. You can figure it out for yourself!He couldn't figure it out, why did you throw the child into the No. [-] middle school when you were such an awesome leader?As long as you say a word, No. [-] Middle School will unconditionally admit your child!
So Aiwen is not confused about the brain circuit of the leader, but he must not neglect others!When Aiwen visited his home before, he saw the child's mother. This time, after seeing the child's father, he finally understood why he could sit in the middle.

The first play on the stage was Lei Yu, which showed the entanglement between two generations of a feudal family during the Republic of China. This play is known as the cornerstone of realism in Chinese drama and a milestone in the maturity of modern Chinese drama.

Under Ai Wen's training, the young actors are remarkable in both their lines and their bodies. Although they are still a little jerky, they already have the embryonic form of a dramatist.The most surprising thing was the line skills of the students in Class [-]. None of the young actors had a microphone, but the lines they read were full of air, and they were stunned to reach the ears of every audience.

This is amazing. Some actors in online dramas don't even have this level of line skills. This can no longer be called a surprise, it can only be described as amazing.

Class [-]'s line skills also benefited from Ai Wen's usual morning reading training. When other classes read the text every morning, Ai Wen directly led the students to train the three-chamber resonance and he trained the breath very professionally. This training method was provided by his friends in the broadcasting department.

For the assessment of the breath, Ai Wen directly used a tongue twister: count the dates - go out the east gate, cross the bridge, there is a jujube tree under the bridge, take a pole to hit the dates, the green ones are more, and the red ones are less.One jujube, ten jujubes and one jujube.It's good to finish it in one breath.

Now the students in Class [-] can basically read it in one breath, crisp and clear, with clear lips and teeth. The children in Class [-] now refer to the morning self-study as lip massage time. At the beginning, everyone was really choked up, but as the training With the extension of time, their improvement is visible to the naked eye.

This drama performance is a product of accumulation.Aiwen set up the stage, and the seventh class sang operas. The basic skills on stage were all carefully trained by Aiwen. How can there be a long breath without a morning run?How can there be clear lips and teeth without tongue twister practice?How can there be a loud voice without three-chamber resonance training?

Every move of Aiwen has a deep meaning. Education is useless, and the improvement of students is the last word.Some parents don't realize how much their kids have grown until they see them shine on stage.

The person they are most grateful for must be Teacher Aiwen, who sits in the first row and is as stable as a mountain. If Aiwen made it clear that he would not accept gifts, they really want to send a big red envelope to Aiwen to express their gratitude.

Obviously, Aiwen has already gained the gratitude and gratitude of the parents. The parents of the seventh class have successfully entered Aiwen's network of contacts.Before the performance of the play, if Aiwen asked his parents to do something, the parents would probably save face, but after this matter, they will pay attention to Aiwen, even if there is a need for him, he will try his best to do it.

Of course, the performance of the play won a lot of applause in the end. At such a bright moment, Ai Wen directly pushed the principal onto the stage to give a speech.The parents sitting in the audience are potential supporters of No. [-] Middle School, and the principal is also happy to show his face.

He first highly praised the excellent performances of the young actors in class seven, and at the same time expressed his appreciation for the hard work of teacher Ai Wen.At the same time, he thanked the parents of Class [-] for their support to the school.
In this performance, Aiwen planted the seeds of self-confidence in the children of Class Seven.Walking on the stage is definitely a transformation and sublimation of the soul. When they successfully perform a role, the sense of accomplishment is unparalleled.

Although it is just a drama, it is of great significance to their lives.Scientific research has shown that students who often enjoy bright moments in their school days will develop far better in the future than those who are unknown.This is a conclusion supported by professional data. Aiwen built such a stage to let the children of Class [-] realize:
I am amazing!
(End of this chapter)

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