Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 188 - Departure!

Chapter 188 - Departure!

"Si Shao, the price we planned before was [-] yuan. You have doubled the budget all of a sudden, which makes us very passive. Do you have money and nowhere to spend it?" Gao Xindong asked on the phone.

Ai Wen chuckled: "Isn't it good to make money? Seven thousand and five have seven thousand and five ways to travel, ten thousand and one thousand to enjoy - I think your tour guide should be able to spend the extra money. "

"There is nothing wrong with this! Even if everyone has a budget of 15 yuan, we can help you spend it all! At worst, we can exchange the extra money for souvenirs! At worst, we can arrange a few more meals! At worst, we can add more items at night," Gao Xindong felt. Very happy.

Why didn't he expect that the fourth young master would become a wealthy family, donating more than 60 yuan to take students on tours for free?Please be human!

So Gao Xindong and his company's tourism planning department began to work overtime overnight to design how to spend the extra [-] yuan.Since there is so much extra money, the original second-class seat must be replaced by first-class seat; the hotel has already negotiated whether to change it, and some scenic spots have also been negotiated, so there is no breach of contract.

However, studying how to spend money is definitely easier than studying how to save money. In the end, within a day, Gaoxindong sent the new planned route to Aiwen.Aiwen nodded with satisfaction-this is called a luxury study tour.

"If this study is successful, you can make me a beggar's plan and quote according to this route-the school's organization of outings is definitely not as open as mine, and the price of [-] per person is not something that every child's family can afford .” Ai Wen said to Gao Xin.

Gao Xindong was amused when he heard the words--isn't he working so long just to knock on the school gate to get huge orders?Even if the profit is not enough, you can still make money!

The income of leading a student group is much higher than that of an elderly group, and most of the children are more obedient and easy to manage.Unlike those old men and old ladies. The quality is hard to describe.

In the end, after continuously reducing costs, Gao Xindong quoted [-] per person to the school.This price is quite conscientious - the cost of traveling around the imperial capital for seven days by yourself is far more than this amount!
Among other things, the high-speed rail costs more than 1000 yuan for a round trip-how hard it is to spend 3000 yuan in the imperial capital for a week!This means that Gaoxindong has connections in the Imperial City and has connections that can win low-priced housing in the off-season. Otherwise, the huge accommodation fee alone will make people scratch their heads.

In the end, Ai Wen chatted with his father about this matter, and the father stroked his chin and said quietly: "I remember that our family should still have a house in the imperial capital. And it is still a complete building, but there should be tenants in the building now, Otherwise, it can be used as a temporary accommodation for you, and it can also be used as a special reception point in the future."

"Pfft" Ai Wen sprayed: "The real estate that Dad co-authored in Pengcheng is not all the fixed assets of our family!"

"Ah! That's right! Our family has houses in several major first-tier cities and several major second-tier cities, but it's just a difference in quantity. Think about it—I bought a house in Pengcheng, how can I not buy it in the imperial capital? You must know that the house price in the imperial capital in the 90s has not exceeded [-]!" Addison said with a smile.

Sure enough, investing in real estate is more stable than investing in anything else, but according to Dad's personality, he shouldn't put all his eggs in one basket.Apart from real estate, the Ai family should have other wealth!
The high-speed rail ticket travel company has sent it to Aiwen through the same city courier. On the day of departure, Aiwen can send the ticket to each student organization to board the train. More than 40 students all sat together, and almost didn't book a first-class car.

Chen Yanzi agreed to go to the imperial capital with Ai Wen. During the day, Ai Wen took the students to travel, and the two temporarily separated. When resting at night, Chen Yanzi went back to the hotel to accompany (supervise) Ai Wen, so as to save this guy from messing around.

Husband is too handsome because he lacks a sense of security, especially a decathlon guy like Ivan, the treasure boy is the most attractive, you never know what kind of surprise he will bring you in the next second .

Ai Wen is calm now, but he can't stand his charm!What if there is a little horse flea and a fox delivering it to the door while the empress is not playing?So she has to go back to the hotel to accompany (monitor) Ivan at night anyway.

Ai Wen can only express that he can't laugh or cry, but it is also a good thing to be accompanied by a beautiful woman for a long night.It's better to have nephrite in your arms than to be shivering in your arms, right?

To Aiwen's surprise, there were parents of two children who refused to let their children go because they were worried about safety. Hearing that the two children were almost blind from crying at home did not change the parents' minds.In this regard, Aiwen can only express his helplessness, after all, the child's guardian is the parent.If the parents take the child out without nodding Ai Wen, it is abduction and trafficking!
So even if those two unlucky guys were sad and went to the Pacific Ocean, it's okay. Poor baby, but Ivan is still going to bring them back some souvenirs to comfort their wounded hearts.

When it was the day of departure, the parents of the students sent their children to the square of the high-speed rail station, and the children spontaneously stood together in a group, otherwise it would be really easy to encounter pickpockets.When a group of people gathers, thieves are not easy to kill - even a group of children can easily attract the police.

Ai Wen and Chen Yanzi arrived earlier, so the students gathered around Ai Wen.It's almost time, and Aiwen started to count people in the whole team. It would be interesting if he fell behind.After counting, all forty students who participated in the study activities were present.

In addition to Ai Wen and Chen Yanzi, there were also two tour guides from travel companies on the way out, responsible for safety issues and explanations of scenic spots.It is indeed difficult for Aiwen to watch the activities of about forty people alone, so the tour guide sent by the travel company will help him manage these children.

The two tour guides each carry a bag, which contains a positioning watch - if any child is lost, the tour guide will locate the child's location as soon as possible to find it.

The watch has a trigger positioning mechanism, as long as the owner of the watch is more than 500 meters away from the recipient, an alarm will be issued.It is very suitable for managing young tourists who have not grown up in crowded places.

Positioning a watch is considered an investment, and the price-performance ratio is very high, which makes people feel extremely at ease.Although there are not many opportunities for this thing to be used, if it is really used, it will definitely help a lot.

The time is almost up, Ai Wen is in front, and the tour guide is behind with the students to enter the station and board the bus.The children each carried a small alley, and Aiwen carried a big box—it seems that the amount of luggage a woman has is directly proportional to her age.Ai Wen always felt that this woman, Chen Yanzi, had moved the whole family out.

With a strength as high as 82, he felt a little bit of difficulty when carrying the suitcase-God knows what she packed in it!That huge suitcase can hold two junior high school students!
However, Ai Wen still doesn't care about this kind of thing with Chen Yanzi. Anyway, there will be a bus to take them to the hotel when they arrive at the place - today's itinerary is departure, hotel and rest.Students need to go to bed early today, because tomorrow they have to get up early to go to Tiananmen Square to watch the flag raising.

How can you go to the imperial capital without watching the flag raising?That was an excellent spiritual baptism of patriotism education. Ivan has never seen the flag raising in the imperial capital so many times-it has to be said that it is a pity.

(End of this chapter)

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