Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 178 – Daily life

Chapter 178 – Daily life
"Ai Ai. Are we really going to get the certificate at the end of the month?" Chen Yanzi huddled herself under the blanket and asked eagerly.

Ai Wen stretched his waist: "You don't agree? In fact, it can be slowed down, but my mother is already urging her grandson, and the mother-in-law is also urging her?"

Chen Yanzi's pretty face turned red instantly: "How do you know?"

"Isn't this the same sadness as people our age? Many of my friends complain about being hunted down and forced into marriage by their families, especially women with master's degrees and doctorate degrees. They just graduated with a master's degree, and the boss wants to work hard and start a family. It's even worse, I'm on my third year after finishing my Ph.D." Ai Wen's brain hurts when he thinks of the words of the elder at home.

According to the agreement with the elders of the Ai family, Ai Wen will go home once a month.Every time he went back, he came back with a migraine, and his brain was buzzing because of the demonic brainwashing of his parents.

"Son, hurry up and get married!"

"Even if you can afford to wait, Yanyan can't afford to wait!"

"Even if you don't have a wedding, you can get the certificate first!"

"Even if you don't get the certificate, you can give birth to your grandson first. Our family is not short of money. If your mother says she will retire, she will retire and take care of the children for you."

At this time, Lao Ai agreed: "As long as Yanyan is pregnant, I will give you a hospital for Yanyan to raise her baby. How about a third-class hospital? It is definitely not a hospital that fools people like Putian!"

Big dogs and whatnot are the most annoying!What surprised Aiwen even more was that apart from building buildings in the real estate industry, Lao Ai also had a hospital under his name?Those who dare to open hospitals these days are those with deep backgrounds and huge financial resources. Edison is a cowhide glass!
The problem is that Ai Wen is only 25 years old. Although there is nothing wrong with being a father at this age, this year is Chen Yanzi's career rising period!The legal person of the dance school is Chen Yanzi, and her best friend Xixi is also one of the administrators—it's just that this girl got married first and went home to have children.

Only when Xixi's children are older can she come out to help Chen Yanzi manage the school.Now she only takes dividends and does not participate in management. The development plan of the dance school is initiated by Chen Yanzi alone.

Back then, Chen Yanzi was the three sisters in the dormitory who entered the dance education industry in Q City. Dong Xiumei chose to withdraw when the industry was at a low point, and took away her shares.Her withdrawal made Chen Yanzi very uncomfortable. However, she still bought out the shares with cash, and let the woman leave with hundreds of thousands of cash.

Therefore, only Chen Yanzi and Xixi are the shareholders of the dance school. Before Xixi got married, she had discussed with Chen Yanzi, and Xixi married her existing children.Xixi said that she would help Chen Yanzi after her child was three years old.

So if Chen Yanzi were pregnant at this time, the dance school would probably lose the leader and be devastated.So Aiwen has no plans to have children yet.Having a baby has the greatest impact on the woman. Aiwen only needs to tremble a bit in the early stage to complete the work.But Chen Yanzi's sacrifice was too great - she was pregnant in October, and once she gave birth, she had to breastfeed. All in all, Aiwen really wasn't ready to have a baby yet.

But to get married, you can get the marriage certificate first. That's why Chen Yanzi asked Ai Wen with a blushing face - after all, there are only a few days left in 2020.

In the eyes of the previous generation, Ai Wen and Chen Yanzi should have married and made children long ago.However, in the eyes of Aiwen and the others, their great youth has just begun, and being bound by their families is simply terrifying.Especially after having children, life becomes raising children.

Ai Wen is actually a bit afraid of children - he is still a big baby, not to mention that having a baby is more difficult than serving a living father, but his family is rich, and Ai's old lady should be able to serve the living ancestors when she has time !
But children are also a panacea. Do you know how many female teachers who were grumpy before giving birth to children became amiable after becoming mothers.Aiwen has seen many such things in his three years of work.The students have only been with the teacher for three years, so the observation is not clear.But a colleague like Ivan can clearly feel this change.

