Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 177 - Research Industry

Chapter 177 – Research Industry
The reason why Aiwen promised the students a one-week study tour was mainly because he received an invitation from the third young master, Gao Xindong.

Gao Xindong has been doing business in the tourism industry since he graduated, because the tourism catastrophe in the first half of 2020 almost cost him his pants.Many business modules had to be broken up and reorganized, and many markets were almost lost.

Young Master Yang Peng's resort is considered real estate anyway, but the tourism industry is an industry in which customers are king, and it is king to seize the market when the tourism industry is slowly recovering.So Gao Xindong focused on the students - this is related to the direction of China's education policy. Many places are vigorously advocating students to go out of school to learn knowledge, that is, research.

But how can it be so easy to be the first to knock on the school door in the competition among peers?The campus is a fertile soil, the kind that can grow cash cows.Whoever enters the market first, cultivates the market first, and builds a good reputation first wins.

If Gao Xindong used his family connections, it would be very easy to start a business--but he is also the kind of guy who doesn't hit the south wall and doesn't look back, and won't give up until the Yellow River.And he also has a vulgar marriage contract on his head. In fact, Gao Xindong is quite satisfied with the marriage partner, but the only thing that makes him complain is that he needs to cut the door backwards!
This can't be done!If it is said that the owner of Gaoxin is destitute and poor, and cannot afford a garage and can only rely on his mother's family to live, then it will be the door.But his house is not bad either!
So Gao Xindong had to prove that he was good enough to stand up straight in front of his marriage partner and marry another girl. The most interesting thing came, the girl who married him was moved by him, and she left her family and career to start a business with this guy.

At that time, after Ai Wen listened to the youngest son finish his entrepreneurial experience like listening to a fairy tale, he had the same thought in his heart as the youngest and youngest—burn this damn guy!Dog food is expensive!
In other words, if Lao Gao fails to start a business, he can only inherit hundreds of millions of property, marry himself to Bai Fumei and go to the pinnacle of life-his father-in-law is only a daughter, and all the property belongs to them in the end
Ai Wen always thought that why did Lao Gao come here?Is it enough to live a good life?Why do you care whether you are married or not?It wasn't until later when he was going to marry Chen Yanzi that he realized that it would be really uncomfortable to marry into the woman's family.

But then again, it's not a loss for Lao Gao to marry his fiancée, who is absolutely gorgeous. To use Jia Mengmeng's words to describe it: that girl looks... hey~
It is scary to think about the hard work of not knowing how to get in the door. There is a live father and a live mother on the head out of thin air.

But Er Shao has a good vision, and the business prospects of doing student tourism are really unlimited.If it is said that that part of the population has the highest interest in traveling, the students who stay in school all day must be second to none.If you knock on the door of the school and let the students go out in an organized class, even if a student earns 500 yuan, a student in a school can earn 50 yuan.
Even if they take the path of small profits but high sales, travel companies can still be prosperous!Aiwen's class is considered a pilot project, as long as Aiwen nods the project can enter the preparatory stage.

Aiwen put the time of the winter camp in the winter vacation to give Lao Gao time to prepare, plan travel routes, plan transportation, plan accommodation hotels. These are all issues that travel companies worry about.If the children don't eat well, sleep well, and play well, only the travel company will suffer in the end.

For the first time in cooperation, Lao Gao intends to take the students to the imperial capital.The imperial capital is the capital of China, and it is also the ancient capital of the six dynasties (Yan, Jin, Liao, Yuan, Ming, and Qing) with a long history.The entire imperial city has both the richness of history and the youth of modernization.

Here you can not only visit historical relics and historic sites, but also accept the influence of patriotic education, and at the same time visit historical relics. An imperial capital is enough for students to play for a week, and the food culture here has a long history. Imperial capital roast duck and imperial capital mutton are famous Huaxia's excellent brand,

Lao Gao needs to decide everyone's bill based on the number of days of the trip, transportation and accommodation, tickets to scenic spots, and food standards.Everyone in the travel industry knows that the more tourists there are, the bigger the discounts will be. Whether it is hotels, guesthouses, or classics, there are tourist prices.

Fortunately, Lao Gao has been deeply involved in the tourism industry for a long time, and he has partners in every link who can provide him with win-win conditions.Gao Xindong has tourists, and his partners need tourists.

Take the hotel as an example. If Aiwen takes the team to stay, he will not be able to get in without a few hundred dollars a night.But if Gaoxindong contacts the price, at least a [-]% discount can be obtained!
Lao Gao is also planning to lose money and make money, not to mention that Aiwen pays Gao Xindong to learn experience, so why not do it?
And listening to Ai Wen's muttering, he still has a bit of a reputation in the education circle of Q City, and he has a lot of friends. As long as this ticket is done, there will be no shortage of collaborators in Q City.

For example, the principal of the No. [-] Middle School saw that the study tour of Class No. [-] worked well~ it can be promoted!All teachers and students in the school have become customers!

For example, the sixth middle school and the fifth middle school saw that the seventh middle school had a whole research and study activity, which made the limelight. Don't lag behind!Let's do it too!So more customers!

As long as the market is big, are you afraid that there will be no business?What's more, the successful completion of Aiwen's cooperation with himself is an advertising effect.In order to maintain stability, each school will definitely look for the most experienced self. Gao Xindong feels that his travel company can occupy the student travel industry in Q City if it works harder.

It's really cool to have Ai Wen as a middleman, although he is just a little teacher now-but this guy is the fourth young master of Chinese, and he will definitely achieve more than this in the future.When Lao Jin was drinking too much, he patted Ai Wen on the shoulder and promised: You and Lao Jin will study for a Ph. D. in less than ten years. Whenever there is a conference on education research in the nearby three or five provinces, we must be invited to speak!
How leathery was Aiwen at that time?At that time, Aiwen's casual words could bring a huge advertising effect to Gao Xindong's company!

In fact, regardless of whether Class Seven can enter the top ten in the city, Aiwen will take them to the winter camp for research activities, but if they fail to enter the top ten in the city, Aiwen can only sponsor part of the funds.

Lao Gao's company is still alive and has been relying on Aiwen's blood transfusion. The previous cold winter of travel had a great impact on Lao Gao. Thanks to Aiwen, he can keep his basic position.At least the fact that the elite tour guides are not scattered is what Lao Gao is most satisfied with. If the research camp really scales up, these tour guides will be valuable resources.

In fact, going to a nearby university to invite college students majoring in tourism management can also fool children, but if you are not professional, you are not professional.

(End of this chapter)

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