Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 189 - Scan 1, life is safer

Chapter 189 - Scanning, life is safer

When Sister Dong saw that Class [-] was crossing the border collectively and traveling in a group, she was about to burst. Wouldn't the carload of children want to fry the pot?Her guess was correct—these guys really don't stop in the car!

"Pesticides are black! Xingyao leads the team to come quickly!"

"Eat chicken and skydive! Three wait one!"

"Speed ​​car ranking! The old driver will take you to fly!"

It's not bad to form a team, but when these guys play games, there are all kinds of twittering.When Sister Dong found out that Ai Wen was the leader of the group of children, she walked up to him quietly and said, "Sir, the EMU train is a public place, can you please manage the children? Let them keep their voices down."

Ai Wen felt ashamed to the extreme - this group of guys just couldn't make it to the banquet, and they were still playing a game!

Ivan calmly took out a speaker from the suitcase - it was a big plastic speaker like a hawker selling vegetables.After he pressed the button, the loudspeaker started working immediately: "Sharpening scissors~cutting kitchen knife~~"

"Ahem." He smiled awkwardly. This recording was made by him to test the function. Don't tell me, it's really interesting.He switched to the input mode in a desperate manner and started shouting: "Game players in the seventh class of the first grade of junior high school! Lower your volume, otherwise this seat will manage you according to classroom discipline!"

After being scolded by the old class, the guys in the seventh class closed their chattering mouths, so the noise in the No. 80.00 car was reduced by 51%.There are 44 seats in the first-class carriage, and Ai Wen and his party have booked [-] seats. Except for two people who bought first-class seats, the rest of the seats are empty.

Ivan thoughtfully changed places with the couple, rescued them from being surrounded by children, and placed them in the front row seats.The young couple thanked Ivan very gratefully, the feeling of being surrounded by children was really uncomfortable.

The rest of the journey was relatively quiet. Some people were playing games, some were watching short videos, and some were sleeping. Sister Dong didn’t sell in this carriage either—these little ancestors were alarmed, and the car that sold things might not be able to get out of the car. seating area.

After driving for several hours, sitting in the first-class seat does not feel very tired.The children were still full of energy when they arrived at the Imperial Capital South Station.

The bus of the travel company has been waiting for a long time in the waiting area of ​​the station, and as soon as the children get off the bus, they will be taken to the hotel.Before getting off the bus, the tour guide gave each student a hat with the logo of the travel company and the communication method - if the student is really lost, he can contact the number on the hat.

When Aiwen asked to act in unison, the students had to closely follow the guide's position.The guide will also hold up markers so students have targets to follow.The crowd at Imperial Capital Station is so dense that it is difficult to find students if they are really lost.

Get off the bus and exit the station. More than 40 people successfully boarded the bus to check in at the hotel.The hotel arranged by the travel company is a four-star resort hotel with a beautiful environment and excellent accommodation conditions, and also provides breakfast, lunch and dinner.If you want to save money, the three meals for students can be settled in the hotel.

The rooms booked by travel companies for students are double-standard rooms. It’s not that they can’t afford better ones, but that students need to live in two rooms to take care of each other and supervise each other. We must strictly implement the man-to-man policy to prevent people from sneaking out of the hotel go out.The imperial capital is too big, and this place is a mixed bag. If the child is really lost, it will be a big problem!
Aiwen has already put forward strict requirements for the students - after checking into the hotel, it is forbidden to leave the hotel without the guidance of a teacher.If there is a violation, Aiwen will call the parents directly and ask the parents to take the child home.You don't need to participate in the rest of the research activities!And in the future, there will be no benefits for any benefits of Class Seven.

The safety issue is too big, and Aiwen doesn't want to turn his part-time graduate student into a full-time one because of a research study (implying losing his job)!

Fortunately, students can also realize the importance of safety, and they will not run around blindly.What's more, when you go out for a stroll, how can you lie down with your classmates and drive a black hipster?It's not high at all not to shout on the train, but now in the hotel, it doesn't matter how high you want to be.

The biggest advantage of a star-rated hotel is that the room is sound-proofed - Ivan has tried it, and you can't hear it when you shout outside in the room.This also cut off the behavior of listening to the bed.

However, if you live in a Huaxia hotel, you must pay attention to whether there are hidden cameras. Aiwen has been a prodigal son for so many years, but there are no movies of him on some websites, which shows that he is an anti-tech boss.

When Ai Wen was in college, he met a big tech guy who was a researcher in a laboratory who specialized in infrared detection and radio frequency band shielding.In order to raise more funds, Aiwen helped him sell a lot of equipment that included technical achievements.

The guys that Ai Wen knew were not bad at money and they were all friendly. How embarrassing was it to be secretly photographed and posted online?There is no hesitation in spending [-] to [-] yuan to buy a detector.They don't care about money but more about whether it is powerful.The technology bigwig's things are absolutely awesome, and he is also responsible for the technology upgrade within three years.

Aiwen bought a set of equipment after the customer gave feedback on the effect of use--because of Aiwen's excellent relationship, the equipment given to Aiwen by the technical boss is more advanced, and 90.00% of the [-] equipment available on the market can be used Sweep it out.

So Ai Wen has been wandering the rivers and lakes for so many years and has never been photographed. I really think the hotel is some kind of private place?
As soon as he entered the room, Aiwen turned on the device and started scanning. Although this is a four-star hotel, Aiwen still found three hidden pinhole cameras.

He turned on the high-power mode and scanned again, and found a very well-hidden camera in a corner.Sure enough, the height of the devil is one foot high, and there is no basis for these ghosts and snakes with the help of technical masters.

After sweeping these things out, Ivan turned out a pistol-like instrument from the suitcase, and then he gestured to the wall like a neurotic for a while before putting the things away.

"What are you doing? Convulsion or practice?" Chen Yanzi asked curiously.

Ai Wen pointed to the wall and said, "Sweeping the cameras—there are four hidden pinhole cameras in this room."

Chen Yanzi was shocked: "Huh? How about changing to another one?"

"The hotel is like this, but those cameras have been dealt with by me--see that gun-like thing just now? The scientific name of that thing is: pulsed high-frequency electromagnetic wave oscillator. Let the camera be reimbursed." Ivan said professionally.

Chen Yanzi was surprised: "This is okay? Are you a Doraemon? It sounds very sci-fi!"

"It's nothing sci-fi. This thing is almost popular in the high-end security industry, but mine is a laboratory version, with higher power and more accurate strikes." Ai Wen explained.

Many laboratory-level technologies sound like sci-fi movies, but the reason why they have not been popularized is that the cost is too high.As long as you have money, you can enjoy a lot of black technology.Aiwen's pulsed high-frequency electromagnetic wave oscillator can be regarded as the lowest-end existence among laboratory-level items.

Scientists are monsters!This point cannot be refuted!
(End of this chapter)

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