Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 173 – Examination

Chapter 173 – Examination
Aiwen gestured to the DJ to change to a poping song. Compared with the breaking song, the poping song has one more drum track. These drums are the P points, which require the dancers to use their muscle strength to show the beauty of the explosion.

When the music sounded, Aiwen turned into a robot perfectly, his body immediately showed a sense of frustration and rhythm, and against the dim light, his figure seemed out of tune with the world, with a detached handsomeness and chicness.

Lin Tianyou's pupils shrank -- this is a master!Lao Ai is more of an idiot!This dance skill can't be practiced in three or five years. Mmp Yo!Because of practicing martial arts all year round, Aiwen has exceptionally high control over his muscles, so he will have an advantage in poping dances.

"If I practice for another three years, maybe I can reach the level of Lao Ai." Lin Tianyou's heart trembled, but he still continued to dance without showing weakness.

In the face of the "provocative" gestures from the students, Aiwen appeared very generous and open-minded. What's the matter with the children?The big deal is to get revenge from homework in the future. Cough cough
Ai Wen saw that Lin Tianyou was getting exhausted, so he voluntarily withdrew from the battle to find a place to rest.These little guys are in high spirits, and Ai Wen can only express that their focus is off. How many people who really like this kind of place really come to dance?That is to say, these crazy kids just don't know anything about it.
It's not the kids' fault though -- how old are they?I haven't reached the age of chasing cabbage everywhere.

The children in class seven went crazy for more than three hours, and their physical strength was gradually exhausted. Everyone simply ate a little food to recover their energy and left through the back door.Ai Wen first stayed to settle the balance, and then returned to school with the volunteers who "swept the avenue all morning".

Anyway, at the end of the day, what Aiwen showed on the class official account was the "street sweeping activity" that cut the beginning and the end. As for the three hours in the middle, don't ask where he went, because if you ask, he is sweeping the street!

It is forbidden to tell anyone about the secret activities this morning.It wasn't until they graduated from university that they could undo the memory seal and treat it as a topic of conversation after dinner.

After having a common secret, the students in class seven regarded Ai Wen as their own more and more.The friendship of going to disco together is sincere, and it is happiness to hold a common secret together.

After frantically jumping a package, Aiwen found that the mental state of the students in Class [-] of the first grade of junior high school became very good.The sense of anxiety in them was released, leaving only endless calmness.

In the words of other teachers: they seem to have seen the state of the best graduating class before the senior high school entrance examination-all the knowledge is memorized, all the questions are practiced proficiently, and they are just waiting for the exam to show their skills.

While the children were preparing for the exam, Aiwen took a leave of absence to take the two-day national unified postgraduate exam.The test center is right in front of my house - Q City Technical School, where Aiwen drove 10 minutes to the place, and there was no pressure at all during the whole test.

"How was the exam?" Chen Yanzi sat in the car parked outside the exam room and cheered for Ai Wen during the exam, just like an old mother who sent her son to take the college entrance exam.

Of course, Ai Wen's father and mother both had jobs during the college entrance examination, so he had no one to take the exam. It's a pity that a man is now taking the postgraduate exam, and finally experienced the feeling of someone worrying outside.

"Your husband is sure to succeed immediately! I'm not bragging with you. Both English and thinking are our strengths. As for professional courses. You know." Ai Wen winked and said authentically.

Chen Yanzi was amused by his wretched smile: "What do I know? I have never taken the postgraduate exam."

"Let's put it this way, the postgraduate entrance examination is divided into two parts: public and professional. The public subjects are English and Sipin - which are unified by the state, and the professional course assessment is made by the college you are applying for. The questions for the education professional courses of Northern Normal University It's my teacher," Ai Wen vaguely reminded.

Chen Yanzi was stunned: "This is also possible?"

"Why not? Besides, Lao Jin just drew the scope for me, which is not a violation of the rules." Aiwen said relaxedly--the scope of Lao Jin's questions is in the bibliography listed for him before, as long as he carefully reads the old What Jin asked for, the test scores of professional courses must be no problem.

"So your graduate student is safe?" Chen Yanzi asked curiously.

Ai Wen nodded: "Graduate students are strict in admission and wide in exit. If I don't have any pursuits, I can wait for death to get my degree. But Lao Jin means that I will directly apply for a Ph.D. after graduating from a master's degree. He has taken me through two The project is basically enough to qualify for a Ph.D. After about six to seven years, a boudoir Ph.D. graduate appears."

Chen Yanzi was in Sparta: "Are you so good at studying? Did you apply for the Ph. D.?"

Although she also graduated from university, Chen Yanzi, who took the artistic route, obviously did not have as deep a foundation in culture as Ai Wen.Aiwen has been teaching for three and a half years, all the way to hang lightning with cowhide, relying on his solid theoretical foundation.

Ai Wen silently looked at his fiancée's delicate appearance and gently patted her head. The sudden pat on the head made Chen Yanzi's face blush: "Actually, I have always been a top student, don't look at me with well-developed limbs and a simple mind. If you nod your head and agree, you may be able to directly recommend to the school for the combined master's and doctoral studies."

Chen Yanzi immediately looked at Ai Wen with eyes of admiration for gods. She didn't do well in school, so she had a natural admiration for students with good grades in cultural subjects—such as her elder brother, such as Ai Wen.

The main reason why Chen Yanzi's parents allowed her to take the path of art was that her elder brother had excellent grades in culture and became the first college student in the family, and the fact that the Chen family really had enough money to support her on the path of art.If the Chen family had only this one daughter, she might be forced to study a popular major such as business administration.

After finishing the remaining few subjects, Aiwen felt relieved. It was really uncomfortable to have an exam on his body, and the results would be announced in more than a month.As for the re-examination. It's not that Aiwen brags and approves. As long as he passes the public class, Lao Jin at Northern Normal University can easily ask him to pass.

Lao Jin is also a coquettish existence in the Teacher Education College. The dean usually doesn't care about things, and Lao Jin is the most powerful person in the college.He called the students by name, who would dare to get stuck on purpose?

So Ai Wen's road to return to school is smooth, but he chose the more difficult part-time road - which means that he has to say goodbye to his beautiful winter and summer vacations.

However, the courses for postgraduate students are not so strict. Many subjects have online courses for self-study. If he really has something to do, he can disappear for a while-as long as Lao Jin doesn't pursue it, there is no big problem.

The postgraduate teaching is very similar to the ancient teacher-student teaching by precept and deed. There is almost no teaching in the big class. As long as Aiwen does not fall behind the progress, Lao Jin will not criticize him.

(End of this chapter)

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