After being a father and a mother, people grow up quickly-there is something called responsibility that weighs on your shoulders and forces you to grow.

Ai Wen suddenly asked narrowly: "You don't fear marriage, do you?"

"How is it possible? I just suddenly felt that I was going to get married. I haven't known you for more than half a year!" Chen Yanzi puffed up her cheeks and looked as cute as a little hamster.

Ai Wen curled his lips: "Is half a year short? According to the progress we get along with, isn't it considered slow? Why don't you say that you know me on the first day?"

"." Chen Yanzi retreated in defeat - this can be regarded as a black spot in life, why was she so unreserved back then?

"Okay. Just get the certificate. Anyway, my parents, my brother and my sister-in-law are always beckoning and urging me! Speaking of which, why do I feel that my parents, my brother and my sister-in-law care more about you?" Chen Yanzi ate.

Aiwen laughed loudly: "The only third generation of your family is in my hands, you are a proton!"

"There's nothing wrong with your fallacious talk!" Chen Yanzi laughed, "Hey, why does my beautiful face fall in love with you, a pig?"

"Please look at this photo before talking about your beauty." Ai Wen turned out the photo of himself in women's clothing and said.

Chen Yanzi's pretty face flushed with anger: "Big grave! You are not a human being! Thinking about how beautiful your women's clothing is, it makes me mad!"

Ai Wen spread his hands ╮(╯▽╰)╭: "People. You have self-knowledge. Marrying me can be regarded as improving the genes of your old Chen family. Whether it is to have a son like you or a daughter like me, it will be beautiful. worthy of responsibility."

It is said that sons are like mothers and daughters are like fathers - if it is really inherited according to this rule, the children of Ai Wen and Chen Yanzi's family will definitely be very beautiful.Especially for giving birth to a daughter who inherits Aiwen's appearance. Aiwen will be praised as a national father-in-law!
Chen Yanzi suddenly remembered a funny thing: "The high-definition video of you dancing in women's clothing was uploaded to the broken website by me, and the number of views was very high, and it was screenshotted and sent to the island country forum by good people. In the island country, your appearance was astonishing. People, the media in the island country judged you as a 'once in 8000 years' beautiful girl."

Ai Wen covered his face: "What a beautiful girl! It's still 8000 years! So I'm roughly equal to two Ju Jingweis?"

"Will the netizens in the island country explode if they find out that you are a master of women's clothing? Your make-up skills are really superb, how did you practice?" Chen Yanzi asked, holding her chin.

Ai Wen smiled bitterly: "I practiced it with the face of my ex-girlfriend."

"Then why don't you ever put makeup on me?" Chen Yanzi questioned.

Ai Wen said quietly: "Ask yourself, what are you doing when I get up and go to work? Sleeping sister! How can I put on makeup for you? I don't like putting on makeup in my dreams!"

Chen Yanzi stuck out her tongue: "That's right. Our time is out of sync!"

"God is out of sync! Let's just say you are too lazy to sleep!" Ai Wen taunted: "I'm not afraid of sleeping like a pig"

"What's wrong with sleeping like a pig? I'm a beautiful pig girl!" Chen Yanzi said smugly.

Ai Wen said: "I am a pig. But you are a dog. You can call yourself a knife girl."

"I'm a dog, but you are a real dog." Chen Yanzi said angrily, "Oh, I'm going to choke my life!"

Ai Wen was thrown down immediately, and Chen Yanzi attacked Ai Wen's itchy flesh with her hands up and down. Ai Wen couldn't do it well and could only squirm like a bug.After a while, Chen Yanzi was so tired that her head was sweating, and her face was flushed because of the amount of exercise.
Ai Wen swallowed a mouthful of saliva, Chen Yanzi looked at Ai Wen's expression and said resolutely: "Speak and kiss me"

Next - Overwhelming
(End of this chapter)

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