Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 176 - Chapter 1!Oye!

Chapter 176 - First!Oye!
Compared with the full-fledged singing voice, the sub-part round singing of the seventh class is even more amazing.When the other classes sang in rounds, they either sang in chorus and slid over, or they barely managed to get through.Only the seventh class is singing very skillfully.

This is all thanks to Ding Zituo's professional understanding of chorus and Ai Wen's delegation of authority.It is Aiwen's usual principle that professionals are in charge of professional projects. He can't direct the chorus or train the chorus, so he just observes and never gets involved.

Ding Zituo did not fail Ai Wen's expectations, and really trained him a semi-professional chorus team.As far as the quality shown by Class Seven is no worse than that of the Magic City Rainbow Chamber Choir, which is very popular on the Internet, it's just that Class Seven's singing is not so exaggerated.

The leaders were very satisfied with the first song of the seventh class of junior one. When there was a pause in the middle, the student union officers began to run up and down to carry props.Rows of tied corn screens were carried onto the stage.The leaders are confused - what is this for?
Ding Zituo still didn't move. He was directing and not participating in the dance performance.The cutscene preparation in the middle lasted for 3 minutes, and these 3 minutes can only be survived by Ding Zituo's prosperous beauty.I have to say that the nutrition of the current junior high school students is really good. At the age of twelve or thirteen, they grow to 1.7 meters and 1.8 meters. If it is not because of the greenness on the face, you will not be able to tell that this special meow is a child.

Why can Aiwen dig holes for students with peace of mind?Because they really don’t look like children. Girls are too. There are a lot of ones above 1.6 meters, and there are also extremely fierce ones. Ivan is thrilled to take him for a run every morning, lest he fall and cause a violent explosion.

Aiwen took the class for half a year, and he found that most of the girls in class seven had visited relatives.Don’t ask him how he knows, now any girl in Class [-] who doesn’t bring a big Bundy will come to Aiwen to ask for it. In addition to preparing the medicine kit, the head teacher also has to prepare “tourniquets” for the students. As far as the class teacher is concerned, it's really that kind of thing.

It is said that doctors have a parental heart, and teachers also have this virtue!After the girls in Class [-] got acquainted with Aiwen, they didn’t even count the cycles themselves. When relatives came, they came directly to Aiwen to pick up equipment. Meow meow!
Sometimes Ivan will take the initiative to remind a certain child: "You are coming soon. Prepare your things first to avoid panic!"

Except for Aiwen, whose housekeeper app has dozens of girls' cycles stored in it?That thing reminds Aiwen every day that so and so is coming. If someone looks at Aiwen's phone, he must be more perverted than him!
Three minutes later, when the lights came on again, the leaders suddenly found that the students in Class 3 were missing.Ding Zituo unhurriedly raised his baton, and then the music started.During the prelude, Li Guoyao flipped out of the cornfield with a lotus placed in the air, and after landing, he began to dance like a red song.

Don't look at Li Guoyao's extremely old-fashioned movements, but the faces of the school leaders are full of memories - young people watching the performance of Class [-] are fascinated by this kind of magic and cannot extricate themselves.

"It's smelly!"

"Seven classes of cow batches!"

"It's started again! These guys have started to work!"

"I know Class Seven never disappoints!"

"It's also Class [-], why is the gap so big?"

At the same time, a group of students dressed in Tuba Road emerged from the cornfield and danced with Li Guoyao.The neat movements, stiff expressions, and dance steps full of the sense of the times are all so magical that people can't take their eyes off.

"A model play." The headmaster murmured to himself. There are so many programs in the chorus competition, but this one is a joy to dance.

Then a group of women's soldiers came out from the grass, the same posture, but different tenderness.As if the Red Detachment of Women played through history and people meet, the four heavenly kings of Anqiu County appeared on the stage. When these four appeared, the whole school burst into laughter.

This temperament, this dress, and this image can tell that half of China is gone!It's really hard for Class Seven to come up with so many top quality products!It seems that the magic of makeup is simply bottomless!
The four of them didn't sneak around for long before they were shot dead by the eight roads that came out of the cornfield.The four people were dragged away, and the ghost animal dance continued. This time it was the armed forces team behind the enemy. They danced with shovels and mines, and everyone was very happy to watch.

Then there was the part where the common people expressed condolences to the army. The moment the student who played the role of the shopkeeper and the student who played the role of Captain Shi shook hands, the whole school fell into a sea of ​​joy.

"Love love love. Strategic handshake!"

"It's too exaggerated!"

"So much like a couple! Let's be together!"

"Support! Agree!"

After a song was performed, both the audience and the judges sitting in the audience were overjoyed.After class [-] left, the cadres of the student union began to score the rankings.

After a while, the host of the chorus competition appeared in the center of the stage to announce the result of the competition.As expected, Class [-] of the first year of junior high school won the first place in the competition - not only their model plays moved people's hearts, but also their chorus performance was quite professional.

In other words, it was pure bullying for Class Seven to participate in this level of competition.Their level can get results in the province's primary and middle school students' chorus competition!Group seven are stubborn.Either don't do it or do it to the best is their creed.In any competition, they don't want to be second, but only to be first-this is a stinky problem that Ivan has given them.

But in any case, the seventh class of the first grade of junior high school is the strongest in the seventh middle school, and it is all-round and three-dimensional strong.In addition to not getting No.1 in the total score of the team in the sports meeting, they have never let No.1 fall behind in various awards.

Class [-] was very satisfied with the final results. As the leader of this competition, Ding Zituo also became a man of the school forum.There are countless seniors asking for contact information, and it has to be said that women are really fickle-the post asking for Xie Mingjie's contact information has not yet sinked, and they turned around and began to ask for Ding Zituo's contact information.

However, following Zhao Dongfeng's overturning, the so-called gangs in the school never dared to provoke Class [-] of junior high school.Although they are only in the first year of junior high school, the physique of the children in the first year of junior high school these days is no worse than that of the third year of junior high school. Sometimes if Aiwen is not vigilant, he will easily overturn.

And the guy from class [-] of junior high school has a thick face and black hands, telling you not to be impulsive, but on the other hand, the front and back doors are locked for you so that you can't escape even if you want to.Anyway, the seventh class of the first grade of junior high school is almost becoming a dragon's pond and a tiger's den. If you want to enter the door to do things, you must be prepared to be attacked by groups.

No matter how noisy the outside world is, Class Seven is still very calm inside.The final exam is coming soon, and this time Aiwen played very big - if Class [-] can break into the top ten in the city this time, he will fully sponsor the whole class for a week-long research summer camp.

Um, it should be called winter camp, anyway, it must be very awesome!And Ai Wen also put forward a basic requirement: If someone's grades do not get the grade average, the full sponsorship will be canceled and become a half sponsorship. This is very scary. Others will pay for food and housing, and you will pay for half of it yourself?How to spread it out?
This is where Aiwen chicken thief is. If we only look at the average score, some people want to win lying down. This is impossible!He must also have requirements for personal results!
(End of this chapter)

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