Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 168 - Aiwen is Shocked

Chapter 168 - Ai Wen Shocked

After the performance of the drama, all Class Seven turned around and devoted themselves to preparing for the second monthly exam.It's not that they are serious about learning, but that Lao Ai's rewards are really delicious.This time, the group award promised by Aiwen to Class 1 is to reward a group disco after winning No.[-].

According to the requirements of middle school students' daily code of conduct, middle school students are not allowed to enter commercial entertainment venues.But Ai Wen found another way-he can book the venue by himself, and at that time the whole venue is his and it is not considered a business place.

That kind of place is not suitable for children doesn't mean that children don't need to decompress - it's that there are mixed fish and dragons in that kind of place, and everyone is more dangerous.But if Aiwen rents out the venue, the children can play however they want
In fact, you carefully taste - is there any difference between playing mobile games and disco?Isn't it all a waste of time and a waste of life?And in a sense, playing mobile games is more harmful than playing disco—at least disco can also exercise the body to burn fat, and mobile games can only increase the degree of myopia.

But this time, Aiwen's standard has been raised, and only No.1 in the group's total score will be rewarded. No.2?That's a step backwards!Still don't reflect on it?
To be honest, the children’s rewards for Aiwen are definitely extremely coveted. They have grown up so much that they haven’t jumped to the disco, and watching the short video, the spirited guys and the little girls in the club are regulars at the disco, and they also want to experience it. Colorful neon.

Of course, it's just to experience it. They can't stand being so crazy every day.Heavy metal bombing is okay once in a while, but it's annoying after a long time. People who wander around nightclubs all year round don't like to dance, but people who like to dance cough cough
As for the venue, Aiwen traveled half a city by himself before discussing the cooperation intention.What's more, Aiwen doesn't need to take up the prime business hours to reserve the venue. He just takes the students to experience the atmosphere, and there is no need to rush the business hours to delay others from making money.

Aiwen can bring the children to play during the day, and the little guys should be hungry by noon, and Aiwen can send them back to their respective homes and find their mothers. The daytime is not the business hours of this kind of place, so the negotiation is very difficult. It went well, and the price of Aiwen's charter is not high - 3 yuan a day.

The 3 yuan is not paid for nothing. They are responsible for the drinks of the customers, and the waiters need to be on duty.There is nothing wrong with this small condition, how much is the drink worth?Moreover, Ai Wenyan requires students to prohibit drinking alcohol until they are at least 16 years old.

This time the activity is an internal confidential activity in Class [-], and even the parents can’t tell the kind. There are too many people who worry about salty carrots these days. The bitch jumped out and condemned Aiwen for being a teacher and not a son.

So no one can bring a mobile phone on that day, even if they bring it, they must hand it in at the door.Posting selfies and Moments is of course even more impossible!You just bring yourself to play, and then take away a head of memory. Aiwen made it very clear: If this matter leaks from someone, he will resign immediately-who do you like to play with? go!

The students are demanding, and the bar has to sign a non-disclosure agreement.A villain before a gentleman, Aiwen dare not pin his hopes on the moral sentiment of the waiter - he personally gives each waiter a hush money of 1000 yuan, but if the waiter leaks anything, Aiwen will definitely sue him and go bankrupt , He will also use his social relationship to force him to survive or die.

Although Aiwen was asking for trouble for this matter, he didn't regret it at all--teachers preach and learn from karma, is it wrong to take students to see the prosperity of this world?Aiwen saw that the children in Class [-] were a little nervous and needed a vent to release them. After thinking about it, he decided that disco dancing was a more suitable way.

The state of preparation for the exam in class seven was quite crazy, and the whole class was shrouded in a passionate atmosphere.After class, the subject teacher can't get out of the teacher until he rings the bell for the next class. He is surrounded by students who pester him to ask questions.

For this situation, the teachers are both embarrassed and relieved. Look at these big eyes full of curiosity!The teacher has a sense of accomplishment!

Aiwen, who likes to sit in the classroom and work, of course can't escape the entanglement of the students. These children not only ask Aiwen Chinese questions, but also math questions, English questions, and biology questions, no matter what subject they are, they will ask Aiwen.

Who made you the head teacher?The head teacher should be decathlon!Otherwise, what class teacher would you be?

Later, Ai Wen directly caught Xie Mingjie to answer the questions—if there were questions that Xie Mingjie couldn't solve, then ask him again!
In this way, 90.00% of the questions were digested by Xie Mingjie, and the questions sent to Ai Wen were all very tricky and comprehensive questions.Aiwen has a toothache when reading some topics
"Hiss, from which corner did you find such a tricky topic? Three turns in one sentence. Olympiad?" Aiwen scratched his head and asked.

"It's not the Mathematical Olympiad. It's because it was too difficult for us to solve the questions." Xie Mingjie led a group of like-minded people to surround Ai Wen and asked.

Aiwen directly took out the function formula of college mathematics to solve it. After calculating three A4 papers, he finally solved the answer.Looking at all kinds of unfamiliar symbols, Xie Mingjie and others fell into autism-is mathematics so difficult?

"The result I calculated must be correct, but I can't explain the specific process to you. After all, advanced functions are knowledge that you only need to learn in college. Is this not a problem in junior high school?" Ai Wen muttered for a while and suddenly found the problem-- This shit is not a math problem in junior high school!
Xie Mingjie laughed dryly: "This. Teacher hahahaha"

Ai Wen raised his eyebrows: "I think you have something to hide from me."

Xie Mingjie said in a cold sweat: "We taught ourselves a little later. The knowledge in junior high school is quite simple, so we started to learn the knowledge in high school by ourselves. It's so difficult."

Ai Wen's brain slammed on the table with a bang.listen!listen!Is this still a human language?Junior high school knowledge is simple?Self-taught high school?Are you floating or I, Ivan, can't lift the knife?You just mentioned that you are a first-year student in junior high school. How dare you say that you have learned all the mathematics in junior high school by yourself after only three months?

Are you kidding me!

He pulled out his mobile phone and called the math teacher: "Mr. Wang, do you have the math paper for the senior high school entrance examination? The mock paper is also fine. Can you send me the electronic version?"

Then he went to the printing room angrily and printed [-] simulation papers. He couldn't believe it. These grandchildren really learned all the mathematics knowledge in junior high school?
"Come on, come on, after you finish your meal at noon, you all go to the chemistry lab! I don't believe it, just finish this set of simulation papers for me in an hour, four and 10 minutes!" Ai Wen said with an mmp face.

(End of this chapter)

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