Chapter 182 - Opera 2
After the lunch meeting, the teachers left the table to sober up.After the owner of the farmhouse moved a large color TV and audio equipment in the yard and connected and debugged it, the country version of KTV was completed.

Although the quality of the KTV of the farmhouse is not good, but the music library is also much more than the mass-market KTV.And the sound effect of the farmhouse is not bad, at least there is no noise or current.

People like to sing when they drink too much. This is a hobby and habit engraved in people's bones.Especially for literati, poetry is not divided into families!You must know the earliest collection of poems in China - the Book of Songs. Many famous chapters are labor songs, which are all sung by the common people.

Of course, the director sang the first song, and the grade director Ben Sizhang didn’t know what he recalled, so he ordered the song "If Then". Then the famous scene came, the drunk director sang in Tengger style He sang Xu Shangao's classic songs, the most frightening thing is that he didn't go out of tune, and he was affectionate.

Ai Wen and Old Tang got together and began to gossip: "The director has a story!"

"There is no unforgettable feeling that can't be sung to such an effect," Old Tang murmured.

Ai Wen scratched his head: "No one is recording, right? If my sister-in-law hears this song, I guess the boss will kneel on the washboard!"

"Not so much," Old Tang said calmly, "Sister-in-law is still reasonable, let alone the director is just singing."

Ai Wen hesitantly: "You said how much good wine can we get back if we record a video?"

"Boss will probably kill people to silence you." Old Tang said quietly: "Sister-in-law will help you burn your bones and ashes."

Ai Wen shuddered: "I can't afford to provoke you. Don't you sing a duet with Mr. Liu? A flower in the seventh middle school will end up in your house!"

The old thief Tang smiled: "Low-key, keep a low-key. Haven't you heard that Xiu Enai dies quickly?"

"What are you afraid of after getting a marriage certificate?" Ai Wen curled his lips: "Look at it, neither you nor Mr. Liu can run away today!"

"I also want to keep a low profile, but my strength doesn't allow it!" Old Tang pinched his waist and looked up to the sky and laughed.

As the winner of the long-distance love race, Old Tang is qualified to look up to the sky and laugh.His wife was a flower in No. [-] Middle School three years ago. When Ai Wen first came to No. [-] Middle School to report, he was still a rookie. He witnessed with his own eyes the male teachers of No. [-] Middle School fighting like a Shura field.

A total of five male teachers pursued Mr. Liu at the same time. In the end, relying on meticulous care and shameless spirit, Old Tang won the final victory.Just this year, Lao Tang married the goddess of his dream and became a good story.

This can be considered a winner in life. Before the age of 30, the first-level teacher was also rated, and his beautiful wife also married home. I heard that the boss plans to resign as the grade director next semester, and his designated successor is Old Tang.

That is to say, Old Tang Aiwen, the next leader of the first grade group, expressed that he could not accept this. According to Old Tang's morality, he would definitely not toss Aiwen lightly.At least in the future, Aiwen will not be able to do the writing work of the grade group. It's too difficult!
Sure enough, before a few songs were sung, Mr. Tang and his wife Mr. Liu were forced to sing in front of the microphone.Aiwen fanned the fire underneath: "Come one!"

"Hug me! Big bridal sedan chair!" Ai Wen followed the rhythm with bad intentions. Since he would be squeezed by Old Tang sooner or later, he had to collect the interest before he took over.

Old Tang gave Ai Wen a hard look, and finally sang "The Big Sedan Chair" to the shy Teacher Liu.

Aiwen was overjoyed to hear it in the crowd, but he didn't laugh for long, and the revenge from Old Tang came: "Who is the brightest star in our year group this year?"


"The guy who can fix things the most!"

"That's right! Ivan has one!"

"Don't be shy!"

Alvin: .
revenge!This guy must be taking revenge!
He seldom sings usually, but his singing is definitely not bad.Do you still remember Aiwen's song "Expansion" at the parent-child party of the resort, which surprised the audience?

Now that he was run on the stage, Aiwen decided to carry out the whole work to the end.He approached Song Hongxia who was in charge of ordering songs (whoever was the youngest was in charge of ordering songs, Ai Wen had done this job before) and said, "Give me a piece of "Opera 2"."

Song Hongxia is learning English, of course she has heard this Opera 2 and she asked in amazement: "Senior, do you want to come here?"

"What are you afraid of? Life and death are bearish, just do it if you don't accept it!" Ai Wen took the microphone with a smile and gave Old Tang a provocative look.

These two people are considered bad friends. In the last class, both of them were class teachers.The two like to use each other as examples in class.

For example, Ai Wen’s Chinese class would say this: Contrasting rhetoric requires two subjects to be compared. For example, the beauty of Teacher Ai is far beyond that of Teacher Tang.

Lao Tang’s politics class also uses Ai Wen as a chestnut: “Middle school students will experience rapid physical development in their adolescence, just like your teacher Ai Wen was not tall when he was in elementary school, but after entering junior high school, he grew by 10 centimeters a year. "speed growth"

The students of the previous class still like to put Ai Wen and Lao Tang together as CPs. Even though Lao Tang has married the most beautiful teacher in the year group, they still insist that Ai Wen and Lao Tang are the best match!

"It's all over the waves, hey, you, jin, and Keke are on the ground." Ivan's tongue is extremely flexible-don't ask how he practiced it, it's just a tongue twister!

The trembling of the Russian language is extremely difficult, and Ai Wen sang the lyrics without any mistakes. Anyway, everyone can’t understand it, and it’s over if you don’t know it!

The lyrics of this song are not important, what is important is the virtuosic dolphin sound.As the sound of the accordion intervened, Ivan took a deep breath:



"I go."

"Amazing my teacher Aiwen"

"Scalp tingling."

"Wake up!"

Aiwen's dolphin sound soared up immediately, without hoarseness or broken voice, it just soared so plainly.No matter how much you practice this thing, it's useless, Ai Wen's voice is a godsend - if he becomes a singer, he will be out of the circle early, after all, he is also handsome!

Old Tang put his arms around Teacher Liu's slender waist and said angrily: "I knew this guy was holding back his big move! Let him pretend to be a beautiful 13."

Teacher Liu giggled coquettishly: "Why are you fighting with Ai Wen?"

After Ivan finished singing, he let out a breath of turbid air. After singing this song, he was prone to lack of oxygen. Does it really sound like a dolphin howling casually?
"another one!"


Ai Wen's face changed: "Don't tell me. Are you listening to singing or watching murder? You sing first, let me take it slowly."

At this time, Teacher Liu took over the microphone, and she smiled and said to Song Hongxia, "Hongxia, help me order a song called Left Finger Moon."

Song Hongxia hurriedly ordered a song, and Ai Wen and Lao Tang looked at each other - so the boss is here!There is no ordinary person who dares to sing left fingering!

(End of this chapter)

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