Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 187 – Back to School Day

Chapter 187 – Back to School Day

The back-to-school day is here, and all the junior high school students in the city have returned to school to receive their holiday homework, report cards, and earnest instructions from their teachers.According to the relevant regulations of the Education Bureau, the specific grades of the students are not allowed to be disclosed, and the grades of the students can only be evaluated by letters such as A, B, C, D, E, and F.From the report card, you can only see your division, but the specific value can only be guessed.

No way, the teachers can know the specific grades of the students, but the students themselves can't know-this is very annoying.Although Aiwen doesn't mind publishing the results, but the superiors have explicitly ordered that this is not allowed.

Of course, if a parent asks about the grades, Aiwen will also use a voice changer to communicate on the phone.This is Aiwen's newly learned method-with a voice changer, you are not afraid of recording, because the quality of the recorded sound cannot determine who is on the other end of the phone.

Not to mention the real-name system for mobile phone cards, a sentence that loses the mobile phone can shirk all responsibility.There is no need to have the intention of harming others, and the need to be defensive-what if a parent has a dark mind and feels that his child's grades are not satisfactory, and then records and reports Ai Wen?As the saying goes, if a person’s heart is not enough, a snake swallows an elephant. There are always parents who feel that their children’s grades are not good enough-the responsibility must be the class teacher!Who made you fail to teach well!

Aiwen can use Excel proficiently. He processed the students' transcripts into letter transcripts and posted them at the front of the class for announcement.And the most interesting thing about Aiwen is the way of publishing the rankings-everyone's scores are random and out of order, but everyone has their own color.

Those who are interested will rearrange the transcripts according to the seven colors of the rainbow-red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple, and arrange the transcripts in random order in their hearts.

Outsiders don't know the codes in this gaudy report card. Even if you want to report it, there is no reason to make trouble.Your subjective assumptions cannot be reported as evidence, this is the power of wisdom.Human wisdom is infinite, and there are policies and countermeasures under Aiwen in the Education Bureau.It's a lot of fun fighting against the sky!
Ai Wen cleared his throat and stepped onto the podium: "This year's final exam, everyone's grades met the teacher's requirements. You ranked eighth in the city this time! I'm proud of you!"

"I go!"

"Excellent for my class."

"Emperor Capital, here I come!"

"All ratings above B, my mother will finally stop hitting me!"


After hearing the results announced by Ai Wen, the children were all happy. Of course, they should be happy to get good results in the test!

Aiwen did not interrupt the children's self-confidence, this is their moment of glory, this is their happy time.

"The time for the study trip is three days later. During these three days, you need to prepare a change of clothes, enough money to spend, and an ID card—if you don't have an ID card, you must either apply for a temporary ID card or bring your household registration book. After three days Gather at the high-speed rail station at [-]:[-] in the morning—the teacher will give you a day to think about whether to go or not. If you decide to participate in the study, please send your ID number to the monitor before [-]:[-] pm. Xie Mingjie before [-]:[-] pm Send me the counted list and the corresponding ID number, and I will contact the travel agency to book tickets collectively. Did I explain it clearly? Do you want me to repeat it? If you have any questions, you can ask them." Ai Wen announced.

A child raised his little hand: "Teacher, can our parents accompany us?"

Ai Wen shook his head: "Not this time. This is research study, which is a supplement to classroom teaching. Parents are not allowed to accompany them. If anyone has concerns about safety, they can consider not participating."

"Teacher, how much money do we need to bring?" Another asked.

"It's optional. I will pay for your travel expenses, board and lodging. In principle, you can take a penny without any problem. But if you want to buy some souvenirs or secretly buy some snacks, you need to bring some money with you. 1000 yuan is almost enough, and too much is not safe." Ai Wen analyzed.

"Teacher! Since it's an off-campus class, can we bring mobile phones?"

"Yes! You need to keep in touch with me when you are outside. A mobile phone is a necessity. You must keep my number in your mind--17044409480. If you really get lost, please remember this number to contact me." Aiwen warned .

The students expressed their understanding, and after asking a few more irrelevant questions, Ai Wen gave the time to the teachers of each subject.It is routine to leave homework before the holiday, but in view of the excellent grades of the students in Class [-], the teachers of each subject also reduced some mechanical homework out of face.

However, the teachers of all subjects require the children to go home during the holidays to preview the new knowledge for the next semester. This is human nature. Only a good preview can allow the children to learn new lessons calmly after returning to school.

The homework assigned by Aiwen is mainly reading assignments. He arranges the reading list and reading time-he will take time to check during the vacation.How to check?Talk about talking on the phone!Just talk about the content of the reading assignment. Through chatting with Ai Wen, he can clearly understand who has read the book and who has not. Some details can only be understood by careful reading.

This is too much, Ivan's phone is like the sword of Damocles hanging on the top of the head, and no one knows whose skull the sword will cut on.Aiwen requires students who miss his call to call back within six hours - if this time is exceeded, Aiwen will come to chat with you in person.

Ai Wen knew exactly where the home was located. Although holiday home textiles were very uncommon, no one said it was impossible.If you don't want to see Mr. Aiwen pulling your parents to have a pleading conversation, don't try to answer him with stupid reasons like you didn't receive the call.

If you want to go back to your hometown, and the signal in the countryside in your hometown is not good-then please go to the town and call Ai Wen to report the progress in person after reading the relevant content.Aiwen can not find you, but if he can't find you, he can't!

There are always more methods than difficulties, and Aiwen's request is also a performance of conscientiousness.In addition to reading related homework, Aiwen suggested that students take part in social practice activities. If you are interested, you can try to use your ability to earn 100 yuan.

After returning to school, Aiwen will let the students write an article to talk about their mental journey and feelings during the vacation time.Only with the accumulation of life can there be something in the words instead of empty content.Junior high school students who can achieve true feelings in their compositions are already qualified.Literary talent or something is just icing on the cake!

The back-to-school class meeting lasted for about two hours, and the students finally looked forward to the news of liberation.The time to return to school is March 40st, and the [-]-day holiday is so beautiful to think about!And in two days, everyone can go for a walk in the imperial capital, the small life is really comfortable!

Aiwen has reported the research plan to the school, and the school also agreed, but asked Aiwen to pay attention to safety.Moreover, Dean Tang from the Student Office said that if the effect of the seventh class can be promoted by the whole school, it may be a little farther to go to the Imperial City, but the provincial tour is also good.There are also some red tourism education bases in this province. If they can really go out, it will definitely be the performance of the school.

(End of this chapter)

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