Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 172 - The Most Beautiful Cub on the Dance Floor

Chapter 172 – The most beautiful cub on the dance floor

In the last month of teaching, Aiwen intends to use the spiritual motivation method to plunge students into endless learning frenzy.A large part of Hitler's fighters sweeping across the continent was due to their spiritual power.

The overall state of the students in Class [-] is very good, but if coupled with Ai Wen's instigation, the chemical reaction produced will be unparalleled.

This is also the topic that Aiwen will start with in the future - using chicken soup for the soul to cultivate the spiritual realm of students.Although the culture of some companies is like a farce, like people who drink water and know how warm they are, activities that seem to be farce are actually of great help to the shaping of collective consciousness.

So under Ai Wen's flickering, the little guys in Class [-] almost forgot who they were. They started giving them chicken blood when they ran Ai Wen in the morning. Continue to play tricks, fan them into confusion and continue to struggle.

In the afternoon, Aiwen was relatively calm, but before returning home from school, Aiwen will strengthen his memory again-hard work will succeed, and insist on creating excellence!
To put it bluntly, Ivan's methods are similar to Chuanxiao's brainwashing. After Chuanxiao washes you, your mind is full of thoughts of getting rich, and after being washed by Aiwen, your mind is full of thoughts of learning.

Just like a kitchen knife, if you put it in the hands of a villain, it is a murder weapon, but if you put it in the hands of a cook, it is a magic weapon - there is no good or evil in the means, it just depends on where you use it.

Ai Wen, who has been a student cadre and the founder of a student association, is definitely capable in inciting and brainwashing. A group of thirteen and fourteen-year-olds are like a group of little sheep in front of Ai Wen. Ai Wen can do whatever he wants flicker.Of course, this is also based on their full trust in Aiwen. If they resist Aiwen's every move and every word and deed from the beginning, it will be useless no matter how fancy Aiwen says.

So when Aiwen talked about feelings, the students in Class [-] were lost in Class [-]. It is a sin if you don’t study. Even if others don’t condemn you, your heart will be full of confusion and hesitation. In the end, Aiwen will take the attitude of God Forgive your behavior of not learning, and then redeem you. In the end, you will burst into tears and thank Teacher Aiwen for giving you the opportunity to learn.

Doesn't that sound pretty scary?But you taste your fine taste!Is your boss fooling you like this?Talking about feelings without raising wages is just playing hooligans!Aiwen puts the reward in front of him anyway, as long as you achieve his goal, Aiwen will really fulfill his promise.So he is much more moral than those unscrupulous bosses!
The results of the monthly exam have been announced, Class [-] is still No. [-] without any suspense, so this weekend's disco activities will continue as scheduled.Under the constraints of the class's internal confidentiality agreement, no one is allowed to disclose any information related to disco with parents.

As for the name of the collection, it's very simple - social activities!

What worries the head teacher taking the lead?And this social activity is real, Ai Wen and his class will sweep the street collectively before playing disco.
True and false, false and true, this is the perfect way to deceive people. Teachers and students collude to deceive parents. There are few such bold guys in the history of education.

Because they were looking forward to the next disco dancing activity, the children in Class [-] were full of energy when sweeping the street.Ai Wen didn't personally sweep the road with a broom, he was responsible for taking pictures and writing copywriting.Besides him, passers-by also took pictures and posted short videos—the publicity of passers-by also positively shaped the image of No. [-] Middle School.

The group of Class [-] swept the street according to the established route, and they walked more and more remote. Finally, they entered an alley with no passers-by.Aiwen asked them to find a place to put the broom, and then opened a small door to let them in.

As we all know, most bars and nightclubs in Huaxia have back doors.Because Aiwen is private, it's almost normal to go through the back door.The children put down their brooms, took off their volunteer costumes and jumped on the dance floor happily.

Aiwen put on a peaked cap and a string of stainless steel chains around his neck, and walked onto the DJ stage without hesitation, playing night games-Aiwen is a professional!Which of the four Chinese young masters is not the little nocturnal dragon or the little prince on the dance floor?

"Helloeverybody! welcom" Ai Wen showed off a paragraph of English and then started to cut music and play DJs: "Today is the happy time for class [-]! Please rock to your heart's content! It's still the same sentence--you can drink as much as you want, but don't talk about drinking!"

"Long live!"

"Oh yeah!"

"Old Ai Niubi!"

"She Huiai!"

"Get dry!"

Accompanied by the bombardment of music, the mischievous monkeys in Class [-] couldn't sit still, they swayed awkwardly on the dance floor.There are boys who hug their necks and waists and dance around, some shake their heads and pretend to be crazy, and there are two children who are quite professional, with muscle popping that can step on the music point.

Girls are relatively more reserved, even if they sway their bodies, they are relatively small, and they seldom touch boys. Basically, they are still distinct.

After all, the children are only in the first grade of junior high school. Although some guys have a good impression of the opposite sex, they are too embarrassed to get together under the gaze of so many people--more importantly, Lao Ai is on the DJ stage, where the terrain is extremely high. Get an unobstructed view of the dance floor!
It's time to show the real technology. Ai Wen played the soundtrack with one hand, picked up the microphone with the other and started the b-box performance. The knowledgeable waiters in the bar were all confused.

"That's the teacher, right? Why is he more professional than our resident DJ?" A waitress asked with starry eyes.

The waiter was also very puzzled: "That is the owner of the private room, and these children are his students. The threshold for becoming a teacher is too high these days, no wonder I can't be a teacher"

After showing off, Aiwen cut the music to play automatically. In some places, the DJs seemed to be busy, but they were actually posing. Aiwen turned from the DJ booth to the dance floor, causing the children There was a scream.


"It's too bullshit!"

"Break up!"

Lin Tianyou saw Aiwen jumping off the DJ stage, walked up to Aiwen for a show, then stretched out his hands and put on a fighting dance pose. Aiwen smiled when he saw it, you are very courageous, little turkey!You really think that Teacher Aiwen only knows how to dress up as a pure land of bliss!

At this time, the resident dj took over the music, and the students of Class [-] vacated enough space for the two to battle.

Lin Tianyou, the initiator of the battle, was the first to perform. He learned breaking. His movements were wide open and closed, and there were a lot of floor movements. Lin Tianyou looked like he had trained specially, and the level was not bad. He even occasionally played Thomas spin.

The little girls in Class [-] were fascinated by Lin Tianyou's handsome dancing posture, and cheered him on crazily--boys who can dance hip-hop are really cool!Although Lin Tianyou's grades are only in the middle of the class, but now he is the most beautiful boy on the dance floor.

(End of this chapter)

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